Biden Actions ... And Reactions


the poor dad


Well-Known Member
Did the same people complaining about innocent women & children dying now also complain about the ones dying during Iraq & Afghanistan ?
In times of war civilians are also killed. If you don't want it to happen move them out of the cities and allow only military personnel . But then the country loses out on the propaganda of using citizens as pawns.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Media: ‘Gas Prices Have Always Been Above $7 And We've Always Been At War With Russia’

U.S.—Mainstream media outlets are reporting this week that gas prices have always exceeded $7.00 a gallon and that we've always been at war with Russia. Also, there's never been such a thing as COVID.

CNN's Anderson Cooper was fact-checked by Snopes after his nightly broadcast. He was given a rating of "Entirely True."

"Anderson Cooper, and all who agree with him, are correct," Snopes confirmed. "He has never reported an outright lie or spread misinformation."



PREMO Member

Democrats Mull $100 Monthly 'Biden Bucks' Gas Stimulus Checks to Buy Your Vote

The Democrats have hit upon a simple way to end inflation. Why not give every American a $100 check every month to offset the inflation that their policies caused in the first place?

Better yet, Congress could give kids another $100 a month so that a family of three or four would be eligible for up to $300 a month in “Biden Bucks.”

Of course, what all that deficit spending will do to the inflation rate can only be guessed at. But when you have the power to print cash, it doesn’t matter, does it? If inflation gets too bad, you can always print up more “Biden Bucks.”


PREMO Member

Biden Donor Awarded White House Post, Millions in Fed Contracts

Biden in September of last year placed close confidant Joe Kiani, the founder and CEO of the medical technology company Masimo Corporation, on the influential President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Kiani's company, which manufactures various medical devices, has received almost $3 million in federal government contracts since Biden took office in 2021. Its contracts include funding from the Department of Defense and Department of Health and Human Services.

The council, according to its website, "advises the president on matters involving science, technology, education, and innovation policy" and "provides the president with scientific and technical information that is needed to inform public policy."

The new post and contracts were awarded just a few years after Kiani emerged as one of Biden's biggest benefactors. In 2017, the Masimo Foundation donated at least $1 million to the Biden Foundation, on top of up to $500,000 from Kiani and his wife, according to donations that were disclosed by the foundation. During the 2020 campaign, Kiani bundled more than $1 million for Biden and hosted in-person and virtual fundraisers for him. Kiani also gave $750,000 to the pro-Biden super PAC Unite the Country, and his foundation gave another $1 million for Biden's inaugural committee.


PREMO Member

'You're playing a game with me'

“Let’s get something straight ... I did not say that in fact the sanctions would deter him," Biden said at a press conference from Brussels, where he is meeting with NATO leaders.

"Sanctions never deter — you keep talking about that — sanctions never deter. The maintenance of sanctions, the maintenance of sanctions, the increasing the pain and the demonstration, why I asked for this NATO meeting today, is to be sure that after a month, we will sustain what we’re doing not just next month, the following month, but for the remainder of this entire year, that’s what will stop him,” the president said, raising his voice.

Asked if he believes NATO's latest actions on Thursday will lead Russia to change course, Biden said, “That’s not what I said. You’re playing a game with me.”

“The answer’s no,” he added.



PREMO Member

Biden says one of his main goals is making sure Dems keep control of the House & Senate

President Biden’s press conference in Brussels, Belgium today contained some real, er, interesting moments:

–Biden angrily told a reporter that his administration has never claimed that sanctions would “deter” Vladimir Putin (Narrator: They have).

–The thoroughly debunked “very fine people” lie made another appearance as Biden couldn’t help but take another swipe at Trump.

–Biden also assured everybody that he’s “been dealing with foreign policy for longer than anybody that’s involved in this process right now.”
Also it was fairly obvious that nobody in the White House has shared any polling with Biden, because the president seems to remain fairly confident there’s a chance the Democrats will retain the House and Senate after the November midterms:



PREMO Member
Biden said he thought Russia should be removed from the G-20, and that the U.S. was going to have 100,000 Ukrainian refugees come to the U.S., and would work to ease the suffering of those who made it across the border to Poland.

