Biden's America Last Program


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“The spending is unsustainable. As Margaret Thatcher said, at some point, you run out of other people’s money,” Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-Staten Island, Brooklyn) said.

Malliotakis also derided the massive spending plan — which narrowly passed the House on Friday morning over unified GOP opposition — as the “Build Back Broke bill” and a “Democratic socialist spending spree.”

“The short-term impacts will be inflation and a higher cost of living — and the longer-term impact will be tax increases on the middle class,” she said.

“It is a destructive bill that will crush the middle class and hard-working Americans.”

Build Back Better Costs

Build BAck Better costs


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3 warning signs for Biden’s green-energy revolution

Nobody is preparing consumers for these challenges. While touting the benefits of green energy, nobody is telling consumers there will be a cost to them: in dollars, convenience, or preference. But there will be a cost. Green energy is cost-equivalent with fossil fuels in some places now, but often because natural gas provides a ready backup when renewables like wind and solar aren’t available. Without that backup, renewables would be costlier and unreliable.

In some areas, the transition to green energy might go smoothly. But in other areas it won’t, and it's clear at this point that small-scale setbacks or outright lies that spread in the bogusphere can take on outsized importance and wreck public attitudes toward something new. This reality needs to be part of a transition plan, too.


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‘Un-American’: Republican State Financial Officers Call For Banks To Stop Catering To Biden’s Coal and Oil Policies

Fourteen Republican state treasurers signed on, including the treasures of Arizona, Arkansas, and Alabama. The Republican comptroller of Texas and Utah state auditor also signed on to the letter.

The letter specifically called out the Biden administration’s efforts to move toward the end of the coal and oil industries.

“The Biden Administration has resumed these attacks by attempting to ban energy exploration on public lands and reportedly pressuring U.S. banks and financial institutions to limit, encumber, or outright refuse financing for traditional energy production companies,” the financial officers wrote.

They also cited Biden’s plan to stop financing traditional energy projects internationally. The Republicans argued that this move aided “Chinese interests” and led the U.S to be dependent on other countries for energy.

The letter continues, “For the reasons stated above, we will each take concrete steps within our respective authority to select financial institutions that support a free market and are not engaged in harmful fossil fuel industry boycotts for our states’ financial services contracts.”

One step mentioned was that certain states will make sure that banks they are working with will not be boycotting the oil and gas industry.

Fifteen States Respond to ‘Woke Capitalism,’ Threaten to Cut Off Banks That Refuse to Service Coal, Oil Industries

The letter puts the financial institutions that have “adopted policies aimed at diminishing a large portion of our states’ revenue” on notice, saying the banks have “a major conflict of interest against holding, maintaining, or managing those funds.”

“This is not really a boycott,” Moore told National Review. “I’m a market participant and I’m exercising my preference not to work with these banks.”

The financial officers say they will take “concrete steps” within their authority to select financial institutions that “support a free market and are not engaged in harmful fossil fuel industry boycotts for our states’ financial service contracts.”

Moore said the treasurers “want banks to go back to being banks and not instruments of this woke agenda,” adding that “woke capitalism” is “nonsense.”
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Government agencies tell Americans: Downsize Thanksgiving, mask up around family if not vaxxed

Los Angeles County Public Health is advising people to avoid traveling if unvaccinated, see as few other families as possible, and mask up around people from different households.

"Keep your gathering small. Avoid mixing with many different families," it says in its official Thanksgiving COVID guidance. "Don’t be afraid to ask about people’s vaccination status and recent risks before joining a Thanksgiving gathering."

"Wear face masks when gathering indoors with people not from your household, except when eating and drinking." the Los Angeles County guidance continues. "Bring a mask to wear outside if the gathering is crowded, especially with people who are unvaccinated or are at increased risk of severe disease."


PREMO Member
Elizabeth Warren Is Trying To Blame Inflation on 'Price Gouging.' Don't Buy It.

"Chevron, Exxon have doubled their profits. This isn't about inflation, this is about price gouging for these guys," Warren said as host Joy Reid nodded along. While Republicans are trying to score political points by talking about inflation, Warren says, the "oil companies say 'I think it's just another opportunity to make profits' and we need to call them out on that."

Warren is probably right that successful multinational corporations like oil companies do respond to shifts in the economy by finding ways to turn a profit. Because, well, that's what they have to do to keep being successful multinational companies. There's hardly anything shadowy or suspicious about that. You can put gas in your car this morning because oil companies are making a profit, whether Warren approves or not.

The price-gouging claim, however, is just wildly off base and smacks of political desperation. For months, Democrats claimed that dumping trillions of dollars into the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic—in the form of direct payments, expanded unemployment benefits, and other spending—would not trigger inflation. Then they claimed inflation was transitory. Months later, it now looks like significant inflation will continue well into next year, so a scapegoat must be found.

