Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member

The White House Response to the Trump Indictment Is Suspicious

The most notable part of the response was that there was no explicit denial of coordination. The second was the claim that Biden “found out from news reports” that the indictment was happening.

We’ve heard this story before. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the same thing after the Mar-a-Lago raid.

“The President was not briefed, did not — was not aware of it. No. No one at the White House was given a heads up. No, that did not happen,” Jean-Pierre insisted. “Look, I’ll say this. You know, the President and the White House learned about this FBI search from public reports. We learned, just like the American public did yesterday, and we did not have advance notice of this activity.”

And that was a lie.

We found out months ago that the White House directly coordinated with the FBI to set up the raid. An investigation from a judicial watchdog group called America First Legal (AFL) found that the FBI gained access to records from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) through a “special access request” made by the Biden White House on behalf of the Department of Justice (DOJ). AFL’s findings not only establish the involvement of the White House in orchestrating the events surrounding former President Trump but also expose the National Archives for providing misleading information to Congress regarding the extent of the White House’s role in the raid.


PREMO Member

‘North Korean Puppetry’: Biden, White House Reporter Ripped For ‘Scripted’ Question On Child Gender Surgery

Now, here’s what’s happening in America right now: Soaring inflation, unaffordable housing, rampant drug abuse and overdose deaths, a mental health epidemic, a student loan crisis, skyrocketing federal debt (it rises $1 million every 24 seconds), an absurdly expensive health care system, wealth inequality, a crumbling infrastructure, escalating crime, illegal immigrants storming across the border, unrestrained price gouging, mounting poverty and homelessness, school mass shootings, political polarization, teen pregnancies, and a biased media.

But no, White House reporters don’t ask the president about that — instead, LGBTQ.

Biden, of course, hit the softball question hard. “Our fight is far, far from over because we have some hysterical and, I would argue, prejudiced people who are engaged in all that you see going on around the country. It’s an appeal to fear, and it’s an appeal that is totally, thoroughly unjustified, and ugly,” he said.

The exchange drew immediate scorn on the interwebs. Fox News Radio host Guy Benson said there is “much to say about his answer, but her ‘question’ is quite a thing to behold.”

In a Twitter post, NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck called the question “Fake News” with the hashtag “DefundPBS.”

Houck went further, saying, “Notice how Biden read from prepared remarks in answering PBS reporter Laura Barrón-López’s ‘question’ about ‘anti-LGBTQ’ views in America, saying those who believe men are men & women are women are ‘prejudiced,’ ‘ugly’ people.” He added, “ZERO question this was pre-screened. ALL scripted.”

The Republican National Committee research team also claimed the president is “once again using a list of pre-selected reporters to call on at his press conference. Does he have the reporters’ questions again, too?” they asked.

Libertarian filmmaker Anna Zetchus Smith, said of the “scripted” question and answer: “Tier reached: North Korean puppetry.”

Biden routinely has printed lists of White House reporters he must call on — in a press conference in March, he even had cards with reporters’ pictures on them.

And he uses cheat sheets in answering questions. In that March presser, one card said this: “Tough Putin Q&A: Talking Points.”


Well-Known Member
Getting weaker every day. What stage of dementia is Biden in?
Of the 5 stages I would guess well into stage 4.


PREMO Member

Biden administration is 'actively plotting' ways to jam through his $400billion student loan forgiveness plan even if the Supreme Court strikes it down: Challengers prepare to sue to block any White House 'workarounds'

  • The group that brought Biden's student loan plan to the Supreme Court vows to sue any workarounds the administration tries to implement
  • Supreme Court will hand down its decision soon on whether Biden violated the Constitution by using executive authority to authorize student loan forgiveness
  • Job Creators Network told that Biden's Education Department is actively looking at workarounds if the Supreme Court strikes down the plan



PREMO Member

Biden Team Creates COVID Controversy in Email Demanding Masks, Social Distancing for Unvaccinated at WH

The White House Office of Legislative Affairs sent out an email to members of Congress saying that the Bidens would be welcoming the NCAA championship teams to “College Athlete Day” on Monday. But in the email, they said that anyone attending the event would have to wear masks and socially distance if they were unvaccinated.

“Masking Guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds,” the email states [bold font in original email]. “Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least 6 feet distance from others while on the White House grounds.”

That, understandably, got a lot of backlash from people saying, “What the heck is going on here?” How crazed is the White House with this in June 2023?

Now, the White House is backpedaling, saying that the guidance was “out of date and inadvertently” added in the email. They added that they may send out an updated email.

As we know the efficacy of masks, particularly the kind of thing most people wear, has been called into question.

Meanwhile, experts have been calling into question the efficacy of face masks. A recent study published by the prestigious Cochrane Library, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health, dug into the findings of 78 randomized controlled trials to determine whether “physical interventions” — including face masks and hand-washing — lessened the spread of respiratory viruses.
The conclusion about masks undercuts the scientific basis for masking, according to the study’s lead author.
“There is just no evidence that they make any difference. Full stop,” Tom Jefferson, the study’s lead author, said in an interview. When asked specifically about fitted N95 masks in health care settings, Jefferson said: “It makes no difference – none of it.”


