Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Joe Biden Announces Ambitious Plan to Build a Railroad ‘All the Way Across the Indian Ocean’

He added: “We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean. We have plans to build in Angola, one of the largest solar plants in the world. I could go on, but I’m not. I’m going off script. I’m going to get in trouble.”

Although the continent of Africa actually reached a population of 1 billion people back in 2009, most people reacted to Biden’s “bold” ocean railroad initiative.

“That is going to be a heck of a railroad,” one person tweeted. “Bold initiative, Mr. President,” another one said.

“Put Grandpa to bed,” a third person wrote. “Is Gramps Biden aware of the existence of airplanes?” yet another Twitter user asked.

Biden may have been clumsily referring to plans that were laid out the 2023 G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, last month when leaders “affirmed their commitment to identify new opportunities to scale the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII).” The Biden regime claims that the infrastructure initiative “has attracted major investors to better respond to the global demand for high quality infrastructure financing, in low- and middle-income countries.”

One of the projects the United States is spearheading would go through the Lobito Corridor between Angola and Democratic Republic of Congo. The development of the Lobito Corridor would come “with an initial investment in a rail expansion that may become the primary open access transportation infrastructure connecting the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Zambia with global markets through Angola,” the White House said in a Fact Sheet about the PGII.

The stated goal of the $250 million project is “to connect the initial Lobito Corridor investments across the continent, to Tanzania and, ultimately, the Indian Ocean.”



PREMO Member

Even Biden’s Staffers Can’t Explain the Nutty Stuff He Says

As Matt Margolis pointed out Saturday, Old Joe Biden signed off his ramblings at the National Safer Communities Summit at the University of Hartford by saying, “God save the queen, man.” It was just the latest in a lengthy string of bizarre and often incomprehensible things the putative leader of the free world has said, going back to Corn Pop and Lying, Dog-Faced Pony Soldier, and exhausted Biden regime aides are now throwing in the towel. After two and a half years of doing everything they could to make the figurehead appear coherent, they’re admitting that, just like the rest of us, they don’t have any idea what he’s talking about.

Axios tried to do some damage control on Sunday, putting a folksy spin on Old Joe’s demented vaporings by characterizing them as “old-timey expressions,” “quirky aphorisms,” “wacky phrases,” and “off-beat proverbs.” Yeah, Biden is just way-out old Uncle Joe, always saying crazy stuff with a twinkle in his eye, keeping everything relaxed and offbeat. Sure, that’s it, Axios. And so the far-Left rag concludes with this: “There are legitimate questions about Biden’s age and stamina as he runs for a second term — but his off-beat proverbs are just Biden being Biden.” Of course!

Let Joe be Joe, you dastardly MAGA Republicans! Let him say nutty, incomprehensible stuff without questioning his cognitive abilities! He’s the same lovable lug who lied to us about his performance in law school, and about the way his first wife was killed, and about the way his eldest son died, and about his upbringing, and about how he was arrested, and about how he was a professor, and about thousands of other things. Let it go! That’s just Biden being Biden!


PREMO Member

Democrat Rep. Physically Pulls Joe Biden Across the Stage After His Speech in California

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) and Democrat Rep. Anna Eshoo joined Joe Biden at the nature preserve in Palo Alto.

Joe Biden announced more than $600 million for climate projects.

Biden’s cognitive decline was on full display.

The 80-year-old forgot what year it is.

“I’ve committed that by 2020, we will have conserved 30% of all the lands and waters…” Biden said.

Rep. Eshoo literally pulled Joe Biden across the stage to meet with attendees.





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On June 8 President Biden was asked about news of the FBI informant report that he had received a substantial bribe in connection with his duties as vice president in the Obama administration. Asked about the news, Biden found it highly amusing. He asked, “Where’s the money?” Yuk yuk. I asked “Why is this man laughing?”

Today we learn that Biden is laughing in part because his son has now worked out a sweetheart deal with the United States Attorney in Delaware. You should be so lucky.

On the point of the Biden family business, however, we note that Biden served as a government official from January 1973 through January 2017 and then again since January 2021. For most of his long life Biden has pulled down a government salary. What was his road to riches?


PREMO Member

Joe Biden Is Not OK

There is no need for insinuation. Biden’s mental acuity, never impressive, has considerably deteriorated. Sure, he also tends to botch “old-timey” sayings like, “lots of luck in your senior year,” which he says is a gibe from his Corn Pop days. But most reporters who pretend perceptions of Biden’s decline are due to his propensity for homespun maxims or previously unknown stuttering problems almost surely wouldn’t find him fit enough to babysit their kids.

Every week, the president of the United States says something completely bonkers, and everyone goes on with their day. We’re not talking about his propensity to lie about politics or his blustery lifelong fabulism (his “folksiness,” The New York Times recently explained, “can veer into a personal folklore” with “the factual edges shaved off to make them more powerful for audiences.”) We’re talking about his inability to articulate simple ideas without notes — and often with notes. There are rarely any fact-checks of these statements. How can there be? They don’t even make sense as lies. There is no handwringing about the role of competency in our democracy. There is no discussion about the 25th Amendment.

