Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member
Bloomberg article mocked for suggesting Americans spend their paycheck immediately to cope with inflation

"In a high-inflation economy, money that sits in the bank is losing value. Each day, those $100 on deposit buy a little bit less. As a result, many Argentines spend their paychecks as soon as they receive them, carting away weeks’ worth of groceries in a single shopping trip, even if some of it -- excess meat, chicken, fish -- will sit in the freezer for months," Gillespie and Doll wrote.

They added "And don’t hesitate to borrow money to finance some of those big purchases. If you can get a loan at a rate below inflation -- something that’s possible for many Americans today -- go for it. Inflation will make it easier to repay the loan in coming months and years."

Twitter users soon reacted to the idea of spending more in the middle of rising inflation rates.



Well-Known Member
When your money is sitting in the bank earning 0.5% and the inflation is 6% we are taking a real ass beating.

Thank you Joe Biden-------------------------------You POS.


Well-Known Member
Makes sense to me spend it now because it's going to be worth less tomorrow.

Remember what happened to toilet paper prices when everyone tried to stock up at the same time for covid? If everyone spends a ton of cash at once to hedge against inflation, prices will rise drastically. That's how you get an inflationary spiral.


Just sneakin' around....
My feeling is that if I spend it right away, I've got nothing but a lot of stuff I don't really need. If it's in the bank, even at a very low rate of return, I still have it plus the interest, and when the inflation spiral slows down, I'll have discretionary money to spend while others are trying to play catch up in their depleted bank accounts.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
My feeling is that if I spend it right away, I've got nothing but a lot of stuff I don't really need. If it's in the bank, even at a very low rate of return, I still have it plus the interest, and when the inflation spiral slows down, I'll have discretionary money to spend while others are trying to play catch up in their depleted bank accounts.
what if it's stuff needed, but no longer available


PREMO Member
Big Mother: Joe Biden’s War On Religious Daycares

Proponents point out that the bill explicitly allows religious daycares to receive federal funding. “Nothing in this section shall preclude the use of such certificates for sectarian [e.g., religious] childcare services if freely chosen by the parent,” the bill says. But two of the least-discussed provisions of the bill would squeeze out faithful Christian and Jewish daycare providers from the market in favor of government-controlled (or government-obedient) childcare centers.

Much of the opposition has focused on the less important of these two provisions: The bill could be interpreted as excluding religious facilities from receiving federal funds. “Eligible child care providers may not use funds for buildings or facilities that are used primarily for sectarian instruction or religious worship,” it says. The ambiguous wording leaves the law’s impact open to legal interpretation. But the Supreme Court has already ruled that excluding a church “from a public benefit for which it is otherwise qualified, solely because it is a church, is odious to our Constitution” in 2017 (Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia Inc. v. Comer).

The real constitutional conundrum is not that religious childcare centers will not receive federal funding but that they will — and that government funds come with strings that would require believers to act against their faith’s traditional moral teachings. Provisions of the Build Back Better act could require religious or church-run daycares to hire transgender or LGBT teachers. In fact, it seems Democratic lawmakers deliberately structured the bill to force this choice on churches.


Low-income parents already receive federal childcare vouchers under the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). Since the federal government considers the primary recipients of these vouchers to be the parents, not the facilities, the laws “allow funds to follow the child to any participating child care provider the parent selects, including faith-based providers.”

The Build Back Better Act changes all that. The BBB, in a clause added by Rep. Robert C. Scott (D-VA), would designate childcare funds as “federal financial assistance” — meaning that church- or synagogue-run daycares would have to abide by federal “nondiscrimination” policies in hiring. These include the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Title IX. Although neither law contains a word to that effect, the Supreme Court and the Biden administration have interpreted the laws as meaning that employers cannot refuse to hire homosexual or transgender employees.


Well-Known Member
Big Mother: Joe Biden’s War On Religious Daycares

Proponents point out that the bill explicitly allows religious daycares to receive federal funding. “Nothing in this section shall preclude the use of such certificates for sectarian [e.g., religious] childcare services if freely chosen by the parent,” the bill says. But two of the least-discussed provisions of the bill would squeeze out faithful Christian and Jewish daycare providers from the market in favor of government-controlled (or government-obedient) childcare centers.

Much of the opposition has focused on the less important of these two provisions: The bill could be interpreted as excluding religious facilities from receiving federal funds. “Eligible child care providers may not use funds for buildings or facilities that are used primarily for sectarian instruction or religious worship,” it says. The ambiguous wording leaves the law’s impact open to legal interpretation. But the Supreme Court has already ruled that excluding a church “from a public benefit for which it is otherwise qualified, solely because it is a church, is odious to our Constitution” in 2017 (Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia Inc. v. Comer).

The real constitutional conundrum is not that religious childcare centers will not receive federal funding but that they will — and that government funds come with strings that would require believers to act against their faith’s traditional moral teachings. Provisions of the Build Back Better act could require religious or church-run daycares to hire transgender or LGBT teachers. In fact, it seems Democratic lawmakers deliberately structured the bill to force this choice on churches.


Low-income parents already receive federal childcare vouchers under the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). Since the federal government considers the primary recipients of these vouchers to be the parents, not the facilities, the laws “allow funds to follow the child to any participating child care provider the parent selects, including faith-based providers.”

The Build Back Better Act changes all that. The BBB, in a clause added by Rep. Robert C. Scott (D-VA), would designate childcare funds as “federal financial assistance” — meaning that church- or synagogue-run daycares would have to abide by federal “nondiscrimination” policies in hiring. These include the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Title IX. Although neither law contains a word to that effect, the Supreme Court and the Biden administration have interpreted the laws as meaning that employers cannot refuse to hire homosexual or transgender employees.

