Biden Actions ... And Reactions


Well-Known Member

Biden White House on the Verge of Making Disastrous Move with Kamala Harris

And we’re going to send this walking dumpster fire to Warsaw? Are we nuts? She’s as radioactive as Chernobyl, but maybe 76th time’s the charm.

Also, let’s just be frank here. Biden can’t go on this trip because he can’t do it. He’s too old, slow, and stupid. He might fall down the stairs for all to see. He could have a diarrhea of the mouth incident in front of the foreign press there, which could lead to missiles being launched. He already struggles with the softball questions from the White House press corps here.

They are sending her to the Polish border .? :razz:


Power with Control
(Deep inside the Kremlin)

"Vlad, their number two will be right across the border, our Spetnatz could grab her"
"Nyet, Vasily, she does more for us just being where she is..... "


Well-Known Member
a White House official said Harris has been “deeply involved in the administration's engagement with allies and partners.”

There you are. And you wonder why it's so fugged up.


PREMO Member

Iran Plots To Assassinate Ex-Trump Official, Biden Admin Resisting Public Indictments Due To Iran Deal Hopes: Report

Democrat President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice “possesses indictable evidence against the Iranians but … Biden administration officials are resisting publicly indicting the men for fear that it could derail their drive for a nuclear deal with Iran, currently nearing completion in negotiations in Vienna, Austria,” the Washington Examiner reported. “It is possible but unlikely that there are sealed indictments against the men, but the DOJ source said the seriousness of the conspiracy and the evidence warranted public indictment without delay. Sealed indictments would be unusual and probably unnecessary in this case, as they are usually used to prevent the target evading justice.”

The report said that the Iranian military was involved in “significant … reconnaissance activity” in the alleged plot, which involved an effort to recruit an assassin on U.S. soil.

The report said that similar threats have been made against former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other Trump officials who worked on Iran. The report said that threats against Bolton and Pompeo “are continuing, specific, and highly credible.”


Well-Known Member
Why are we dealing with Iran?
Why are we sending American dollars to foreign countries to buy oil when we have all we need right here if Biden would stop his crazed Green Bullshit.


PREMO Member

Biden On Historic Gas Prices: ‘I Can’t Do Much Right Now. Russia’s Responsible.’

Notable responses included:

  • Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL): “Did Biden seriously say he ‘can’t do much right now’ to solve the skyrocketing gas prices?!? Putin has 99 problems but causing American gas prices to rise is NOT one of them. Biden needs to stop the gaslighting and roll back EVERY one of his destructive energy policies.”
  • Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX): “Texans will NOT be fooled by Joe Biden’s LIES! He could increase American energy production here at home to curb gas prices. Instead, he’s pandering to a Venezuelan dictator to increase their oil production. WHY is he blocking energy production in places like Texas? Go home, Joe!”
  • Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS): “You could begin by unleashing America’s energy production. An announcement to restart the Keystone XL Pipeline would drop the price of oil tomorrow.”
  • Chris Barron, political strategist: “He’s the f***ing President and his answer is he cant do much about it. I have an idea sparky, how about go back to your basement and give the Presidency to someone who can do something about it. What a total joke of a President. Worst ever.”


PREMO Member

Biden's Handlers Want Skyrocketing Gas Prices. The EPA Just Revealed Why.

It was a real “Let Them Eat Cake” moment for Secretary Pete, but there is a method to his madness: the administration isn’t just out of touch, it is actively trying to use this crisis to impose its green agenda. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Michael Regan confirmed that on Monday.

The Sacramento Bee reported that Regan was at the White House, along with Buttigieg and alleged Vice President Kamala Harris, to announce “proposed limits on new buses and large trucks to curb some of their greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% in the next decade.” In the course of his remarks, Regan boasted, “We’re pressing the accelerator to reach a zero-emissions future sooner than most people thought.”

Nothing presses the accelerator to reach a zero-emissions future more effectively than gas prices rising so high that driving a carbon-emitting car is simply too expensive.

I'll counter for all the commenting about Keystone ...

Green Technologies will also require a LONG Build out period as well Auto Manufactures could not build EVs fast enough if Biden suddenly decided to subsidise the 60K price tag for a Tesla to get Americans to replace their FF Cars let along the power grid upgrades required to charge all the new EV.

NO this is all a pie in the sky fantasy ....


