fuzzywzhe said:
When you practice the scientific discipline you have to abandon personal prejudices simply because science necessitates it.
And, AE didn't do that. He clung to his theory, regardless of the information provided, and ridiculed the person and idea of dissent from HIS opinion.
This is entirely untrue.
First of all: Einstein NEVER ridiculed LeMaitre, he simply stated that mathematics doesn't necessarily lead to a correct conclusion in science, and Einstein knew this to be entirely correct, because it's absolutely true.
Second of all: Einstein didn't "cling" to a theory. What "theory" do you think Einstein was "clinging" to? He drew no conclusions. LeMaitre had no evidence to support the idea he presented for the big bang. If there is no evidence, it's not really a theory, it's called a postulate at that stage.
Third: You're being entirely untruthful when you falsely claim Einstein didn't abandon personal prejudices, since Einstein did became a leading advocate of the idea of the "big bang" after Hubble's Law was demonstrated.
fuzzywzhe said:
When the red shift was observed, the only conclusion that anybody was able to make was that the universe was expanding, and that's when Einstein became the champion of the big bang theory.
Reluctantly, eventually had to agree. How very open minded of him.
He didn't "reluctantly" agree, he agreed because he found out he was wrong. That's something you incapable of.
When a scientist finds out "oh gee whiz, everything I said about X is crap", they quit making those statements. Unlike you.
Go here, and try to make your false claims, see how far you get:
Georges Lemaître - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
or here:
'A Day Without Yesterday': Georges Lemaitre & the Big Bang
or here:
Predicting the Expanding Universe: Einstein, De Sitter, Friedman, Lemaitre, & Early Cosmology
It's literally all over the place.
You're the one that has a totally closed mind. Even when I lead the horse to water, even when I explain the full history, even when I show actual examples of mathematics leading to false conclusions, you still continue to make your same claims, and then you have the audacity to claim scientists are closed minded. You're either so closed minded that you still believe you're telling the truth, or you're a liar, intentionally deceiving other people.
Do you see the irony here? I doubt you can, but I'm sure anybody else wasting their time listening to either one of us can. You're destined to go through your short life only learning what might be able to be beaten into you by a 2x4.
fuzzywzhe said:
What other hypothesis could this be?
You already know my answer will be ID. However, an enterprising writer could certainly come up with others.
When Darwin, a man that planned to enter the seminary, started looking at natural history and when others followed in his path looking for fossil records to support the belief in the Great Flood, they abandoned their personal prejudices. Darwin did not start out as an atheist. I bet you didn't know that.
Nothing will change your mind, you only know part of the history, and that's all you care to know. I really don't have a problem with faith, and I don't care if you teach your kids that every single animal, and every single disease on the planet was put on the Ark. I don't care if you think the world is 5,000 years old, and I don't care if you teach your kids this.
I don't care if you teach communities this as long as the majority of the community want this and anybody is free to leave the community.
I think we can find a common ground to fight. Don't make me pay for your kids education, and I don't want to pay for your kids education. You can teach them whatever you like to them. It's not my responsibility to make your kids functioning human being in society. Teach them nothing, I don't care.
You know what finally broke my camel's back when it came to religion?
- God is good, right?
- God is omnipotent, right?
- Why did a good God choose to have his only begotten son to be tortured to death on a cross, when a good God and omnipotent God could have done the same thing, by snapping his
My conclusion was that Christians either don't worship a good God, or they worship a false one. I came up with that at 12.
I wasn't always an atheist either, but when I asked that question over and over and over again to so-called experts, I never got a satisfactory answer. This lead me to read about other religions, and these religion Christians condemn are mostly almost identical to their own religion. Christians don't even practice their own religion in most cases. You'd never be recognized as a Christian by anybody from 1500 AD.