This clown Robert Scott. Another Christian hater. What is it with Democrats that they hate religion.
Religion is what civilizes the world.
Without rules coming from a deity there would be no rules and anarchy would rule.

I don't care if they believe in a deity or not, but the Commandments have been around for thousands of years and they are the basis of so many laws. It is stupid to kill religion, because when it is gone evil will take over and those who killed religion will be the first to go.


PREMO Member
Gas Up 58%, Meat Up 13%: Inside The Newest Record-Breaking Inflation Report

As summarized by CNBC, the following are some of the largest consumer price jumps between November 2020 and November 2021:
  • Gas — 58.1%
  • Used vehicles — 31.4%
  • Hotels — 25.5%
  • Meat, poultry, and fish — 13.1%
  • Furniture and bedding — 11.8%
  • New vehicles — 11.1%
  • Domestic services — 10.2%
  • Jewelry — 6.7%
  • Electricity — 6.5%
  • Food — 6.1%
  • Apparel — 5%
  • Milk — 4.6%
  • Fruits and vegetables — 4%
According to a recent Gallup poll, American families — especially less advantaged ones — are feeling pressure from the rising prices:

45% of American households report that recent price increases are causing their family some degree of financial hardship. Ten percent describe it as severe hardship affecting their standard of living, while another 35% say the hardship is moderate…
Lower-income households are most likely to have experienced financial hardship due to price increases. Seventy-one percent of those living in households making less than $40,000 a year say that recent price hikes have caused their family financial hardship. That compares with 47% of those in middle-income households and 29% in upper-income households.



PREMO Member
‘What’s The Big Deal?’

“Your vaccine mandates have suffered some setbacks in court recently,” WHIOTV 7 reporter John Bedell said. “Federal judges have halted three of those COVID vaccine mandates.”

“Are you going to back down or are you going to continue to fight those in court?” Bedell asked.

“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem,” Biden said. “Everybody talks about freedom about not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about you make sure you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else.”

“What about that?” Biden continued. “What’s the big deal?”



PREMO Member
In 2020, Biden Promised To ‘Shut Down The Virus.’ The CDC Director Just Said COVID ‘Probably’ Isn’t Going Anywhere

“I’m going to shut down the virus, not the country,” said President Joe Biden during his presidential campaign in October 2020.

But now, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the Biden administration is admitting that it’s “probably true” that COVID-19 is here to stay.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky appeared on “CBS Mornings” on Tuesday and was asked about whether we will ever be “all clear” of COVID.

“We’re going into year two, people think we’re waiting for you to sound the trumpet, say it’s all clear. We’re not really going to get an all clear are we?
We just have to face the fact that we’re going to have to live with this, true?” asked host Gayle King.


PREMO Member
Husband Of Biden Cabinet Secretary Is Top Executive At Company Backed By China’s Communist Government: Report

“Danhua Capital, based in California but established with the financial backing of the Chinese Communist Party, is one of the main funders of PathAI, an artificial intelligence firm that employs [Commerce Secretary Gina] Raimondo’s husband, Andy Moffit, as its chief people officer,” the Washington Free Beacon reported. “A venture capital firm backed by the Chinese government is a major investor in an artificial intelligence company that counts Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo’s husband as a top executive, a potential conflict of interest as her agency works to counter China on the world stage.”

Reuters reported a few years ago that Danhua Capital was part of China’s “penetration of Silicon Valley,” noting that the communist government plays a very influential role “in the smaller venture firms they back by providing a greater percentage of their funding.”


PREMO Member
Sales Slow Down As Shoppers Experience Inflation, Low Supply Of Goods

On Wednesday, the Census Bureau announced advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for November, showing an increase of 0.3%, seasonally-adjusted, which was less than last month’s growth in the consumer price index, which was at 0.8%. It also showed a downward trend from October’s 1.8% growth in sales for retail and food services.

The report also showed electronics stores sales down 4.6% in November from the month prior. General merchandise stores sales also decreased 1.2%, and health and personal care stores went down 0.6%.

“If you look at the weakness in November sales, it looks more related to holiday shopping,” said Aditya Bhave, an economist for Bank of America, per The Wall Street Journal. “Some of that is going to be a reflection of prices, but the bigger story here is the change in the seasonal pattern,” with shoppers buying gifts earlier than during typical years.

“As summarized by CNBC, the following are some of the largest consumer price jumps between November 2020 and November 2021:”
  • Gas — 58.1%
  • Used vehicles — 31.4%
  • Hotels — 25.5%
  • Meat, poultry, and fish — 13.1%
  • Furniture and bedding — 11.8%
  • New vehicles — 11.1%
  • Domestic services — 10.2%
  • Jewelry — 6.7%
  • Electricity — 6.5%
  • Food — 6.1%
  • Apparel — 5%
  • Milk — 4.6%
  • Fruits and vegetables — 4%


PREMO Member
Biden ‘Dedicated’ More To Firing Unvaxxed Health Care Workers Than Finding Alternative COVID Therapies

“Though there is still plenty left to learn about COVID, one thing we know for sure at this point is that vaccinations are not a panacea against preventing the spread of the virus,” Scalise said during the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis hearing, entitled “A Global Crisis Needs a Global Solution: The Urgent Need to Accelerate Vaccinations Around the World.”

“Despite these facts, after nearly a year in office, President Biden still has no real strategy to protect American families from COVID,” the ranking member on the Coronavirus Crisis committee added.

“The Biden administration has tried to apply unlawful vaccine mandates to private companies with over 100 employees, to healthcare workers, to federal contractors, and even federal employees,” Scalise continued. “President Biden has dedicated more time trying to get healthcare workers fired if they don’t get vaccinated than he has spent on alternatives like therapeutics to keep families safe.”