Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member

Apologist press is ‘raving’ mad for Biden — but Americans say otherwise

None of the apologists could top Daily Beast columnist David Rothkopf, who suggested Biden surpassed JFK’s “Ich bin ein berliner” speech and Ronald Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachev tear down that wall” address. He found the remarks so stirring they reminded him of Winston Churchill’s remarkable “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Mo., in 1946 that warned of the emerging Cold War with the Soviet Union.

Rothkopf, while conceding the White House walk-back on regime change, still saw virtue in what he called a “moment of clarity from the plain-spoken president” that “elevated his speech. It made it clear that Biden’s passion was deeply felt and real.”

Apparently seeing such unexpected praise as too good to resist, the White House suddenly shifted gears overnight and grabbed it like a drowning man grabs a life raft.

Now it, too, saw only virtue in Biden’s on-the-fly addition and the president on Monday made an appearance to defend the very remarks his aides had disavowed Saturday.


PREMO Member

Biden Demonstrates Just How Much the WH Is Lying About Him

The White House has now spent several days cleaning up after Joe Biden’s comments in Europe. Now, they’re having to clean up after the clean-up.

On Monday, Biden claimed that he hadn’t told the American troops that they were going to Ukraine. He claimed that he was talking about them “training” Ukrainians in Poland. That created a stir, because it sounded like Biden had just revealed that the U.S. was training Ukrainians in Poland, something they had previously denied. The White House then walked that back, saying he didn’t mean “training” (despite what he said) — that he meant interacting.

On Tuesday, White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield responded when asked about it, but couldn’t explain why Biden now first talked about tanks — suggesting it was Ukraine — and then changed it to “training” Ukrainian troops.


Well-Known Member

Apologist press is ‘raving’ mad for Biden — but Americans say otherwise

None of the apologists could top Daily Beast columnist David Rothkopf, who suggested Biden surpassed JFK’s “Ich bin ein berliner” speech and Ronald Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachev tear down that wall” address. He found the remarks so stirring they reminded him of Winston Churchill’s remarkable “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Mo., in 1946 that warned of the emerging Cold War with the Soviet Union.

Rothkopf, while conceding the White House walk-back on regime change, still saw virtue in what he called a “moment of clarity from the plain-spoken president” that “elevated his speech. It made it clear that Biden’s passion was deeply felt and real.”

Apparently seeing such unexpected praise as too good to resist, the White House suddenly shifted gears overnight and grabbed it like a drowning man grabs a life raft.

Now it, too, saw only virtue in Biden’s on-the-fly addition and the president on Monday made an appearance to defend the very remarks his aides had disavowed Saturday.

I was really thinking Biden would repeat Kennedy in Poland . :doh:


PREMO Member

‘Arsonist Taking Credit For Containing A Fire’

“The president has touted his budget as fiscally responsible. It is not responsible,” Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley said. “He attempts to take credit for cutting this year’s deficit by $1.3 trillion; that is mainly the product of pandemic-era spending coming to an end. In fact, most of this so-called ‘deficit reduction’ results from the president and the majority in Congress going on a $2 trillion liberal wish list spending spree, stoking the flames of inflation,” he continued, referring to Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. “So in the end, then, taking credit for deficit reduction resulting from discontinuation of irresponsible spending is comparable to an arsonist taking credit for containing a fire by refraining from dousing it with more gasoline.”

Pennsylvania Republican Senator Pat Toomey said the Biden administration’s claims were “flat-out false,” and agreed with Grassley that the deficit reductions were due to COVID spending. “The president’s budget message to Congress states: ‘Critically, my budget would also keep our nation on a sound fiscal course.’ Well, that’s just flat-out false. Our nation is not on a sound fiscal course. It hasn’t been for quite some time,” Toomey said. “It’s clear to me that the president’s budget would worsen our nation’s fiscal health.”

Toomey pointed out that Biden’s budget would increase the budget deficit by more than $14 trillion over 10 years, and public debt would balloon by trillions of dollars as well. He also pointed out, like Grassley, that Biden’s supposed deficit reduction was due entirely to trillions of dollars in “unprecedented [emergency] spending” for COVID relief no longer being included. He then lambasted the American Rescue Plan for making the 2021 deficit worse than it should have been, and for “[proving] to be a significant contributor” in driving inflation to a 40-year record high.


