Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship


Unto dust we shall return
Tune in tomorrow when we find out that the true story is that he cleaned the bathrooms at West Point one summer.


God bless the USA
Tune in tomorrow when we find out that the true story is that he cleaned the bathrooms at West Point one summer.

Racist. :lol:

Edit: I got out of bed to edit my post because I was thinking about what you said. Please tell the forum the last time you were a neurosurgeon, and saved the lives of conjoined twins at their brain, or that you were honest about your past; or your present, for that matter, or whatever. TIA.
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Unto dust we shall return
Racist. :lol:

Edit: I got out of bed to edit my post because I was thinking about what you said. Please tell the forum the last time you were a neurosurgeon, and saved the lives of conjoined twins at their brain, or that you were honest about your past; or your present, for that matter, or whatever. TIA.


You should have stayed in bed.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I admit that that is the first time I've ever heard the word scholarships used in conjunction with appointments to the service academies.


PREMO Member
By now, anyone paying attention knows, the entire piece is a load of crap.
Now, Carson's comments on the Pyramids - that's weird. But he's completely in the clear on this.


no one will remember what really went down
.... the sound bite was 'Carson lied about West Point'

poll people next July about Ben Carson and West Point :belvak: