Biden Actions ... And Reactions


Well-Known Member
This is a society where they plug in their phones and laptops at any outlet, and it's free. Why should plugging in a car be any different?

This will turn into a marketing feature. "Come shop with us because out chargers are still free!"

But then how long will it be before they start getting stolen . :faint:


PREMO Member

Feeling kinder than usual today, I didn’t parenthetically include the part where he makes that slurping sound he so often makes.

We’re supposed to believe that it was COVID that canceled Keystone XL with an executive order on Day One of the Biden administration.

We’re supposed to believe that it was COVID that canceled oil and gas leasing with more executive orders in the first week of the Biden administration.

We’re supposed to believe that it was COVID waging a year-long war on Alaskan oil production.

I’m trying to be a better person. I try not to hate. But when I see this senescent old man blandly repeating spoon-fed lies he doesn’t believe and perhaps only barely understands, it makes my blood boil.



Well-Known Member
The serious SHTF after he took office.

Am I seriously supposed to believe that as bad as it was during the first year of lockdowns - no TP, wipes, bleach, meat - all the empty shelves - it appeared to recover only to collapse almost the moment Biden took the oath of office and persisted for a year despite everything they did —

That somehow it’s still Trump’s fault?

Just like it was Reagan/Bush’s fault?

Just like it was Dubya’s fault?

Do I detect a pattern?

I try to remind them that they weren’t put in office to flail about uselessly and blame their predecessor. If you hire a plumber or mechanic who makes it WORSE - do you give them a break - or a kick in the ass?


PREMO Member

Sarah Bloom Raskin – Biden’s Latest Anti-Freedom Nominee

Raskin is convinced she knows the future. She questions, for instance, why oil and gas companies received credit and capital infusions from the government during the coronavirus crisis along with other industries.

“The decision to bring oil and gas into the Fed’s investment portfolio not only misdirects limited recovery resources but also sends a false price signal to investors about where capital needs to be allocated.”

“Why is the Fed Spending So Much Money on a Dying Industry? It should not be directing money to further entrench the carbon economy,” reads the headline of her New York Times article.

Based on what does Raskin declare a death sentence on the multitrillion-dollar oil and gas industry?


Meanwhile, Raskin’s husband, Rep. Jamie Raskin, has been hit with an ethics violation charge for failing to report the sale of stock by his wife, cashing in for $1.5 million, in a firm under supervision by a federal agency that she used to lead.

I am reminded of the quote of Lord Acton, “Power corrupts … ”

Corruption and political power are bedfellows. One follows the other.

It’s not the job of our politicians or our government to decide what America’s future should or should not look like. It’s not their job to decide which industries will flourish and which will fail.


PREMO Member

Biden Administration Warns Russia Could Invade Ukraine 'In Very Short Order'

Blinken has made similar statements before, however. National security adviser Jake Sullivan later clarified that current U.S. intelligence did not suggest Russian President Vladimir Putin had decided to invade, but that “he very well may give the final go order.” Sullivan also said the Biden administration was advising Americans to leave Ukraine “in the next 24 to 48 hours” because “the threat is now immediate enough that this is what prudence demands.” The statements came as over 130,000 Russian troops surrounded Ukraine and conducted military exercises. Ukrainian troops and civilians also continued to prepare for a potential invasion, and NATO troops performed military exercises in neighboring countries. U.S. officials recently predicted an invasion would displace millions and result in 25,000 to 50,000 civilian deaths, 5,000 to 25,000 Ukrainian military deaths and 3,000 to 10,000 Russian military deaths. Recent diplomatic talks between Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron resulted in mixed messages from French and Russian officials. On Friday, President Joe Biden traveled to Camp David and said he would speak with Putin by phone Saturday morning.


PREMO Member

Biden Attacks NFL For Lack Of Black Coaches: ‘It’s A Requirement’ Of ‘Just Some Generic Decency’

“The commissioner pointed out they haven’t lived up to what they committed to. They haven’t lived up to being open about hiring more minorities to run teams,” Biden said in the interview with NBC News anchor Lester Holt. “Goodell says they’re gonna take a look at whether they can meet the standard. And the standard was set by someone who said this is something we should do.”

“The whole idea that a league that is made up of so many athletes of color, as well as so diverse, that there’s not enough African American qualified coaches ‘to manage these NFL teams,’ it just seems to me that it’s a standard that they’d want to live up to,” he said. “It’s not a requirement of law, but it’s a requirement, I think, of just some generic decency.”

The comments from Biden and Goodell come after former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores filed a lawsuit against the NFL and several teams for racial discrimination in the NFL’s hiring process.