PREMO Member

Biden Administration Gave Teachers Union ‘Unprecedented Access’ To Shape National COVID-19 Guidelines, Report Says

Republican Reps. Steve Scalise (LA), the ranking member of the subcommittee, and James Comer (KY) released a joint statement ripping into the Biden administration over the extent of its collusion with the ATF.

“The facts are clear: Biden’s CDC overrode routine practice to allow a radical teachers union that donated millions of dollars to Democrat campaigns to bypass scientific norms and rewrite official agency guidance,” the statement says. “The damaging edits by union bosses effectively kept thousands of schools shuttered across the country, locking millions of children out of their classrooms. The Biden Administration abandoned medical science and replaced it with political science to reward one of their largest donors, harming millions of children in the process. They bypassed the science to put union bosses ahead of children.”

“Millions of Americans are still outraged at what these Washington Democrats put their children through, and all because union bosses demanded they keep schools closed longer,” they continued. “America’s children are suffering, academically and mentally, because of the Biden Administration enabled school closures. Republicans will not rest until we uncover all the facts and hold everyone accountable who was involved in holding back millions of children from having equal opportunity to achieve the American Dream.”


PREMO Member

The Timing of This Action from the Biden Administration on the Pandemic is a Real Head Sratcher

Throughout his speech, Biden urged Congress to approve additional COVID relief funds:

But if Congress fails to act, we won’t have the supply we need this fall to ensure that shots are available, free, easily accessible for all Americans.
Even worse, if we need a different vaccine for the future to combat a new variant, we’re not going to have enough money to purchase it. We cannot allow that to happen.
Congress, we need to secure additional supply now. Now. We can’t wait until we find ourselves in the midst of another surge to act. It’ll be too late.
And we also need this — this funding to continue our efforts to vaccinate the world — commitments we made. It’s critical to our ability to protect against new variants. There’s no wall that you can build high enough to keep out a virus.
Congress needs to act now, please.


PREMO Member

Biden's 'Billionaire Tax' Crashes and Burns on Takeoff

Biden’s scheme to tax billionaires an extra pittance won’t lower the deficit. If there’s one thing we’ve discovered about increasing taxes, it’s that the promised increase in revenue usually falls a little short of predictions. Somehow, in this arms race between the taxman and the rich man’s accountant, the accountant always seems to come out ahead.

The Hill:

Centrist Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Tuesday shot down President Biden’s new plan to raise $360 billion in revenue by imposing a 20 percent minimum tax on billionaires, a proposal the president formally unveiled Monday in his budget request to Congress.
Manchin says he doesn’t support the president’s plan to tax the unrealized gains of billionaires, which would set a new precedent by taxing the value an asset accrues in theory before it is actually sold and converted into cash.

Manchin may be old-fashioned when he says basically that wealth is something you can hold in your hand, not something that appears as pixels on a computer screen.

“You can’t tax something that’s not earned. Earned income is what we’re based on,” he told The Hill. “There’s other ways to do it. Everybody has to pay their fair share.”
“Everybody has to pay their fair share, that’s for sure. But unrealized gains is not the way to do it, as far as I’m concerned,” he added.

There are a lot of landmines in Biden’s proposal that Machin doesn’t like, but the bottom line is the simple question of fairness. If you’re going to tax someone’s wealth, it should be based on the actual value of an asset, which can only be calculated when another individual determines how much they’re willing to pay for it.


PREMO Member

Biden's Budget Lies

Under Biden's budget proposal, what is going to happen to this $23.8 trillion in "debt held by the public"? Will it be paid off? No. Will it be paid down? No.

According to Table S-10 in Biden's proposal, it is going to grow to $39.542 trillion by 2032. That is an increase of approximately $15.738 trillion from what the debt was Monday.

