Biden Leadership In America Today


PREMO Member

There's Something Off About This Tweet From Joe Biden

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon pointed out that all this message proved, if honest, that Biden voters are financially illiterate. What should also give you pause is how consumer and credit card debt has soared to its highest levels in years. No one is saving in a manner that could allow for a home purchase. If the timeline for a real estate purchase had a deadline for the year 2150, I could see the message being somewhat accurate. Still, you know the Biden White House tried to thread savings and home ownership, the latter being a core piece of the American Dream, as proof that their economic agenda is working.


Well-Known Member
The answer ..... Bots . Or they live in CA. Which they'll never save enough to afford a house there.

Are some people believing they are getting this 10K and its not being deducted from their fed loan .


PREMO Member

Biden's COVID Response Coordinator Spews Nonsense in New Vaccine Sales Pitch

Of course, the useless HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra sits next to him with a dumb look on his face, probably one of the reasons he gets paid $226,000 annually.

This aphorism, as well as the delivery, is grossly irresponsible, especially since we are daily hearing the harms caused by the Pfizer and Moderna “shots,” including myocarditis and fertility. Harms that the corporations worked to downplay or hide. But this administration has to keep that COVID gravy train going. The new pivot? Let’s make “the shot” annual, just like the flu shot.

Notice they are shifting the language from “vaccine” to “shot”? They think we’re stupid.

Andy Slavitt, former senior advisor to Joe Biden and Medicaid/Medicare czar under Barack Obama, laid out the HHS game plan ahead of the briefing in a Twitter thread:



Well-Known Member
There's always a chance that after a flu shot you feel a liitle ill the next day. Could that double if you get 2 shots .?

Has any medical association approved getting a shot in each arm on one day.


Just sneakin' around....
Big change. I seem to remember you had to wait a few weeks between flu and Covid when Covid shots were first introduced.


Well-Known Member
Big change. I seem to remember you had to wait a few weeks between flu and Covid when Covid shots were first introduced.
This may have been a recommendation so that they could help determine adverse affects of the new vaccine which is harder to do if you're taking more than one at a time. Not anything to do with efficacy of taking two at once.


Well-Known Member
This may have been a recommendation so that they could help determine adverse affects of the new vaccine which is harder to do if you're taking more than one at a time. Not anything to do with efficacy of taking two at once.

The smart, like myself will say no F ing way 2 shots at a time. The stupids who still think they will die without it will stand in line.


PREMO Member
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is claiming a 15-page plan to promote voting access and other election-related initiatives cannot be released to the public because of “presidential communications privileges.”

The DOJ’s Civil Rights Division last week denied a government watchdog’s request to release the department’s “Strategic Plan” on “Promoting Access to Voting.” The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) submitted a public records request, known as a FOIA, for the document last year after President Joe Biden signed an executive order directing every federal department to draft a plan to promote voter registration and participation as well as combat election misinformation.

The FGA followed up its FOIA request with a lawsuit on April 20th after months of silence from the DOJ, according to The Washington Examiner. A district court ordered the DOJ to turn over the requested records by September 8.



PREMO Member
Per Bloomberg, Joe Biden sure isn’t acting as if we’re in a “climate crisis”:

President Joe Biden, who depended on mail-in votes to win office in 2020, unexpectedly flew Air Force One to his home state of Delaware on Tuesday to cast a primary election ballot in-person.
The White House didn’t publicly announce the trip until just before he left. Asked before boarding his plane why he was traveling to his home state on short notice, the president answered: “To vote.”

What’s the excuse for this? It can’t be that there were no mail-in or early-voting options available:

He didn’t answer when asked why he hadn’t simply requested and returned an absentee ballot. Delaware also offered in-person early voting on Saturday, when Biden was at his home in Wilmington.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Wait... he flew a Boeing 747 from Andrews to Dover?!! If he was really concerned about the climate, he could have at least flown MC1.


PREMO Member

The Biden Administration Isn’t Interested In Governing But In Criminalizing The Opposition

It takes a special kind of hubris to throw a White House victory party (with boomer icon James Taylor performing “Fire and Rain,” no less) for a bill allegedly meant to curb inflation amid the worst inflation in 40 years and the worst day for the stock market since Biden’s presidency began.

But then this is also an administration that outrageously claimed, during an historic border crisis, that it is doing more to secure the southern border than Trump ever did, raided the home of Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy) for having an unapproved opinion about the 2020 election, and falsely stated that grocery prices have been “essentially flat” despite a new consumer price index report showing a 13.5 percent increase from last year. And that was all just on Tuesday.

Watching this sort of thing play out day after day, week after week, you start to get the sense that the Biden administration and the Democrats are play-acting at governance, that this is all a shoddy pantomime of what competent leaders might do or say.