PREMO Member
🔥 Social media was buzzing yesterday with news and joke memes about a curious story reported in the New York Post, hilariously headlined “Biden Gets Two-Day Root Canal After Report President Eats ‘Like A Child’.”

Well. That’s not everything Biden does like a child.

The Post’s story omitted the odd fact that the two-day root canal procedure was initially described as an “emergency,” causing Biden to miss several photos ops and a meeting with top NATO official Jens Stoltenberg.

Over the years I’ve had several root canals; one was a highly memorable emergency. Twenty years ago, root canals were so awful people used to joke about something being “worse than a root canal.” But nowadays, root canals are simple, 30-minute outpatient procedures, and apart from the needle sticks to numb your jaw, you really don’t feel much at all.

So a two-day root canal seems odd. What on Earth takes two days?

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, head of the “White House Dental Team,” told the Post they took x-rays on Sunday and did the procedure on Monday. Some emergency. It’s also possible to read the story as saying they did PART of the root canal on Sunday and finished it on Monday, which is equally strange.

The Post suggested the Monday procedure might have been installation of a permanent crown, which is possible, I suppose, but the lab must have stopped everything to make Joe’s fake tooth. I never heard of a crown built in one day. Usually you have the wear the temporary around for a while. Maybe it’s faster for Presidents, but why mangle Biden’s schedule to have a permanent crown put in?

And, absent complications, it should only take a few minutes to put the crown in, especially if the tooth was already prepared the previous day. They basically just glue it on and then polish it up.

Updated: An alert C&C reader and retired dentist explained: “Often root canals are not completed in 1 day because of the level of infection. If you take a massively infected tooth and complete the root canal in 1 day you end up with a patient in a lot of pain as the pressure of the pus builds up. You start the root canal on the first day and allow it to drain overnight, assessing on the second day whether or not it is ready to be closed up.”

Hilariously, the Post embellished the story, suggesting on its own a cause for the emergency dental work, quoting an April story from Axios:

The president likes to drink orange Gatorade and his favorite foods “include peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, BLT’s, pizza, cookies, spaghetti with butter and red sauce, and ice cream that he occasionally makes into a full sundae, according to current and former Biden aides,” the outlet reported.​

Terrific! Biden’s diet is consistent with a mental age of seven, which matches other facts. The fact that the leader of the United States eats like a child is a metaphor for the trouble we find ourselves in these days.



PREMO Member
If the Joe Biden were a Chinese puppet, he could hardly do more damage to the Nation’s morale, or humiliate us worse, than through this deliberately offensive travesty. I hardly even know what to say about it, except that it reminds me of the famous quote by anti-communist researcher Robert Conquest:

“The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.”

Given the context of the state of the world these days, I also pick up strong Biblical vibes, such as the sentiment expressed in Proverbs 16:18:

“Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.”

How about a C&C Challenge: name any other stable nuclear-capable country that would ever allow this kind of thing to go on at their national capitol?

We win by NOT being humiliated and discouraged. We despise secret enemy cabals; we understand we are at war; and this too shall pass. “Weeping may stay for the night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5(b).



PREMO Member

White House Brags About Chart Showing Inflation Skyrocketed After Biden Took Office

The U.S. inflation rate reached a 40-year high of 9.1% under Biden’s presidency, while the inflation rate under former President Donald Trump hovered around 2% and even hit an average of 1.2% in Trump’s last full year in the White House. Conservatives took to Twitter, blasting the tweet as another Biden blunder.

“Great News: The admin points out that the moment Joe Biden took office, inflation took off!” said Steve Guest, former communications director for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

“You’re bragging about prices continuing to increase?” Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), asked.

“Last year I gained 9 lbs. This year I only gained 4. Am I losing weight?” one Twitter user asked.

Fox News contributor Justin Haskins argued that the White House’s argument gaslights people who don’t understand how inflation works.



PREMO Member
Here was Joe Biden railing against people who protect children from viewing pornography in schools. On the bright side, he didn’t fall this time.

That display disgusts me so much. The opinions of politicians should never be treated as more important than they are, but when you have the President of the United States yelling at people for protecting children, that is a use of the bully pulpit that should disturb you. While the idea that Republicans have “banned” books is technically untrue, it is true that figures like Ron DeSantis have signed laws barring the stocking of school libraries with books like Gender Queer.

What is Gender Queer? It’s a gay porn comic book that teaches children how to perform sex acts, and it’s far from the only example of the dangerous nonsense Democrats want your kids to be reading. Really, there’s no ambiguity anymore. Biden and others have had plenty of time to clarify their stance.

Democrats could have easily approached the situation with caution, perhaps saying something like “We don’t support those graphically sexual books, but here are some other examples where we think things went too far.” Instead, they’ve chosen to offer outspoken, animated support for using the public school system to teach children how to do things like perform oral sex and “change” their gender.
