Biden's America Last Program


the poor dad
Has Colorado said how many of the homeless are drug addicts .
I personally did not see open air drug use or used needles on the streets but did smell weed in numerous places. There were other more offensive smells while walking the streets. Also had to watch out for dog crap on the sidewalks. Denver was a dirty city - more so than others I have been in.


PREMO Member
🔥 The Intercept ran a timely article yesterday headlined, “Border Wall Construction Resumes Under President Joe Biden.” Hahahaha, oh they’re killing me this morning! The sub-headline explained, “The Biden administration laid out its plans to rev up work on completing Donald Trump’s signature project.”

You may recall that Biden halted the Trump’s border wall right after he took office in January 2021, mumbling something about “what border crisis?” Now, although there’s no official announcement, and corporate media is completely silent about the massive policy shift, but it seems as though an unofficial policy to continue the construction is now suddenly and unexpectedly in force.

The Intercept reported that last week, “U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed that work on the border wall that began under Trump is revving back up under Biden,” explaining that “tarting next month, contractors will return to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona to resume work on the wall, senior CBP officials said in a public webinar.”

Gosh. What could have caused this sudden shift in Biden’s thinking? I have two ideas. First, according to a weekend story in Just the News headlined, “Two More Texas Counties Declare Invasion At Southern Border, Bringing Total To 29.”

So far, Governor Abbott has stopped short of declaring a statewide invasion — no state has. But with literally hundreds of thousands of untracked, unvetted, illegal foreign nationals streaming across Texas’ border every month, one wonders WHAT the governor thinks an “invasion” is?

There must be some other, highly-technical definition of the word out there that I’m not aware of.

Last week, Texas neared 30 Texas border counties declaring their own local states of invasion. But then, more significantly because it blew up on corporate media, Governor DeSantis shipped a handful of migrants to the sunny shores of Martha’s Vineyard, and THEN we find out the Biden administration want to start building the wall again.

Could it have something to do with headlines like this?

Pivoting! It’s no way to run a government, of course. Biden is acting more like a paranoid, secretive dictator than the leader of a transparent democratic government. All this shifting and pivoting whenever the mood strikes him, stopping and starting construction of a Congressionally-approved border wall, without even a public announcement, seems pretty anti-democratic, actually.



PREMO Member

Joe Biden Greeted by 'FJB' Chants at Queen's Funeral

Biden’s presidency has led to great social media content, an economic recession, the highest inflation rates in 40 years, and a consumer price index report so bad that it crashed markets, burning $1.5 trillion to ash. It also led to the “let’s go, Brandon” chant that has driven liberals insane because they have no answer for it.

“Dark Brandon” was a pathetic attempt to make this anti-Biden war cry their own by trying to make Biden, who has lost all cognitive function, into some strategic wizard who plays 4-D chess like some dark lord of the Sith. Biden is only one thing: a punchline.

As foreign dignitaries gathered for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, Joe Biden rolled in late and was also greeted by “FJB” chants by British spectators (via The Guardian):



Beloved Misanthrope
Ad Rips Arizona Democrat Mark Kelly for Backing ‘Policies Pushing Transgender Drugs,’ Operations on Youth

A pro-family group called the American Principles Project (APA) released an ad in Arizona slamming Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) for supporting “policies pushing transgender drugs and surgeries on kids.”

The APP, a national organization that aims “to make the family the most powerful, well-represented special interest group in Washington, D.C,” announced the advertisement’s release on Monday.

A narrator then states, “Democrats like Mark Kelly and Joe Biden support policies pushing dangerous transgender drugs and surgeries on kids, taking away parental rights,” as a graphic on the screen references Senate Bill 393, which Kelly and 45 other Democrats cosponsor.

“Kids are told, elementary school, middle school, if your parents don’t go along with this, they’re not on your side,” Grossman says. “There are no gold standard studies about transgender kids. Zero. We have to go out there and stop this, our children deserve better.”

The bill, titled the “Equality Act,” would effectively eliminate the legal definition of biological sex if signed into law and, as Melissa Moschella, Ph.D., pointed out in a report published by the Heritage Foundation, impose “a radical ideology with sweeping implications on all Americans.”



Well-Known Member
🔥 The Intercept ran a timely article yesterday headlined, “Border Wall Construction Resumes Under President Joe Biden.” Hahahaha, oh they’re killing me this morning! The sub-headline explained, “The Biden administration laid out its plans to rev up work on completing Donald Trump’s signature project.”

You may recall that Biden halted the Trump’s border wall right after he took office in January 2021, mumbling something about “what border crisis?” Now, although there’s no official announcement, and corporate media is completely silent about the massive policy shift, but it seems as though an unofficial policy to continue the construction is now suddenly and unexpectedly in force.