But Warren's claim that oil companies are jacking up prices to turn a bigger profit doesn't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny.


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Biden Will Require Canadian Truck Drivers Get Vaccinated To Cross Border

“A senior administration official said the requirement, which the White House previewed in October, brings the rules for essential travelers in line with those that took effect earlier this month for leisure travelers, when the U.S. reopened its borders to fully vaccinated individuals,” the Star-Tribune reported.

The Biden administration had originally scheduled the vaccination requirement for November 8 but then pushed the deadline back.
On October 29, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security announced:
Starting November 8, when arriving at a U.S. land POE or ferry terminal, non-citizen travelers should be prepared to (1) provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination, as outlined on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)website; and (2) verbally attest to their reason for travel and COVID-19 vaccination status during a border inspection.
Any non-citizen attempting to enter the United States through illegal means or without appropriate documentation may be subject to expulsion or removal. Travelers arriving at a U.S. land POE or ferry terminal should be prepared to present any other relevant documents as requested by a CBP Officer.


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Liberal college professor suggests Biden 'declare war' on Republicans, compares them to Civil War slaveholders

"The Atlantic" article, authored by contributor Molly Jong-Fast, argued that Biden was facing problems controlling the "narrative" around his presidency and needed "an enemy" to absorb American's anger, which has been translating to his increasingly low approval rating.

Jong-Fast cited Richardson's claim that a focus on going after Republican "authoritarians threatening our democracy" would be like former President Abraham Lincoln going after southern slaveholders in the Civil War.

"To improve Biden’s popularity, earnest consultants might tell him to work on the fundamentals. But the fundamentals are actually good: The economy is getting better. Americans have both cash and jobs," Jong-Fast wrote. "The disconnect between the facts and the polls suggests that Biden’s true problem is a narrative one. Specifically, he doesn’t have an enemy, a punching bag to absorb Americans’ anger (rational or irrational)."

"If Biden needs to unite voters, whom should he unite them against?" she added. "Boston College professor Heather Cox Richardson told me, ‘Biden could easily declare war on the authoritarians threatening our democracy, much the same as Abraham Lincoln did when he pulled northerners together to stand against the slaveholders.’ That is, he could spend more time trying to direct Americans’ attention to the threat posed by the Trump-directed Republican Party, which is consolidating power at the state level and turning against democracy in large numbers."

These people are psychotic The Authoritarian is IN THE WHITE HOUSE


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Build Back Better’s climate pork will benefit the rich — but not the environment

The bulk of the Build Back Better bill, on the other hand, consists of large tax credits and subsidies for special interests with marginal benefits — and, incredibly, still more tax breaks for the affluent on top of the reinstatement of the state and local tax deduction that will deliver more than 90 percent of its benefits to the top 1 percent of income earners.

About $300 billion of BBB goes to tax credits and subsidies for wind and solar power, plus a tax credit of up to $12,500 for buying an electric car — up from the existing $7,500 tax credit that has been limited to just 200,000 cars a year.

But there are two catches. Several studies have shown that this tax credit, which dates back to the Obama years, overwhelmingly goes to people in the top 5 percent of the income scale, so BBB is going to impose an income limit of $500,000 for a married couple. Even if the dreaded top 1 percent can no longer get their electric car — often the fourth or fifth vehicle in their garage — subsidized by taxpayers, the credit will still flow mostly to affluent Americans.

Second, the full $12,500 tax credit will only be available for union-built electric cars, which cuts out nonunion Tesla, Toyota and Honda. Democrats place a higher priority on rewarding their union friends than maximizing the number of electric cars on the road.

The other pure froth in BBB is a 300,000-person Civilian Climate Corps, an homage to the New Deal Civilian Conservation Corps. What the Climate Corps will do, how young people will be selected and how much will be spent on it (as much as $10 billion perhaps) are still vague, and labor unions are unenthusiastic. It seems the only purpose of this CCC is to give the Green New Deal the texture and feel of the old New Deal. This is just one sign of the unseriousness of the climate and energy provisions of BBB.


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School staff shortages nationwide could lead to changes in vaccine mandates

According to a survey conducted in October by the EdWeek Research Center, just 5% of administrators reported not experiencing staffing shortages, while 45% consider their district’s shortages as "very severe" or "severe." Labor Department data shows that in September alone, 30,000 public school teachers handed in their notices.

"The fact that we’re short-staffed means that teachers are having to extend their day well past the normal workday, and that becomes an untenable situation," said Jennifer Martin, president of the Montgomery County Education Association.

Martin, who is also an English teacher, told Fox News that she fears lingering COVID-19 stressors are forcing the profession she loves into a "Great Resignation."

