Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member

Children’s Tylenol shortage cause for concern amid tripledemic. Here’s what parents can do

Is there a shortage of children's Tylenol and Motrin?​

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is not currently reporting shortages of children's acetaminophen or ibuprofen. And Johnson & Johnson, the makers of Children’s Tylenol and Children’s Motrin, says that there is no nationwide shortage, but there has been an uptick in demand.

The company’s spokesperson Melissa Witt told NPR via email, “Consumer demand for pediatric pain relievers in the U.S. is high, but there are no supply chain issues and we do not have an overall shortage in the U.S.”

Empty shelves at pharmacies tell a different story.


PREMO Member

Washington Post Joins List of News Companies in Economic Straits After Denying a Bad Economy

These Times writers need to grasp that they are not in a position of bargaining power, given the overall economic malaise sweeping across the media sector currently. Management needs to only note how so many others are also going through similar downturns in revenue, and as a worker, it is tough to use a threat of leaving when opportunities elsewhere are drying up almost daily. Look over just how many news outlets are either cutting staff or have halted growth as a money-saving tactic:

The Washington Post is also going through its share of problems. Like Parade, it too will end its Sunday magazine, with Christmas Day bringing its final edition. To go along with this have been layoffs, as the outlet has been bleeding customers for a time. Now we can see just how stark the losses have been.

The Wall Street Journal has a report about a tech division inside of the Washington Post that is now being regarded as a bigger entity than previously envisioned. Dubbed “Arc XP,” this is a proprietary publishing platform the paper initially developed for advertising purposes. Over the decade it has existed, this program has expanded to also create apps and analytical tools, and the paper is starting to market the tech program to other businesses. Currently what is being explored is whether they want to spin off the tool as a separate company or sell it outright.


PREMO Member

White Supremacist Plots to Blow Up Texas High School! No, Wait…

The U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs said it again in a report it published in November, “The Rising Threat of Domestic Terrorism”: “National security agencies now identify domestic terrorism as the most persistent and lethal terrorist threat to the homeland. This increase in domestic terror attacks has been predominantly perpetrated by white supremacist and anti-government extremist individuals and groups.” Conspicuously lacking from this oft-repeated claim are actual white supremacist terrorists, but a recent case in Texas may help: a man who is most certainly not black or Hispanic plotted to blow up a high school in Amarillo. There’s just one catch: in a bracing little reminder of the actual terror threats that the Left’s propaganda and fantasies have obscured, he’s a Muslim, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Iran.

Amarillo’s KVII reported Thursday that Erfan Salmanzadeh, 33, pleaded guilty on Monday to “use and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.” The “use” part of that stems from a July 2021 incident that brought Salmanzadeh to the attention of police. KVII noted Tuesday that Salmanzadeh “recorded multiple videos in which he referenced the high school.” In one of these videos, which Salmanzadeh recorded on July 22, 2021, he was “standing in his backyard speaking in a mixture of English and Farsi, said he was going to blow up Tascosa High School,” a public high school in Amarillo.


PREMO Member
Nantucket Goes Topless

Topless sunbathing is now legal in Nantucket, Massachusetts; Attorney General Maura approved an amendment passed in May by the residents of Nantucket legalizing topless beaches for both men and women.



PREMO Member

Larry Summers: We Will Have a Recession, It Will Not Be Mild

He continued, “My guess is that the Fed will, in the end, half to suffer through a recession if we are going to bring inflation down. Perhaps that was inevitable. Probably that was inevitable given all these stimulus that was provided to the economy in 2021, given that the Fed was late, and very importantly, given all of these supply shocks that the economy suffered. But whereas I had thought that the Fed was very much in the wrong place a year ago, way behind the curve in terms of responding to inflation. I think in very difficult circumstances, they are in the range of having done the right things and pointing towards doing the right things. I think the chairman was right in the film clip. He showed that no one can know what is going to happen going forward.”


PREMO Member

DAVID MARCUS: Where's our progressive hero now? Migrant shelters are overflowing and a border crisis is about to explode - but AOC and her Democratic cohorts are AWOL

President Joe Biden is now reportedly scrambling to create a new emergency policy before Title 42, a public health rule allowing border patrol to quickly expel migrants, is eliminated Wednesday.

But it looks like too little too late.

A record-breaking 4.4 million illegal immigrants, or roughly the population of Croatia, have already entered the U.S. during the Biden administration and southern border states are crying uncle.

The Democratic mayor of El Paso has declared a state of emergency over fears his city will be overwhelmed. California Governor Gavin Newsom, with lustful eyes on the White House himself, says his state's immigration system is about to 'break.'

Texas GOP Rep. Tony Gonzalez went on CBS News this weekend to completely blow the lid off the rapidly deteriorating situation at migrant shelters.