That is why you are seeing clips of Vice President Kamala Harris on “Meet The Press” saying slowing, as if she is trying to remember the line, hands awkwardly raised for emphasis, “We have… a secure border.” That is why, at one point during the White House inflation party on Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to prompt the audience to applaud after she thanked Biden for making “this glorious day possible.” We’re having a celebration here, folks. Act celebratory.


PREMO Member

Biden's Human Hot Potatoes Starting to Turn Libs on One Another


Luckily, the plucky island folk were able to clear their walk-in closets of last season’s duds and bake an organic fair-trade casserole to bring to the church in which the “asylum seekers” had been contained. And pat themselves on the back for their exemplary humane response, naturally. Remember, they are much finer folk than those semi-fascist peasants in the red border states.

Local news outlets gushed over the liberal hospitality that was proudly on display. “After migrants arrived in Martha’s Vineyard, a community gathered to welcome them,” swooned WBUR. “On Martha’s Vineyard, another morning dawns as residents rally to help migrants,” sighed The Boston Globe (before surreptitiously changing the headline).

But that’s pretty much where the Vineyardians’ hospitality ended. Nary a waterfront mansion opened its doors to the poor huddled masses its inhabitants claimed to love and want. No doubt, more than one “No person is illegal” lawn sign was surreptitiously taken inside. Now, news has come that the unsightly brown people will soon be shunted off the hallowed island to a military base in Cape Cod and from there, perhaps Boston.


Well-Known Member
They called up the National Guard. to move them.

I wonder how many sons or daughters of the residents of Martha's Vineyard belong to the National Guard. I would bet ZERO.


Well-Known Member
They will be secretly removed at night and dumped in Boston. They will never let them stay. They are all welcoming right now but that ends when the cameras leave.


Well-Known Member
They will be secretly removed at night and dumped in Boston. They will never let them stay. They are all welcoming right now but that ends when the cameras leave.
Would like to see what is happening behind the scenes with the locals and the folks that run the airport, betting that they are gonna disallow any flight plans to MV that seem suspicious.


Well-Known Member
Would like to see what is happening behind the scenes with the locals and the folks that run the airport, betting that they are gonna disallow any flight plans to MV that seem suspicious.
Pretty sure any plane that will hold 50 people coming from Florida will be told to land somewhere else.

But what really pisses me off is that these liberal C-suckers are bad mouthing DeSantis for sending these people to them and saying how inhumane it is and right after they say that they call the National Guard to remove these people from the island. How F=ing humane is that. BASTARDS.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure any plane that will hold 50 people coming from Florida will be told to land somewhere else.

But what really pisses me off is that these liberal C-suckers are bad mouthing DeSantis for sending these people to them and saying how inhumane it is and right after they say that they call the National Guard to remove these people from the island. How F=ing humane is that. BASTARDS.

Yep, what happened to all the happy talk welcoming and saying the people there are taking care of them. Now some are saying its the republican governor removing them. The governor will send the national guard upon request.


PREMO Member

As Biden Closes in on 100 Executive Orders, He's Costing Taxpayers an Astronomical Amount of Money

As reported by Fox News, Biden sits at 99 executive orders since taking office. His frenzied pace of E.O.s came primarily in his first year when he issued more than any president since the 1970s. Memos show at least one outside left-wing group financed by millions from liberal billionaire George Soros influenced some of Biden’s orders and regulatory directives — all while the national debt nears $31 trillion.

Simply put, Biden’s penchant for spending your money raises the notion that “Democrats spend like drunken sailors” to a whole new level of irresponsibility — every dollar of it with an eye on the ballot box.

As Fox noted, a so-called budgetary impact analysis accompanies each executive order but does not include actual monetary costs. Instead, they contain vague language, including if an order will have no impact, increase, or decrease federal costs. Anyone with a modicum of understanding of Democrat “promises” of the cost of their spending monstrosities or even more ridiculous, projected savings to taxpayers knows Democrat budgetary impact analyses are largely crocks of crap.

The Heritage Foundation’s Matthew Dickerson told Fox News Digital in an interview:

President Biden’s executive actions have cost taxpayers more than $1 trillion so far. That’s taking into account the recent student loan executive action, which could cost up to $1 trillion. But earlier this year, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office produced an analysis showing that less than ten of Biden’s earlier executive actions cost taxpayers already more than $500 billion. So it could be up to $1.5 trillion in cost to taxpayers just on executive actions, not legislation going through Congress and being signed into law and being debated. It’s just pure executive actions taken by Biden costing taxpayers up to $1.5 trillion.

Not a tough one to figure out. Biden is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat who’s lived in the pretend world of D.C. politics for nearly 50 years, has no concept of life in the real world, has never seen a wealth redistribution scam he didn’t wholeheartedly embrace, and has become a multimillionaire in the process. It doesn’t take a proverbial rocket scientist to figure out that disastrous combination.