In fiscal 2023, according to the estimates Biden published in Table S-10 of his budget proposal, the federal debt held by the public will grow by $1.197 trillion. In each of the nine years after that, it will grow by increasing amounts. In 2032, the last year estimated in Biden's budget, the debt will increase by $1.815 trillion.

"The value is fiscal responsibility," Biden told America when he released this budget.

Anyone who actually looks at Biden's budget proposal, which is posted on the White House website, will know this is not true.

As of March 29, the day after Biden released his proposal, the U.S. population is 332,589,749, according to the Census Bureau. Biden's plan to increase the federal debt held by the public by $15.738 trillion would add approximately $47,320 in debt on behalf of every person now living in this country.


PREMO Member

Biden Set To Use Emergency Powers To Promote Clean Energy Production

“The DPA will be authorized to support the production and processing of minerals and materials used for large capacity batteries — such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, and manganese — and the Department of Defense will implement this authority using strong environmental, labor, community, and tribal consultation standards,” the statement continued. “The sectors supported by these large capacity batteries — transportation and the power sector — account for more than half of our nation’s carbon emissions. The President is also reviewing potential further uses of DPA — in addition to minerals and materials — to secure safer, cleaner, and more resilient energy for America.”

Over the weekend, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) blasted President Biden in anticipation of the move. “After begging for oil from dictators, Biden is now using emergency war powers to produce batteries for the 1% that drive electric cars,” he wrote. “Most Americans suffering due to high gas prices don’t have the luxury of spending $50k+ on an electric car. Unleash American energy today!”

Indeed, officials from the Biden administration traveled to Venezuela and met with President Nicolás Maduro earlier this month in an effort to import more oil. In response, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) noted that “rather than produce more American oil he wants to replace the oil we buy from one murderous dictator with oil from another murderous dictator.”


PREMO Member

Biden’s Lack Of Any Strategy For Ukraine Shows He’s Got None For U.S. National Security Either

At this point, no one is sure what the Biden administration’s plan is to help end the war in Ukraine, what it thinks a stable peace might look like, or even if regime change in Moscow is really off the table as a matter of White House policy. Biden has announced no conditions for the easing of sanctions on Russia, articulated no vision for how Ukraine might “win” or what that might look like, and with each new Biden “gaffe” the window for the United States to take the lead in a negotiated political settlement narrows.

All this suggests Biden has no idea what the American national interest is or what our national security strategy should be — in Ukraine or anywhere else. He seems only to have a vague sense that large and powerful countries should not invade their smaller and weaker neighbors. But when they do, how should America respond? What goals or national interests should guide our response? What should our priorities be? Biden and his advisors don’t seem to know.

They had better figure it out. The Ukraine war heralds a new era in geopolitics, one in which rival powers like China will press their claims and pursue their ambitions with every tool they have. It’s not enough anymore to hide behind the platitudes of a “stronger-than-ever NATO alliance,” as if that alone encompasses the American national interest. It’s not enough to insist, as then-Secretary of State John Kerry did when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, that “you just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th-century fashion by invading another country on a completely trumped up pretext,” as if just wishing it would make it so.

What we need now is that which we have least: clarity and resolve. We need clarity about our chief adversary, China, and the resolve to prioritize containment of China above all else.


PREMO Member

Bungling Biden tells families they can save $500 a MONTH by switching to renewable energy

'If your home is powered by safer, cheaper, cleaner electricity like solar or heat pumps, you can save about $500 a month on average,' Biden said.

The White House corrected Biden's remark in a transcript, making clear he meant to say the savings he predicted would be over a year, not a month.

'His plan will help ensure that America creates millions of good-paying union jobs in clean, cutting-edge industries for generations to come,' the statement said

'And it will save American families money in the immediate future – including more than $950 a year in gas savings from taking advantage of electric vehicles, and an additional $500 a year from using clean electricity like solar and heat pumps to power their homes.'


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It cost me a hell of a lot less heating my house with oil this year than it did last year on electric alone.

And we had a lot more colder weather this winter.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
It cost me a hell of a lot less heating my house with oil this year than it did last year on electric alone.

And we had a lot more colder weather this winter.
Same here. But I wonder how much my oil bill is going to be raised.