Biden Actions ... And Reactions


Well-Known Member
Were we set up?
Here we are with an idiot for President.
We have an invasion at our border, we have high priced gas which id going to turn in to gas shortages in the near future, we are buying Russian oil while we may have to fight them, Inflation running rampant, shortages of food and other items, 150 ships laying off the coast of California that we cannot unload, jobs going unfilled while we pay people to stay home. So much of this happened in the last year that it is almost like it was planned.
We are almost at war and we have John Kerry saying we need to stay out of it because a war would hurt the environment. WTF? We have Russia fighting near their Chernobyl and it could release radiation all over Europe.
We had democrats trying to destroy everything Trump did for 4 years and claiming he was working for Russia while we now have Biden who IS working for Russia.

We had a "Scientist "who paid China to develop the flu that destroyed our economy and who is still in the business of selling masks.

The situation is so blatantly obvious how can one not think it was planned?


PREMO Member

Biden Finds A New Level Of Worthless

“To be clear, our sanctions are not designed to cause any disruption to the current flow of energy from Russia to the world,” said Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh Thursday. Then what is their point? It’s like giving a junkie all the heroin they want, but refusing to give them an aspirin because you’re afraid they might have a reaction to it.

How can an administration say two diametrically opposing things publicly and get away with it? They can do it because they don’t care – Biden’s priority is what it’s always been: Joe Biden. He’s never given a damn about anything but himself, his whole career.

How can he get away with it? Because who’s going to call him out on it, the press? That’s as likely as Putin apologizing for all the killing in Ukraine.

Of course, Putin would never apologize. And at this rate, Joe Biden would never even ask him to.


PREMO Member

Has Joe Biden Been Sniffing His Own Gaslight Fumes?

In an interview late last week, the Oval Office occupant said :

There’s a phenomenal negative psychological impact that COVID has had on the public psyche. And so you have an awful lot of people who are, notwithstanding the fact that things have gotten so better for them economically, uh, that they are thinking, but, how do you get up in the morning feeling happy?

What gets me — no, what offends me — about all these gaslighting attempts is just how lazy they are. There’s no respect for the intelligence of the average American, and there’s even less respect for the average American’s BS detector.

Americans, God bless us, aren’t buying it. Joe’s polls are in that crapper he sometimes doesn’t reach in time, and it isn’t because of some imaginary COVID hangover.

This brings me back to my original question of whether, maybe, the left is so disconnected from reality that they might somehow believe what they’re spewing. If Clouseau, after enough laughing gas, believed he could actually be a dentist, maybe all the gaslight vapors in Washington have gone to their heads.

And to think we all thought we were screwed when the Biden Crew was still mostly sober. Now? I think I’d like to put myself in a scotch-induced coma and stay there until after the next election. Or two.


PREMO Member


Power with Control

White House dropping mask mandate before Biden State of the Union: official

The White House will no longer require people who are vaccinated against COVID-19 to wear face masks on the premises, beginning Tuesday, March 1, a White House official told Fox News.

The lifting of the requirement will come just hours before President Biden is set to deliver his first State of the Union address before Congress.

Why do I have to wear A mask if you are vaccinated

Yet on base today, surrounded by young healthy vaccinated people, we'll all have masks. Idiocy.


Beloved Misanthrope
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Biden Plans To Double Down On Energy Agenda While Dependency Hampers Diplomacy

The White House’s current agenda has already raised power prices to seven-year highs.

Absent from the pre-release, which touts offshore wind, electric vehicles, and costly new regulation, was any mention of the energy independence forfeited by the administration within the last year.

After Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline and suspended oil and gas leases on federal land, the U.S. doubled is imports of Russian oil, according to the Energy Information Administration. The writers at PolitiFact rated the claim “mostly false” despite its own explanation of the score saying the opposite: “The U.S. did double the amount of crude oil imported from Russia last year.”



PREMO Member

Biden De-Thrones King Dollar

Ever since the American “doughboys” turned the tide in WWI, the US claimed the world’s reserve currency, meaning it’s the global foreign exchange benchmark.

That century of dominance wanes now, crushed under the weight of stifling debt and the staggering policy failures of Joe Biden. In just 13 months in the Oval Office, Joe Biden already squanders an economic legacy built by generations through grit, smarts, and sacrifice.

Biden’s twin geopolitical failures overseas – the botched Afghanistan exit and this new weaponization of money over Ukraine – jeopardize the status of our currency and will soon bring much more untold pain to everyday American citizens, particularly those of modest means.

Americans understandably already feel that the Dollars in their accounts have been devalued. Right now, Real Wages descend in a tailspin in our land, as incomes cannot keep pace with soaring prices due to Biden.

Inflation, by all measures, already surges at a four decade record clip, from Apartment Rents to Gasoline. The hard-earned Dollars of working-class citizens simply buy less. A lot less. Soon, that loss of confidence in America’s Greenback will manifest itself relative to other countries, as well.


PREMO Member

Biden Administration Threatens Texas Over Trans Kids: ‘HHS Will Take Immediate Action If Needed’

“This is government overreach at its worst,” Biden said in a statement. “Like so many anti-transgender attacks proliferating in states across the country, the Governor’s actions callously threaten to harm children and their families just to score political points.

“These actions are terrifying many families in Texas and beyond,” he added. “And they must stop.”

Becerra promised that HHS is “committed to protecting young Americans who are targeted because of their sexual orientation or gender identity” and said that he has directed HHS to “evaluate the tools at our disposal to protect trans and gender diverse youth in Texas.”

Harnessing the phrase “gender affirming medical care,” a phrase which activists and liberal media use to describe sex change surgery or gender transition surgery, Becerra promised that “HHS will take immediate action if needed” to protect transgender youth.


PREMO Member

How Many Meatpacking Companies Should There Be?

The bit about meatpacking was not in his prepared remarks as provided by the White House, but during the speech, Biden said:

Small businesses and family farmers and ranchers — I need not tell some of my Republican friends from those states. Guess what? You got four basic meatpacking facilities. That’s it. You play with them or you don’t get to play at all, and you pay a hell of a lot more, a hell of a lot more because there’s only four.

Given Biden’s incoherence, it’s up to us to make some assumptions about what he meant here. He most likely meant to say there are four major meatpacking companies, not facilities. And given he said four, he probably means beef specifically, not meat in general. The four major beef companies in the U.S. are Tyson, Cargill, National Beef, and JBS. If you branch out into other meats, companies such as Smithfield, Hormel, and Perdue are big players as well.

The Big Four beef companies are responsible for about 70 percent of total U.S. beef production. The reason for the consolidation is economies of scale. Larger facilities are able to slaughter more cattle at lower cost than smaller facilities.

More consolidation means fewer options for farmers, however, and they may have no choice but to accept prices for their meat that they deem too low. More meat used to be priced through public auction, which allowed for greater transparency and gave farmers more power. Now, more meat is priced through exclusive contracts, with terms set by the processing companies that farmers then take or leave.


PREMO Member
“My principal concern with Ms. Sohn is that she has expressed a significant willingness to use government power against political enemies, and to use government power as a tool of censorship. And I think the FCC is a particularly dangerous place for a partisan who is willing to try to muzzle those with whom she disagrees.” Sohn has a history of attacks against Fox News, and posted tweets appearing to call for the censorship of both Fox News and Sinclair Media. She was asked about these and other controversial tweets during her confirmation hearing but claimed they would not impact her behavior as a policymaker.

“There was a time when there were Democrats willing to speak out in defense of free speech,” Cruz continued. “That time seems to have passed. I think that is unfortunate. I hope that at least some in the Democratic caucus continue to value free speech and don’t want to see government power abused, don’t want to see, in a subsequent Republican administration, a Republican on the FCC silencing Democrat voices. That would be equally inappropriate. It’s not the role of government to silence voices with which they disagree, and for those of us who have served some time in this body, we’ve all learned and seen firsthand, the shoe is on the other foot, and one party may have a majority at one point, one party may have the White House at one point, but with the progression of time, the positions are changed.”



PREMO Member

Gee, What Could Putin Possibly Have on Biden That Would Make Joe Keep Buying Russian Oil?

Biden is also sending, depending on your source, roughly $74 million to Russia EVERY DAY for oil.

Why hit Putin with sanctions if you’re handing him mad stacks for oil? Something is up. Biden could open the Keystone XL pipeline. He could “drill, baby, drill” in the States and tap into what might be billions of barrels of oil, but White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki refers to that idea as a “misdiagnosis.”

So instead, Biden is helping to pay for Putin’s war.

I remember thinking it was weird that Biden’s first move on his first day in the White House was to kill the Keystone XL pipeline. Are the tree-huggers really the first people he needed to kowtow to? Or was Mr. “10% for the big guy” cutting into our ability to produce oil so we would buy 24% more from Russia to cover his son Hunter’s tracks?

Joe and Hunter have some ‘splainin’ to do.

A 2020 Senate committee report stated the following:

  • Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and widow of a former Moscow mayor, sent Hunter Biden $3.5 million for his investment firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners. The report found no reason for the payments.
  • There was “potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals.”
  • “Records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what ‘appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.'”


PREMO Member

Biden White House on the Verge of Making Disastrous Move with Kamala Harris

And we’re going to send this walking dumpster fire to Warsaw? Are we nuts? She’s as radioactive as Chernobyl, but maybe 76th time’s the charm.

Also, let’s just be frank here. Biden can’t go on this trip because he can’t do it. He’s too old, slow, and stupid. He might fall down the stairs for all to see. He could have a diarrhea of the mouth incident in front of the foreign press there, which could lead to missiles being launched. He already struggles with the softball questions from the White House press corps here.


Power with Control
Well, they seem intent on setting the gold standard. Dont see how we hire anyone close to them in sheer incompetence