The Intercept reported that last week, “U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed that work on the border wall that began under Trump is revving back up under Biden,” explaining that “tarting next month, contractors will return to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona to resume work on the wall, senior CBP officials said in a public webinar.”

Gosh. What could have caused this sudden shift in Biden’s thinking? I have two ideas. First, according to a weekend story in Just the News headlined, “Two More Texas Counties Declare Invasion At Southern Border, Bringing Total To 29.”

So far, Governor Abbott has stopped short of declaring a statewide invasion — no state has. But with literally hundreds of thousands of untracked, unvetted, illegal foreign nationals streaming across Texas’ border every month, one wonders WHAT the governor thinks an “invasion” is?

There must be some other, highly-technical definition of the word out there that I’m not aware of.

Last week, Texas neared 30 Texas border counties declaring their own local states of invasion. But then, more significantly because it blew up on corporate media, Governor DeSantis shipped a handful of migrants to the sunny shores of Martha’s Vineyard, and THEN we find out the Biden administration want to start building the wall again.

Could it have something to do with headlines like this?

Pivoting! It’s no way to run a government, of course. Biden is acting more like a paranoid, secretive dictator than the leader of a transparent democratic government. All this shifting and pivoting whenever the mood strikes him, stopping and starting construction of a Congressionally-approved border wall, without even a public announcement, seems pretty anti-democratic, actually.

The wall is being continued only in Arizona, a state democrats hope to hold. They know Texas is a lost cause.


PREMO Member

Federal Money Intended for Zoning Reformers Ends Up in NIMBY Clutches

Late last week, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced the recipients of $1.5 billion in grants from the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) program—one of five grant programs the administration said would be used to encourage zoning reforms.

Of the 26 INFRA grant awards this cycle, 19 are going to state transportation departments or port authorities that don't set zoning regulations or issue residential building permits. These bureaucracies can't be incentivized to change regulations they don't have any power over in the first place.

And the few INFRA recipients that do approve building permits don't appear to have been on the cutting edge of zoning reform. Some are actively fighting reform.

Rural Carver County, Minnesota, received a $10 million grant to widen a two-lane road into a four-lane highway. The county's most recent comprehensive plan calls for protecting its "unique and rural agricultural character" from new commercial and residential development.

Flagstaff, Arizona, received a $32.4 million grant to build pedestrian safety improvements. Officials there recently argued against the need to lower impact fees for new development and a more permissive zoning code to address an estimated 7,000-unit shortage of homes.

"We're looking for units that are affordable. Market units do not deliver that," the city's director of community development told the Arizona Mirror earlier this month.

New York City received a $110 million grant to build electric charging stations and refrigerated warehouses at the city's Hunts Point Terminal Produce Market. This is despite the city underbuilding housing for the last decade and actively adopting an "inclusionary zoning" policy that actively disincentivizes new housing construction.


PREMO Member

41-year-old driver admits to intentionally running over and killing Republican teenager in North Dakota due to political dispute

After being charged on Monday with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident, Brandt admitted that his actions were politically motivated.

According to InForum, Ellingson had been participating in a street dance Saturday night, and when it wrapped up, he noticed that Brandt was following him.

Ellingson called his mother to ask for help, but it was too late. Moments later, Brandt slammed into him with his car in an alleyway, killing the teen.

Brandt later called police himself to report the incident. As InForum reports, he claimed that Ellingson had been part of a “Republican extremist group,” and had ordered others to come after him following a political argument.

According to police, Brandt was drunk at the time, however aside from that, very little is known about what transpired.

“We do not know of any witnesses,” North Dakota Highway Patrol Captain Bryan Niewind said. “We are still making attempts to interview potential witnesses from the street dance, people that were present prior to the crash happening.”

Brandt, who Ellingson’s mother knew, was ordered to be held on $50,000 bail, however, he declined, citing his job, family, and house as reasons why he should not be considered a flight risk.


PREMO Member
Court papers show Brandt called 911 around 2:30 a.m. Sunday and told the 911 dispatcher that he just hit Ellingson, claiming the teen was part of a Republican extremist group and was calling people to come get Brandt after a political argument.

Ellingson's mom told police her son called her just before the crash, asking if she knew Brandt, which she does. She does not believe her son knew him.

"We are still trying to determine what, exactly, transpired at the time of crash and prior to that as well," explained Niewind.

Police say Brandt was drunk when he hit and killed Ellingson with his SUV.

"We do not know of any witnesses. We are still making attempts to interview potential witnesses from the street dance, people that were present prior to the crash happening," Niewind said.

A judge ordered Brandt held on $50,000, which he objected, saying he's not a flight risk.

