Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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‘He Is An Embarrassment’: Joe Biden Was All Gaffes In Front of the World

On Sunday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) shared a video of the president struggling to get his words out as he spoke about the ongoing debt ceiling negotiations with Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

In the clip, the president seems to be making a point about the national debt, but finds himself on a tangent about global warming.

“And there’s a lot of other, for example, the idea that we’re, uh, in terms of taxes that they refuse to, for example, we uh, I was able to balance the budget and pass everything from the global warming bill, anyway, I was able to cut by 1.7 billion dollars in the first two years the deficit that we were accumulating,” the president said, going on to say something about businesses paying “zero in tax.”

“In all seriousness – what is Biden talking about?” the RNC Research Twitter account asked.

The RNC also shared a five-second-long video of the president getting the name of the South Korean president wrong.

“I’ve spoken at length with President Loon of South Korea,” the president said, referring to President Yoon Suk Yeol.

Video footage of the president almost falling down a set of stairs also hit international headlines. Britain’s Express newspaper published a story about the president suffering “another humiliating blow” as he rushed to meet the prime minister of Japan, only to stumble and nearly fall down a set of stairs.

That cutting the deficit number keeps changing. Last week before he left for the trip he told the press he cut it 1.5 trillion.


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Ukraine was formerly part of the USSR. The USSR was very powerful.
It appears to me now, that the USSR was powerful because of Ukraine and when Ukraine left it took the real fighters with them.


PREMO Member

Desperate White House Briefing Shows McCarthy Has Biden Backed Into a Corner

But, unfortunately for Jean-Pierre and the Biden administration, she's on tape singing a very different tune earlier this month and in the weeks before then — a complete reversal from this week's bragging about Biden's negotiations with House Republicans and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

First, President Biden refused to come to the negotiating table for more than two months as Speaker McCarthy sought talks over a plan to raise the debt ceiling while addressing America's out of control spending. So no, Biden was not the one "trying to engage" with Republicans.

In fact, Karine Jean-Pierre was in full hair-on-fire mode in February with a warning that negotiating with Speaker McCarthy and "extreme Republicans in the House" on a bill to raise the debt ceiling "would lead us into chaos." Instead, Jean-Pierre insisted that the debt ceiling be lifted "without conditions."



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Biden Has No Idea Who He Is Calling for at Event, as He Ditches Debt Deadline for Vacation

So what is Biden doing in the face of all this? We’ve already been put on a “credit negative watch” because of him. But he’s not changing anything about his habits — he’s out the door for yet one more weekend vacation on Friday, with time in both Camp David and at his home in Delaware. He’s already spent about 40 percent of his time in office away on vacation, and there he goes again, hang agreeing on anything of substance.

But let’s hear how urgent he thinks things are from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.



PREMO Member

The only Republicans to oppose overriding Biden’s veto were the same group that initially joined most Democrats to oppose restoring the tariffs:

  • Rep. John Curtis (R-UT)
  • Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY)
  • Rep. Andrew Garbarino (R-NY)
  • Rep. Nicholas LaLota (R-NY)
  • Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY)
  • Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)
  • Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA)
  • Rep. Marcus Molinaro (R-NY)
“[Failing to override Biden’s veto] says that we will allow trade cheating, we want cheap stuff at any cost, we don’t really care about forced labor, we don’t care about dirty coal being used to make the panels that take 10 years of use to offset the dirty coal that went into them,” Michael Stumo, the CEO of the Coalition for a Prosperous America told Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO).



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PREMO Member

The only Republicans to oppose overriding Biden’s veto were the same group that initially joined most Democrats to oppose restoring the tariffs:

  • Rep. John Curtis (R-UT)
  • Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY)
  • Rep. Andrew Garbarino (R-NY)
  • Rep. Nicholas LaLota (R-NY)
  • Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY)
  • Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)
  • Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA)
  • Rep. Marcus Molinaro (R-NY)
“[Failing to override Biden’s veto] says that we will allow trade cheating, we want cheap stuff at any cost, we don’t really care about forced labor, we don’t care about dirty coal being used to make the panels that take 10 years of use to offset the dirty coal that went into them,” Michael Stumo, the CEO of the Coalition for a Prosperous America told Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO).

Look at the NY Reps voting No.


PREMO Member
Biden lost that gamble, bigly.

The loss was signaled early when, against all predictions, McCarthy managed to pass a Republican debt bill through the House. The bill certainly reflects Republican priorities, but it isn’t radical. It called for modest spending caps and redirection of funds away from the IRS – which is nobody’s friend – and toward the military.

Even then, Biden continued to refuse negotiations. He still thought his strategy of doing nothing was shrewd, and, besides, it dovetailed nicely with his practice of spending 40% of his time on vacation in Delaware. But doing nothing in response to a concrete offer on the table is not the way to look reasonable, is not good politics, and is not smart.