'What I saw shocked me and I wanted to share that with the world,' he said, as CBS News played his cell phone video from inside an El Paso border facility.

Gonzalez said 500 men and women were packed into 100-person rooms with one toilet shared between them.


the poor dad
Maybe this isn’t the appropriate thread for the pork in the omnibus bill but I’m posting some of it here anyway.



PREMO Member

Biden administration proposing phaseout of compact fluorescent light bulbs

“Today’s announcement is the latest in a series of more than 110 energy efficiency actions taken by the Administration to help lower energy costs and keep money in the pockets of American families while reducing our nation’s carbon footprint,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.

Standards aimed at phasing out incandescent bulbs in general were first passed by Congress during the Bush administration and put into practice during the Obama administration. However, in 2019 the Trump administration unwound the rule. The Biden administration resumed implementation of the rule, finalizing it in April.


PREMO Member

Federal civil rights investigation sparked by removal of LGBTQ+ books from school library

NBC News and ProPublica published a breathless story about an ogre of a school superintendent requesting that school librarians remove explicit LGBTQ+ and gender ideology books from the school library.

After a school board election where two board members won based upon their promise to remove such books from school libraries, the superintendent informed librarians of the policy change. The librarians secretly recorded him (as if informing them of a change in school policy was required a whistleblower exposé) and the ACLU swung into high gear. The feds have swooped in to investigate the school for violating the civil rights of LGBTQ students.



PREMO Member
It’s not a supply chain problem like it was with toilet paper during the pandemic. It’s a planning problem. Apparently, drug stores were caught unprepared for the “tripledemic” Americans are dealing with now. The tripledemic consists of COVID-19, influenza, and RSV infections. Walgreens and CVS confirmed on Monday that they limit children’s pain medication purchases. A Walgreens spokesperson said that due to “increased demand and various supplier challenges,” pediatric fever-reducing products are “seeing constraint across the country.”

Supplies vary from community to community. It’s not a national, widespread shortage, it’s that the pharmacies were not prepared for the tripledemic.

“In an effort to help support availability and avoid excess purchases, we put into effect an online only purchase limit of six per online transaction for all over-the-counter pediatric fever reducers,” the spokesperson added.
The company encourages customers looking to buy an item in-store to check the Walgreens website for inventory by location.

So, now in order for everyone to be able to find pain medication for children, limits have been put in place. In today’s world, the word ‘equity’ must find its way into every conversation in some form. Good heavens.



Well-Known Member
It’s not a supply chain problem like it was with toilet paper during the pandemic. It’s a planning problem. Apparently, drug stores were caught unprepared for the “tripledemic” Americans are dealing with now. The tripledemic consists of COVID-19, influenza, and RSV infections. Walgreens and CVS confirmed on Monday that they limit children’s pain medication purchases. A Walgreens spokesperson said that due to “increased demand and various supplier challenges,” pediatric fever-reducing products are “seeing constraint across the country.”

Supplies vary from community to community. It’s not a national, widespread shortage, it’s that the pharmacies were not prepared for the tripledemic.

So, now in order for everyone to be able to find pain medication for children, limits have been put in place. In today’s world, the word ‘equity’ must find its way into every conversation in some form. Good heavens.

Because the media talked about this could happen months ago people started hoarding the supply. Another media created crisis.


the poor dad

Biden administration proposing phaseout of compact fluorescent light bulbs

“Today’s announcement is the latest in a series of more than 110 energy efficiency actions taken by the Administration to help lower energy costs and keep money in the pockets of American families while reducing our nation’s carbon footprint,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.

Standards aimed at phasing out incandescent bulbs in general were first passed by Congress during the Bush administration and put into practice during the Obama administration. However, in 2019 the Trump administration unwound the rule. The Biden administration resumed implementation of the rule, finalizing it in April.
We’ve got a list of almost 50 different types of lightbulbs we must pull from our shelves by March. Mostly incandescents And halogens. Of course the replacements are twice as expensive.


Just sneakin' around....
A Walgreens spokesperson said that due to “increased demand and various supplier challenges,” pediatric fever-reducing products are “seeing constraint across the country.”
Growing up, we weren't given any kind of OTC pain/fever reducer unless it was truly necessary. A bottle of aspirin lasted a long time. Are parents a bit too quick to medicate these days?


Well-Known Member
Growing up, we weren't given any kind of OTC pain/fever reducer unless it was truly necessary. A bottle of aspirin lasted a long time. Are parents a bit too quick to medicate these days?
So, two things here. Aspirin should last a long time because YOU SHOULD NOT GIVE IT TO KIDS.

Second, tylenol and ibuprofen last longer because today's "children's tylenol/advil" is a much lower dose, to help prevent overdose. Where my mom, and probably yours, just gave us half of an adult tylenol that is the equivalent of about 8-10ml of the kids stuff. So the kids stuff today doesn't last very long.