"I have a job, a life and a house and things I don't want to see go by the wayside — family that are very important to me," Brandt told the judge.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Because Maga Reps are known to be violent, Prog Dems have to use preemptive violence to protect themselves.
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PREMO Member

Driver Admits to Intentionally Running Over Teen, Claims He Was 'Republican Extremist'

Eighteen-year-old Cayler Ellingson was hit and killed by a man driving a car in McHenry, North Dakota.

Now, that’s a horrible story, but the initial facts coming out on the case make it even more troubling: It wasn’t an accident.

Ellingson had been out at a street dance when he called his mother to rescue him, because he said he was being chased by 41-year-old Shannon Brandt. But by the time she reached him, Cayler was dead. What Brandt allegedly admitted about the killing was chilling.


PREMO Member

The Point Has Been Made

“I would, in fact, make sure that there is — we immediately surge to the border. All those people who are seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard,” Biden infamously proclaimed during the third Democratic presidential primary debate in Sept. 2019. “That’s who we are. We’re a nation who says, if you want to flee, and you’re freeing oppression, you should come.”

Obviously, that’s exactly what happened, so much so to the point that we’ve seen record numbers of illegal immigrants cross the border under Biden’s watch since he shut down border construction and scrapped former President Donald Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy, with the “gotaways” (those who slip beyond border enforcement authorities and make it into the country untouched) in 2022 alone numbering in the mid-hundreds of thousands so far.

But while the border crisis made headlines throughout the first few months of Biden’s presidency, it slacked off significantly after the summer months as it was making the Biden-Harris administration look bad, especially considering the fact that Harris wasn’t doing what she was tasked with doing – get to the “root causes” of the border crisis, and after Biden himself faced his own “kids in cages” moment, which outraged even his staunchest defenders.


PREMO Member

Biden said to send them back wasn’t “rational,” and Jean-Pierre said they were “fleeing Communism.” Now, this is a fascinating response and an own goal, because while they are trying to deflect away from their failure to do anything about the crisis at the border, Biden and the progressive Jean-Pierre are implicitly admitting the problem of extreme leftism — that people want to flee it. While some fleeing Communism might have legitimate asylum claims (although they likely traveled through other countries– where they could claim asylum–to get here), that doesn’t mean that you leave open the door to everyone, which is what the White House seems to be saying.

But that wasn’t the only own goal that KJP committed during her briefing. I wrote earlier about the report that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis may have been sending a group of illegal aliens to an airport near Rehoboth Beach, Joe Biden’s vacation home in Delaware, on Tuesday.



Well-Known Member

Biden said to send them back wasn’t “rational,” and Jean-Pierre said they were “fleeing Communism.” Now, this is a fascinating response and an own goal, because while they are trying to deflect away from their failure to do anything about the crisis at the border, Biden and the progressive Jean-Pierre are implicitly admitting the problem of extreme leftism — that people want to flee it. While some fleeing Communism might have legitimate asylum claims (although they likely traveled through other countries– where they could claim asylum–to get here), that doesn’t mean that you leave open the door to everyone, which is what the White House seems to be saying.

But that wasn’t the only own goal that KJP committed during her briefing. I wrote earlier about the report that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis may have been sending a group of illegal aliens to an airport near Rehoboth Beach, Joe Biden’s vacation home in Delaware, on Tuesday.

Uh, isn't Nicaragua in Central America . :sshrug:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Uh, isn't Nicaragua in Central America . :sshrug:
No, Nicaragua is in America. It's only you ungodly republicans that have attached these artificial labels to these people. YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK AND I WISH YOU WOULD ALL DIE.

Something happened there, I think I may have channeled my lefty aunt.


PREMO Member
“Well, this is my house. My house where I live with my children in this house right here,” the farmer narrates in the video. “There’s your freaking border wall. … Eight individuals just crossed the freaking border wall, running. … Tried going in my door but the door was locked. So what did they do? They ran right inside my grandpa’s house. Four of them made it inside the barricades themselves inside my 95-year-old grandpa’s house. You want to tell me it’s okay?”

“They tried to break into my house, that’s locked. They tried to razzle-dazzle my porch and my laundry room door and that’s locked,” he added.

“These guys just bull-rushed our houses. I mean trying to open doors, trying to get in,” the farmer told Fox News Digital. “Not everyone is that and I’m in agreement with that, but these guys were trying to get away and get into our houses. That was pretty bad.”

“When they have zero respect and barge in your home on a Sunday at four o’clock in the afternoon when you’re sitting down, rest and relaxing, recliner up and your door flings wide open and three people that you don’t know just come running through the kitchen, it’s unfathomable,” he added.

“I feel that we’re at an all-time peak right now. We’re at the highest we’ve seen this in, ultimately, 90 to 95 years,” he concluded.