PREMO Member

The Atlantic: President Biden ‘answered the 3 a.m. call,’ is doing a bang-up job with the Ukraine crisis

At first, we’d thought this was a Jen Rubin column for the Washington Post — it certainly sounds like one. The Atlantic’s Franklin Foer is bound to get the coveted Ron Klain retweet for this one, in which he claims President Joe Biden is handling the Ukraine crisis better than any other president could. We’ve already had Lincoln Project advisor Stuart Stevens saying that this is a moment Biden “has prepared for his entire life.”

We’re not quite getting it. As soon as he took office, Biden handed the Russians the Nord Stream II pipeline. And he delayed sanctioning Russian oil imports until the Republicans tricked him into doing it. But Foer says we need to give Biden credit where credit is due; after all, he’s sort of stayed out of it and let France and Germany take the heat.

Seriously, Biden gets credit for doing nothing:

Joe Biden hasn’t received the full credit he deserves for his statecraft during this crisis, because he has pursued a policy of self-effacement. Rather than touting his accomplishments in mobilizing a unified global response to the invasion, he has portrayed the stringent sanctions as the triumph of an alliance. By carefully limiting his own public role—and letting France’s Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Olaf Scholz take turns as the lead faces of NATO—he has left Vladimir Putin with little opportunity to portray the conflict as a standoff with the United States, a narrative that the Russian leader would clearly prefer. He’s shown how to wield American leadership in the face of deep European ambivalence about its exercise.


Power with Control
Jesus. So his sheer inability to actually do anything is a feature, not a bug?




"mobilized a unifed response"

"let others stand in front in self effacment"


Holy freaking hell. You have to admire the machines chutzpah, if I may borrow a word. But I'm sure its okay to steal from Jewish culture. Instead of just ignoring the fact that Joes got no clothes, they have decided he's the best dressed man ever.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Jesus. So his sheer inability to actually do anything is a feature, not a bug?




"mobilized a unifed response"

"let others stand in front in self effacment"


Holy freaking hell. You have to admire the machines chutzpah, if I may borrow a word. But I'm sure its okay to steal from Jewish culture. Instead of just ignoring the fact that Joes got no clothes, they have decided he's the best dressed man ever.
Hopefully sanity comes to power one day and those people, and their descendants, get sterilized.


Well-Known Member
Biden is crazy, but worse. He thinks we are too.
We would have to be crazy to believe anything he says.
Not much we can do in Russia maybe ,but we could sure stop the gas crisis.

Perhaps when gas and food prices reach some sort of peak the American people will raise such a howl it will bring down this fake Government the democrats cheated to give us. Look for long fuel lines shortly and food lines too. It's coming as sure as tomorrow.

All because Democrats want to make themselves rich pushing "green".
All of this talk of the world destroying itself if we don't go green is horse sh*t.
We could be as green as an Irishmen's shirt on St. Patty's day and China would still be putting out emissions making products to sell us and still building coal plants to provide cheap energy.


Well-Known Member
The only reason the C-sucker stopped buying Russian oil is the polls told him to do it.
Who does he think he is shitting? Wait : I know the got damned fools who voted for him.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member

Biden's Handlers Want Skyrocketing Gas Prices. The EPA Just Revealed Why.

It was a real “Let Them Eat Cake” moment for Secretary Pete, but there is a method to his madness: the administration isn’t just out of touch, it is actively trying to use this crisis to impose its green agenda. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Michael Regan confirmed that on Monday.

The Sacramento Bee reported that Regan was at the White House, along with Buttigieg and alleged Vice President Kamala Harris, to announce “proposed limits on new buses and large trucks to curb some of their greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% in the next decade.” In the course of his remarks, Regan boasted, “We’re pressing the accelerator to reach a zero-emissions future sooner than most people thought.”

Nothing presses the accelerator to reach a zero-emissions future more effectively than gas prices rising so high that driving a carbon-emitting car is simply too expensive.

I'll counter for all the commenting about Keystone ...

Green Technologies will also require a LONG Build out period as well Auto Manufactures could not build EVs fast enough if Biden suddenly decided to subsidise the 60K price tag for a Tesla to get Americans to replace their FF Cars let along the power grid upgrades required to charge all the new EV.

NO this is all a pie in the sky fantasy ....

Whatever subsidy there is now ($7000.00 I believe ) doesn't come off the cost right away, its a tax break.