Just listen to any one of his speeches. “Put a pistol on a brace, it turns into a gun — makes it more — you can have a higher-caliber weapon, higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun,” the president explained before wishing Her Majesty his best. This was also complete gibberish. There is so much gibberish.


PREMO Member

Waving from the top of these stairs just doesn’t quite connote the gravitas of the front door. You might even think it's the servants' and tradesmen's entrance.


It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out why, in the wake of the embarrassing presidential fall at the Air Force Academy.




PREMO Member
The New York Times reported that at the fundraiser, Biden “set off into what appeared to be an unplanned riff” about the spy balloon incident, “revealing what United States intelligence agencies had learned about the internal confusion in Beijing during the incident.”

According to the Times, Biden told about 130 guests in attendance at the fundraiser: “The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two boxcars full of spy equipment in it is he didn’t know it was there.”

“No, I’m serious. That’s what’s a great embarrassment for dictators, when they didn’t know what happened,” Biden said.

The Times reported that “other U.S. officials were surprised on Tuesday night that the president would discuss the sensitive information in a public setting.”

The paper reported:

U.S. officials have previously said they suspected the craft was supposed to conduct surveillance over U.S. military bases in Guam and Hawaii but got blown off course to Alaska and eventually the continental United States, but they had not publicly disclosed Mr. Xi’s apparent ignorance.



PREMO Member
Well, not exactly another one. The president delivered the same ludicrous speech he’s been giving for at least a decade. And it contained one of my favorite arguments:

And so, we have to change — there’s a lot of things we can change, because the American people by and large agree you don’t need a weapon of war. I’m a Second Amendment guy. I taught it for four years, six years in law school. And guess what? It doesn’t say that you can own any weapon you want. It says there are certain weapons that you just can’t own. Even during when it was passed, you couldn’t own a cannon. You can’t own a machine gun. (Laughter.) No, I’m serious.

So what’s the deal with the idea that it’s an absolute — you know, I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is — you know, the tree of liberty is water with the blood of patriots. Well, if want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16. You need something else than just an AR-15. Anyway.

Virtually every word of this garbled nonsense is untrue.

The quote Biden keeps mangling originated with Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William Stephens Smith, the son-in-law of John Adams: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” (Biden leaves off that last part.) Jefferson’s support of sporadic revolutionary bloodletting (not his own) wasn’t shared by most of the founding generation, whose initial sympathy for the French Revolution quickly diminished with the news of violent mobs and mass executions.

Anyway, I feel relatively well-informed on the gun debate, and I have literally never heard anyone say, “The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots.” I’m not saying that a cosplay militant hasn’t uttered those words at some point. And I’m not saying Biden didn’t read about it in 1975 or 1992 or 2002. What I’m saying is that it’s a strawman and smear meant to insinuate that most gun owners are looking for violence.



PREMO Member

Biden Caught Slowly Removing Hand From Heart When He Realizes Song Playing Isn’t National Anthem

Biden hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the White House to discuss issues regarding Indian migrant workers and U.S. relations with India and China. The 80-year-old president stood to Modi’s left and placed his right hand on his heart when “Hail to the Chief” and the Indian National Anthem began playing. He then he realized the song was not the U.S. National Anthem.

A full seventeen seconds went by before the president realized he had put his hand on his heart for the wrong song and slowly slid his hand down his body until it reached his side, presumably hoping no one would notice.


PREMO Member


Is this another sign that the Democrats are preparing to move on from Joe Biden in 2024? I don’t know, but CNN’s newfound willingness to fact-check Biden seems significant. Here, CNN finds that pretty much everything Biden says about firearms, among other things, is wrong:

He made at least five false claims related to guns, a subject on which he has repeatedly been inaccurate during his presidency. He also made a false claim about the extent of his support from environmental groups. And he used incorrect figures about the population of Africa, his own travel history and how much renewable energy Texas uses.


Repeating a claim he made in his 2022 State of the Union address and on other occasions, Biden said at a campaign fundraiser in California on Monday: “The only industry in America you can’t sue is the – is the gun manufacturers.”
Facts First: Biden’s claim is false, as CNN and other fact-checkers have previously noted. Gun manufacturers are not entirely exempt from being sued, nor are they the only industry with some liability protections. Notably, there are significant liability protections for vaccine manufacturers and, at present, for people and entities involved in making, distributing or administering Covid-19 countermeasures such as vaccines, tests and treatments.
Under the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, gun manufacturers cannot be held liable for the use of their products in crimes. However, gun manufacturers can still be held liable for (and thus sued for) a range of things, including negligence, breach of contract regarding the purchase of a gun or certain damages from defects in the design of a gun.

Basically, guns are like all other products. You can successfully sue the manufacturer if the gun is found to be defective. You can’t sue a manufacturer just because someone used a gun to shoot someone, just as you can’t sue the knife manufacturer if someone uses that company’s knife to stab someone.