PREMO Member

Construction industry pushes back on Biden order for labor agreements

Sixteen construction industry groups wrote a letter to Biden Tuesday warning that the order could slow down projects financed by the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. They said that PLAs “unfairly discourage competition from quality non-union contractors and their employees” that make up 87 percent of the private construction industry, driving up costs.

“In short, hardworking taxpayers are getting less and paying more when PLAs are encouraged or mandated by the government on federal and federally assisted construction projects,” the groups wrote.

The Associated Builders and Contractors, which represents nonunion construction companies, the American Road and Transportation Builders Association and the American Pipeline Contractors Association joined the letter, among other groups.


PREMO Member

‘No One Thinks He’s Joking’

“Before I begin, I want to just point out, I was having — just sitting and talking with [Marcia Fudge, former Ohio Congresswoman and current director of the Department of Housing and Urban Development], and she said something that reminded me of what I miss as well. She said, ‘it’s so good to be home in Ohio.’ No, I really mean it. And I said, ‘you’re probably the only one that understands that every time I get a chance, I go home to Delaware.’ You think I’m joking. I’m not,” Biden said.

“I represented Delaware for 36 years as a United States Senator, and just like most Congressional districts, the good news is the bad news: everybody knows you,” Biden added, leaning into the microphone at his podium.

A clip of the moment was shared to Twitter by Chad Gilmartin, former Principal Assistant Press Secretary and Special Assistant to former President Donald Trump. The response from conservatives was unified.


PREMO Member

Biden Admin To Dump Up To 1,000 Afghan Refugees Next To Loudoun High School

The sheriff asked, “Considering the NCC is located within a largely residential area of Lansdowne and within walking distance of Riverside High School and Belmont Ridge Middle School, what arrangements were made with Loudoun County stakeholders to ensure the area is secure for the community?”

He said that in response, “DHS advised that the FPS would provide 15 officers for security at the NCC. However, the FPS has no law enforcement jurisdiction in Loudoun County and cannot enforce nor investigate any criminal activity on the campus.”

As for the question, “What coordination with other Loudoun County stakeholders had been performed to this point to include Loudoun County Fire and Rescue (for medical emergencies), Loudoun County Public Schools, Loudoun County Department of Mental Health, Social Services, local hospitals, the Adams Center, or other area houses of faith, or the County government at large?” he said the answer was:

“None. DHS stated that no coordination had occurred and that no notifications had been made to the community surrounding the NCC (as of February 15). Additionally, no coordination had been performed either with the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Director of Public Safety.”


PREMO Member

Biden Declares ‘National Emergency’ Ahead of Freedom Convoy Heading Towards Washington D.C.

Notice: This article may contain commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

Joe Biden is extending the declaration of a Covid “national emergency” ahead of an expected People’s Convoy heading towards Washington D.C. The move echoes beleaguered Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to carry out a police crackdown on Freedom Convoy protesters under the color of martial law.

The national emergencies act is bound by U.S. Code 50 § 1622:

(1) there is enacted into law a joint resolution terminating the emergency; or
(2) the President issues a proclamation terminating the emergency.
Any national emergency declared by the President shall be terminated on the date specified in any joint resolution referred to in clause (1) or on the date specified in a proclamation by the President terminating the emergency as provided in clause (2) of this subsection, whichever date is earlier, and any powers or authorities exercised by reason of said emergency shall cease to be exercised after such specified date, except that such termination shall not affect—
(A) any action taken or proceeding pending not finally concluded or determined on such date;
(B) any action or proceeding based on any act committed prior to such date; or
(C) any rights or duties that matured or penalties that were incurred prior to such date.
(b) Termination review of national emergencies by Congress
Not later than six months after a national emergency is declared, and not later than the end of each six-month period thereafter that such emergency continues, each House of Congress shall meet to consider a vote on a joint resolution to determine whether that emergency shall be terminated.

“When the President declares a national emergency, no powers or authorities made available by statute for use in the event of an emergency shall be exercised unless and until the President specifies the provisions of law under which he proposes that he, or other officers will act,” a subchapter states. “Such specification may be made either in the declaration of a national emergency, or by one or more contemporaneous or subsequent Executive orders published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.”


PREMO Member

Biden Admin Rolls Out Plan To Increase Domestic Production Of ‘Critical Minerals’

“Critical minerals provide the building blocks for many modern technologies and are essential to our national security and economic prosperity,” a White House fact sheet announcing the investments said. “These minerals—such as rare earth elements, lithium, and cobalt—can be found in products from computers to household appliances. They are also key inputs in clean energy technologies like batteries, electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels … The U.S. is increasingly dependent on foreign sources for many of the processed versions of these minerals. Globally, China controls most of the market for processing and refining for cobalt, lithium, rare earths and other critical minerals.”