"If you want to have a job that gives you work-life balance that pays well and where you're respected for your professionalism. Right now, it's pretty much a question as to whether that's something you can have as an educator," she said.


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MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle rips Dollar Tree for blaming price hikes on inflation: They don't 'NEED' to do this

"For 35 years, Dollar Tree has managed through inflationary periods to maintain the everything-for-one-dollar philosophy that distinguished Dollar Tree and made it one of the most successful retail concepts for three decades," the company said in a press release on Tuesday. "However, as detailed in its September announcement, the Company believes this is the appropriate time to shift away from the constraints of the $1.00 price point in order to continue offering extreme value to customers. This decision is permanent and is not a reaction to short-term or transitory market conditions."

In a statement, Dollar Tree executive Michael Witynski said the change would give the company "greater flexibility to manage the overall business, especially in a volatile, inflationary environment."

Ruhle, however, isn't buying the suggestion that the current inflation conditions play a role in the price hikes.

"Let's be clear, Dollar Tree does not NEED to raise prices," Ruhle tweeted Wednesday. "Their biz is KILLIN it- $1,230,000,000 in profits CEO pay $10MM."

"DollarTree is raising prices because they CAN- not bc they need to. It is a choice of how to share the benefits of their scale To customers? To employees? To shareholders? To mgmt?" she added.

Dollar Tree, Inc. (DLTR)


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Liberal college professor suggests Biden 'declare war' on Republicans, compares them to Civil War slaveholders

"The Atlantic" article, authored by contributor Molly Jong-Fast, argued that Biden was facing problems controlling the "narrative" around his presidency and needed "an enemy" to absorb American's anger, which has been translating to his increasingly low approval rating.

Jong-Fast cited Richardson's claim that a focus on going after Republican "authoritarians threatening our democracy" would be like former President Abraham Lincoln going after southern slaveholders in the Civil War.

"To improve Biden’s popularity, earnest consultants might tell him to work on the fundamentals. But the fundamentals are actually good: The economy is getting better. Americans have both cash and jobs," Jong-Fast wrote. "The disconnect between the facts and the polls suggests that Biden’s true problem is a narrative one. Specifically, he doesn’t have an enemy, a punching bag to absorb Americans’ anger (rational or irrational)."

"If Biden needs to unite voters, whom should he unite them against?" she added. "Boston College professor Heather Cox Richardson told me, ‘Biden could easily declare war on the authoritarians threatening our democracy, much the same as Abraham Lincoln did when he pulled northerners together to stand against the slaveholders.’ That is, he could spend more time trying to direct Americans’ attention to the threat posed by the Trump-directed Republican Party, which is consolidating power at the state level and turning against democracy in large numbers."

These people are psychotic The Authoritarian is IN THE WHITE HOUSE
I stopped reading at "The Atlantic."


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‘That Alone Is Not Enough’: Biden, Harris Push Racial Justice After 3 Convicted For Killing Ahmaud Arbery

In a statement, Biden said that the killing was “a devastating reminder of how far we have to go in the fight for racial justice in this country” and that the three men being convicted was “not enough”:
Ahmaud Arbery’s killing – witnessed by the world on video – is a devastating reminder of how far we have to go in the fight for racial justice in this country. Mr. Arbery should be here today, celebrating the holidays with his mother, Wanda Cooper Jones, and his father, Marcus Arbery. Nothing can bring Mr. Arbery back to his family and to his community, but the verdict ensures that those who committed this horrible crime will be punished.
While the guilty verdicts reflect our justice system doing its job, that alone is not enough. Instead, we must recommit ourselves to building a future of unity and shared strength, where no one fears violence because of the color of their skin. My administration will continue to do the hard work to ensure that equal justice under law is not just a phrase emblazoned in stone above the Supreme Court, but a reality for all Americans.


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Former FDA Head Gottlieb: Biden’s Omicron Travel Ban ‘Counterproductive’

“Of note: The 4 cases of new variant identified in Botswana were incidentally detected in well people tested before air travel, and South African Medical Association chief said – so far – symptoms seen are ‘mostly mild symptoms, and we haven’t seen a spike in hospital admissions,’” Gottlieb wrote in a Twitter thread about the new variant Friday.

His tweet was accompanied by screenshots of two news reports explaining that the novel variant allegedly originated in Botswana. The reports noted that there were currently only six cases in the country, and the new variant reportedly came from a person who was immunocompromised due to an HIV infection. The reports also said that there had been a spike in COVID cases, but not in hospitalizations.

“Good world is more organized; taking new variant seriously, with coordinated effort to investigate,” he continued. “It’s counterproductive in short and long run, however, to impose harsh travel restrictions on affected countries; hurting current containment efforts, discouraging future sharing.”


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If I may ...