It was a transparent bluff.

Biden not only refused to negotiate a deal, but also continually reminded people of the dire consequences of the absence of one. He in effect said “The world may end, but it’s the fault of those people I refuse to talk to about the matter.”

Biden of course knew he had most of the media on his side, Heck, the media are overwhelmingly Democrats. And dishonest ones to boot – since they present their biased reporting as unbiased.

But even his media allies could not deal Biden a winning hand when he refused to play any cards. The American people know the economy is a mess, and they know it’s mainly the fault of the Democrats for printing up trillions of debt dollars and sending them to people as “pay” for failing to perform the work that would be necessary to deliver the goods and services on which they would spend those trillions.



PREMO Member
🔥 Did you know that, according to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of death, injury and hospital admissions the elderly people. Even more than covid!

As you probably already heard, Biden fell again, this time not even navigating easy stairs but just walking across a level surface. He fell and couldn’t get up. Fortunately, he didn’t even need to press his LifeAlert, since three younger men helped lift him back up. After that Joe angrily pointed at the astroturf, apparently blaming the artificial floor covering for tripping him up.

Of course, Joe, it was the grass. Sure it was. We’ll tighten it up or something. Now let’s have a nice glass of milk and a nap.

Although his fall is getting all the attention, it wasn’t just the fall. (The video is linked at the bottom of today’s post.)

Corporate media — which spent weeks dissecting Trump’s careful walk down a steep ramp in inclement weather — has either been silent or has been gaslighting everybody about how normal it is for presidents to fall while walking in a straight line on a level surface in perfect weather.

Those of us over 22 have a few presidents under our belts now, and we know for a fact that repeated falls ARE NOT NORMAL for presidents, or even for regular, non-president people, despite what the New York Times just vomited up.

The last falling president anybody can remember was when Gerald Ford once slipped down some wet metal Air Force One stairs, and it ruined his political career, defining him forever as the bumbly-stumbler, endlessly mocked by Saturday Night Live and worldwide leftists, and is widely credited for making him a one-term president.

Yesterday, Governor DeSantis promptly and graciously wished Joe Biden (note: DeSantis didn’t use the ‘P’ word) a “swift recovery” from his fall, and also wished America a swift recovery from Joe Biden:

But really, this appalling spectacle isn’t about Joe Biden at all. It isn’t about whether he’s broken his hip, or is about to, or even whether he is an abused elder in need of rescue. The point is, Biden — sadly — is the apparent leader of our Nation.

When Biden falls, America falls. When Biden is a weak, spiteful, disgruntled old man, so is America.

It is even worse that Biden fell at a military event, delivering a speech about the alleged strength of NATO. What symbolism. I can’t imagine the heyday the media team at Russia Today is having. Say what you like about that t-shirted moron Zelensky, but at least he can walk in a straight line without falling down.

Now you can’t say I never said anything nice about Vladimir Zelenskyy.

🔥 To round out your morning, here is a fuller Biden Fall clip, with a sort of amusing narration, that will either make you laugh or cry, or maybe both at the same time.

Like I said, it wasn’t JUST the fall.

Our geriatric maniac-in-charge may not know exactly what he’s doing all the time. He might also be so many levels deep in blackmail he can’t even remember who he’s supposed to be working for. But remember: This is the man who leveraged his presidential office to call unvaccinated people a dangerous threat to their co-workers, and called Trump supporters a dangerous threat to our democracy. Joe represents the country, and his stumbling around makes the country look weak and inept at a critical time when we need to look competent and strong.

Dementia Joe still knows ENOUGH, such that my sympathy for his embarrassing missteps is muted. For lots of reasons, Joe needs to be eased out of the Presidential home and into a care home. Hopefully, a care home organized according to all the rules he imposed on our elderly loved ones. For safety.



PREMO Member
President Biden has reportedly settled on a pick to replace Rochelle Walensky as the head of the CDC:

President Joe Biden plans to pick former North Carolina Secretary of Health and Human Services Mandy Cohen to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after current director Rochelle Walensky steps down at the end of this month, according to a source familiar.
The news was first reported by The Washington Post.
Unlike Walensky, who came to her role as an infectious disease physician, Cohen would bring to the job a background working in federal agencies. But she is relatively new to the world of infectious disease.
Cohen is an internal medicine specialist who was appointed to be North Carolina’s secretary of Health and Human Services 2017. During her five years at the agency, she shepherded the state through the COVID-19 pandemic, implemented the state’s Opioid Action Plan and helped pass Medicaid expansion in the state.

Back in 2020, Cohen tweeted out a pic that isn’t entirely unexpected from a “public health” official:



PREMO Member

The Elder Abuse of Joe Biden is a National Crisis

Biden is very frail, and his health is a ticking time bomb​

His aides had a challenging time helping him to his feet and Biden first sat back down on stage. He finally rose and pointed to the culprit; a sandbag used to secure the teleprompter. To make matters worse, upon returning to the White House, Biden bumped his head exiting the door of Marine One.

This fall was not the first time Americans have seen their President tumble. On numerous occasions, Biden has stumbled while ascending the stairs of Air Force One. Last year, he famously fell off his bike while riding in the Henlopen State Park in Delaware.

Just a few weeks ago, at the G-7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, Biden almost tripped when walking down concrete stairs. He was not holding the railing and a fall could have been catastrophic and seriously injured him.

Sadly, Biden is very frail, and his health is a ticking time bomb. After speeches, he often gets lost and does not know where to go. He could easily tumble off a stage and require hospitalization or surgery.

This nightmare for the American people needs to end immediately. At 80 years old, Joe Biden needs medical care, treatment, and rest. He does not have the physical or mental capabilities to manage the most demanding and powerful position in the world.


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A reporter pressed him on why he had made no official statement on the anniversary of D-Day, given it was such an important historic day for the American people. “It’s coming,” Biden responded.

Then they inquired what he thought about the PGA/Live merger that we reported on earlier. His response? “I’m planning on being a PGA.”

The answer on Ukraine prompted some to ask if was he admitting we were in Ukraine. What the heck was he saying there?

But his other answers were even more bizarre.

Biden’s reply about D-Day was given around 2 p.m. on June 6. Half the day was already over, and he’s only saying then, “It’s coming.” What the heck is going on in this man’s mind? I know, not a whole lot because it’s just a mass of confusion.

Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich tweeted later that he finally got around to issuing an official statement just before 6 p.m. EST.



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Joe Biden: Parents Are ‘Cruel … Prejudiced’ for Opposing Child Transgenderism

The emotional declaration of support reflects the Democrats’ need to goad their young progressive voters into the voting booth in 2024, amid declining wages, rising rents, and expanding civic chaos. So Biden’s pre-written statement offered progressives the uplifting 2024 role of saving victimized “trans kids” from hate.

“There’s no amount of name-calling that’s going to silence a parent that is concerned about negative influences on their child’s life,” responded Asra Nomani, a writer and an activist in Fairfax County, Va. She continued:

Grandfather Joe Biden has forgotten what it means to be a father … raising a four-year-old that he has forgotten that they don’t even know how to tie their shoelaces. But now they are being confronted [in schools] with concepts like “binary,” “transgender,” “queer theory.” “pansexualism” and “intersexuality,” and I’m literally turning the pages on the school books that are being taught to our youngest most vulnerable citizens of America.
But you know, parents are not that far gone in their memory about raising their kids because they are currently raising their little babies — and those are the parents that are speaking up.

Polls show that Americans are increasingly opposed to the transgender ideology, which says that government should help young people solve their personal and social problems by apparently changing their claimed sex.

State GOP legislators have passed bills to protect Americans from the ideology, but many young people have fallen victim to the tempting, government-promoted, transgender sex-change path:



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Biden to Announce New Book Ban Czar at White House Pride Event

President Joe Biden is set to reveal a series of LGBTQ+ initiatives, including appointing a new Education Department Office of Civil Rights official to be a point person on “book bans.” Biden announced the administration’s actions during a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Thursday. The White House had planned to host what White House Domestic Policy Adviser Neera Tanden referred to as “the largest Pride celebration in White House history” on the South Lawn of the White House on Thursday, but postponed to Saturday due to air quality concerns caused by wildfires in Canada.

According to Tanden, the Education Department’s book ban coordinator will “train” schools, telling them that prohibiting certain books may infringe upon federal civil rights laws. Tanden went on to emphasize the claimed negative consequences of book banning, arguing that it undermines democracy, obstructs student learning, and contributes to alleged stigma and isolation.

On a call previewing the announcement, an administration official said:

Across the country, our nation is facing a spike in book bans, and these efforts disproportionately target the LGBTQI+ community as well as communities of color. These aren’t just attacks on the rights of LGBTQI+ Americans, they are part and parcel of a coordinated attack on our democracy.

The administration is also anticipated to unveil a new Department of Homeland Security-led partnership with the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services. Expected initiatives include:

  • The Department of Homeland Security-led community safety program in conjunction with LGBTQ+ community centers, clinics, and small businesses like restaurants and bars. This program allegedly aims to provide training in handling bomb threats, active shooters, and cyber threats.
  • Health and Human Services issuing an advisory to mental health care providers, supposedly offering guidance on providing evidence-based care for transgender youth.
  • The implementation of regulations aimed at protecting LGBTQ+ children in foster care, ensuring their placement in supposedly safe and appropriate homes, and addressing homelessness among LBGTQ+ youth.