“In June, the Biden-Harris Administration released a first-of-its-kind supply chain assessment that found our over-reliance on foreign sources and adversarial nations for critical minerals and materials posed national and economic security threats,” the fact sheet continued.

“In addition to working with partners and allies to diversify sustainable sources, the reports recommended expanding domestic mining, production, processing, and recycling of critical minerals and materials,” the fact sheet went on.

“Today, President Biden will meet with Administration and state partners, industry executives, community representatives, labor leaders, and California Governor Gavin Newsom to announce major investments in domestic production of key critical minerals and materials, ensuring these resources benefit the community, and creating good-paying, union jobs in sustainable production.”

Always UNION Jobs ....

The Greenies will NEVER Let Biden open up more mining


PREMO Member

Biden always behind the curve

It took Biden months to finally admit that inflation wasn’t transitory. But he blamed the supply chain for inflation rather than acknowledging the role his economic and energy policies have played in driving inflation to levels people haven’t experienced since the early 1980s.

His solution now that the country is drowning in debt, while people are struggling to put food on the table and gas up their cars, is to continue to push for more of the same economic mistakes that got us here in the first place.

He’s come late to the mask controversy, so late that Democratic governors in blue states who can read the political tea leaves have lifted mask and vax mandates, having given up on the ability of Biden’s White House or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to get the messaging or the policies right.

After months of ignoring headlines on the increase in violent crime, especially in liberal cities, Biden finally headed to New York City earlier this month for a photo op with the new mayor and a speech on crime long after the city’s subways and sidewalks had become killing grounds. Again, playing catch-up.


PREMO Member

Biden officials fear Elon Musk would embarrass president at WH

Some of Biden’s top advisers have purportedly warned against inviting Musk to the White House over fears he would say something to embarrass the administration. The billionaire has repeatedly slammed the White House for failing to mention Tesla while discussing its plans for major nationwide investments in electric vehicles.

Biden and his close advisers are said to be irritated with Musk’s public criticism and have no immediate plans to invite him to the White House for future events, CNBC reported, citing sources familiar with the matter.

When CNBC asked about the White House’s apparent concerns, Musk responded with a pair of “roll on the floor laughing” emojis and suggested his attendance at a future meeting shouldn’t be a cause of concern.


White House press secretary Jen Psaki and others have suggested that Tesla has been snubbed from business events because the company’s factories aren’t unionized.


PREMO Member

Biden Halts Oil, Gas Leases As Oil Prices Skyrocket At Home

As gas prices skyrocket, the Biden administration announced this week that they’re indefinitely delaying new oil and gas drilling on federal land and other energy-related actions following a federal court ruling that blocks the administration from using their steep “social cost of carbon” estimate.

U.S. District Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana “blocked federal agencies from using an estimate known as the ‘social cost of carbon’ to assess pollution from carbon emissions by energy production and other industrial sources,” MarketWatch explained. “The decision blocked the Biden administration from using a higher estimate for the damage that each additional ton of greenhouse gas pollution causes society.”

“President Joe Biden on his first day in office restored the climate cost estimate to about $51 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions, after President Donald Trump had reduced the figure to $7 or less per ton,” the report noted. “Trump’s estimate included only damages felt in the U.S. versus the global harm previously used by President Barack Obama.”

Wyoming Senator John Barrasso (R) slammed the Biden administration for continuing “to defy the courts and the law” by halting oil drilling on public lands.

Greenie's Do Not Care About Economic Pain To Americans


Well-Known Member

Biden Halts Oil, Gas Leases As Oil Prices Skyrocket At Home

As gas prices skyrocket, the Biden administration announced this week that they’re indefinitely delaying new oil and gas drilling on federal land and other energy-related actions following a federal court ruling that blocks the administration from using their steep “social cost of carbon” estimate.

U.S. District Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana “blocked federal agencies from using an estimate known as the ‘social cost of carbon’ to assess pollution from carbon emissions by energy production and other industrial sources,” MarketWatch explained. “The decision blocked the Biden administration from using a higher estimate for the damage that each additional ton of greenhouse gas pollution causes society.”

“President Joe Biden on his first day in office restored the climate cost estimate to about $51 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions, after President Donald Trump had reduced the figure to $7 or less per ton,” the report noted. “Trump’s estimate included only damages felt in the U.S. versus the global harm previously used by President Barack Obama.”

Wyoming Senator John Barrasso (R) slammed the Biden administration for continuing “to defy the courts and the law” by halting oil drilling on public lands.

Greenie's Do Not Care About Economic Pain To Americans

You know they think its for our own good to make things more expensive. :faint: