Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship

Larry Gude

Strung Out

no one will remember what really went down
.... the sound bite was 'Carson lied about West Point'

poll people next July about Ben Carson and West Point :belvak:

Anyone remotely interested in Carson should feel obligated to at least check it out. Thus any lie won't matter. The focus can't be on people who don't care enough to learn a bit because that is wasted time.


Well-Known Member
Anyone remotely interested in Carson should feel obligated to at least check it out. Thus any lie won't matter. The focus can't be on people who don't care enough to learn a bit because that is wasted time.

Yeah ----------damned right, Like they checked out Obama and are whitewashing Hillary.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
why don't you ring up Sarah and ask her how that worked out :shrug:

For real. Hey, did you hear she's a foreign policy expert because she can see Russia from her house? HAW HAW HAW!


We are dumb animals. Sure, there are smart individuals, but just add political or religious ideology and BAM! Collective dumbness takes over and people start drooling on themselves and mumbling incoherently. This Politico thing is highly depressing because I've always considered them a reliable source. I mean, not anymore because they've now proved beyond any doubt that they're lying partisan shills, but I used to.

So who do you trust to give you the news anymore? I mean, these guys flat out lied - totally made up a story out of thin air. You can't even say they spun it or massaged a truth; this was a flat ####ing lie. Then they pile on by going, "Oh, well, fine then. Ben Carson concedes that he never applied to West Point." WTF??? So they have absolutely ZERO credibility and integrity?? They're like the Yelp of the political news set???


Who CAN you trust? Anybody??


I bowl overhand
By now, anyone paying attention knows, the entire piece is a load of crap.

Now, Carson's comments on the Pyramids - that's weird. But he's completely in the clear on this.

His remarks being that the pyramids were originally intended as grain storage are prepostorous? Why?

I think it's moreso to think those massive structures were built only to be used as a tomb for somebody or a couple of somebodies.

Makes.much more sense to me that something that scale, that formidable would actually have a purpose.. what better purpose than to protect your food stores.

Don't we do similar things today?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
His remarks being that the pyramids were originally intended as grain storage are prepostorous? Why?

I think it's moreso to think those massive structures were built only to be used as a tomb for somebody or a couple of somebodies.

Makes.much more sense to me that something that scale, that formidable would actually have a purpose.. what better purpose than to protect your food stores.

Don't we do similar things today?

I'm tellinya...they were built to cool beer. Lots of beer...


Well-Known Member
His remarks being that the pyramids were originally intended as grain storage are prepostorous? Why?

I think it's moreso to think those massive structures were built only to be used as a tomb for somebody or a couple of somebodies.

Makes.much more sense to me that something that scale, that formidable would actually have a purpose.. what better purpose than to protect your food stores.

Don't we do similar things today?
The Egyptians could write, and did so on the pyramids. Archeologists have a pretty good handle on what, or more accurately who, the pyramids were built for.


I bowl overhand
Because they weren't - that's why. Wouldn't take you all that many mouse clicks to get up to speed.

Were you there? I wasn't and like others that weren't there it's basically a best guess what they were ORIGINALLY built for. His guess, and theories or as good, and no more right or wrong than anyone elses..


PREMO Member
For real. Hey, did you hear she's a foreign policy expert because she can see Russia from her house? HAW HAW HAW!

I mean, these guys flat out lied - totally made up a story out of thin air. You can't even say they spun it or massaged a truth; this was a flat ####ing lie.

Sandra Fluke, Mattress Girl, Rolling Stone Rag on Rape and ?
... if you like your doctor
... medical cost will go down by 2500 dollars

... you didn't build that .... [honestly though, that could be ideological differences of opinion]


God bless the USA
As much as you want that to be true you know that it isn't. You care very very deeply what I think. There are many, many posts here demonstrating that.

I will reword. I used to care what you said when you first came here. But, then you turned. History does repeat itself. And, a woman has the prerogative to change her mind, and all that. :smile:


God bless the USA
Oh, and yeah. The pyramids are still a mystery to this day...linked to aliens and all that. But, let the msm put the whole conclusion on Carson. Par for the course! Thank you Obama, or Soros, or whoever. Our country is in ruins. Sickening. Could someone please ask Al Gore why the ice caps didn't melt by 2014. Please get back to me on that. TIA.


God bless the USA
Not really .. no. At least not for those who are properly educated anyway.

So you know everything about everything from the beginning of time to present.
Tell us about where you got your education, how you can back up your knowledge, and while you are at it, tell us when, in your life, you became such a knowledgeable pompous ass. Trump, is that you? Oh, wait, we need to ask Obama the same questions.

Why is life so complicated! :cds:


Well-Known Member
Were you there? I wasn't and like others that weren't there it's basically a best guess what they were ORIGINALLY built for. His guess, and theories or as good, and no more right or wrong than anyone elses..

No, there are actually right and wrong answers to the question.

But fret not. Your ignorance can be cured. You'd better get to work, hoss.


Its fun watching all these folks defend a guy who obviously exaggerated or fabricated a meeting with the general. If Carson had a D after his name these same folks would be OUTRAGED i tell you.

if you read carson's description of the meeting from the book and then read the articles that say the general wasn't even in the state at the time. How can you guys give him a pass? How is this any different than hillary or brian's lies?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Its fun watching all these folks defend a guy who obviously exaggerated or fabricated a meeting with the general. If Carson had a D after his name these same folks would be OUTRAGED i tell you.

if you read carson's description of the meeting from the book and then read the articles that say the general wasn't even in the state at the time. How can you guys give him a pass? How is this any different than hillary or brian's lies?

Well for one, no US ambassadors were killed in Bens fib. For two, there is no stolen valor component. Other than that, pretty much same/same.

I think Carson has shown some smarts: thanks for helping me with my donation drives. :shrug:.