Baseball season!!


Go Braves!
CableChick said:
So how many games/practices will yours miss due to our camping? I've totaled up 1 practice and 2 games. But one of the games is his last game. :bawl: I don't know if I can do that to him!
I told you dink we don't have saturday games.

What's the date of the last game? We can rearrange THE schedule.


Lovin' Life
cdsulhoff said:
Purple who is his coach?

Sorry - haven't been on for a few days. Been busy at work and running around in the evenings.

My son's coach is Steve Crounce (sp?). He is in charge of athletic department at Patuxent High School. Assistant coach is Jeff Ricker. Both seem pretty good and my son likes him.


New Member
purplepassion said:
Sorry - haven't been on for a few days. Been busy at work and running around in the evenings.

My son's coach is Steve Crounce (sp?). He is in charge of athletic department at Patuxent High School. Assistant coach is Jeff Ricker. Both seem pretty good and my son likes him.

Crounse is a good guy I like him and his wife who is my sons gym teacher.. Now Ricker is an a$$.. Watch him.. I had the unfortunate pleasure to deal with him last year. Watch his wife as well she is 2 faced... Just a fore warning!!!! I am surprise they are letting him coach. I was surprise they let him coach football as well!!! However Steve is a good guy. You should like Steve.. Good luck with Ricker.
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