“I plan on attempting to see those folks,” Biden said about 12:40 on the video below. “As well as I hope I’m going to be able to see…oh, I guess I’m not supposed to say where I’m going, am I? I hope I get to see…a lot of people”

No, Joe, you’re not supposed to say that. Can I facepalm now? Did he just reveal what he was about to do? Are they really so desperate to paint him as a winner, that his administration would put him in a dangerous situation? And why is he talking about such things in advance? I just can’t with this guy anymore; he could be endangering himself.



PREMO Member

“I came to congratulate a man who just got re-elected without opposition. I dream of that someday!” Biden declared as he greeted Michel. AS RNC Research notes, imagine if President Donald Trump had said that? We’d be having 24/7, CNN coverage about what a fascist he is, and how this is a danger to democracy that we must address with yet another, waste of time impeachment to try to incapacitate him.



PREMO Member

Hundreds of millions in COVID-19 relief dollars diverted to mitigate Biden border crisis

This week's Golden Horseshoe is awarded to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for diverting hundreds of millions of dollars in COVID relief funds to care for unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crossing the southern border.

As the White House and Democrats were pushing this week for more COVID spending, Just The News found numerous examples from the government spending site of COVID funding being steered toward mitigating the effects of the Biden administration's border crisis.

HHS outlayed $129.2 million in COVID-19 relief funds, for example, under a $635.6 million contract with San Antonio-based Family Endeavors, Inc. to care for unaccompanied children.

"The purpose of this order is to award emergency intake site and wrap around care services in support of the [Office of Refugee Resettlement] unaccompanied children's program" at a facility in Pecos, Texas, according to the contract description.


PREMO Member

Biden quickly rehired senior officials fired by Trump for alleged security, financial lapses

The Biden administration quickly rehired senior officials fired for serious security and financial lapses in the waning days of the Trump administration, according to documents reviewed by Just the News.

The U.S. Agency for Global Media, home to the Voice of America and funder of nonprofit broadcasters targeting Europe, Asia and the Middle East, also rehired an official who resigned shortly before his investigation was complete.

The media portrayed them as whistleblowers protecting journalistic integrity from political appointees who wanted to dictate their coverage. Official summaries of their investigations by an outside law firm, recently entered into the Congressional Record, complicate that narrative.

Many alleged violations were related to the agency's continued performance of background investigations on workers — often foreign nationals — for several years after it lost its "delegated authority" from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).


PREMO Member

Biden’s Comment That Putin ‘Cannot Remain in Power’ Triggers Shock: ‘He Did Call for Regime Change’

A White House official later retracted those comments, clarifying that the president was not suggesting a regime change or overthrow of Russia. “The president’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change,” the official said in an email to The Hill.

President Biden’s comments “caught a lot of people off guard,” and “raised questions” about whether there’s been a change to U.S. policy toward “removing President Putin from office,” Josh Lederman of MSNBC reacted.

Fox News’ Eric Shawn later asked on air, “Do you think in that speech that the president was calling for regime change, basically signaling the Russians and the oligarchs to push Putin out?”

Fox contributor Rebecca Grant responded to Shawn, “That was a stunning remark by Biden. I think that’s unprecedented in U.S-Russian diplomatic history. That puts U.S.-Russo relations in the deep freeze. It was a huge and stunning revelation.”


PREMO Member

Biden to propose minimum tax on billionaires in budget

“President Biden is a capitalist and believes that anyone should be able to become a millionaire or a billionaire,” reads the fact sheet describing the tax proposal. “He also believes that it is wrong for America to have a tax code that results in America’s wealthiest households paying a lower tax rate than working families.”

The White House estimates that the minimum tax, which was first reported Saturday by The Washington Post, would reduce the deficit by roughly $360 billion over the next 10 years.

The new proposal would require wealthy households to pay 20 percent in taxes on their “full income,” including standard taxable income as well as unrealized income like gains from stocks.

Such a proposal would need to be passed by Congress.


Billionaires with an Army of Tax Accounts and Lawyers are going to sit still and allow the Gov to tax them

many of them have a modes salary and are only ' worth ' billions on paper for the value of held stock / stock options

Biden does not understand the definition of ' income '