Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member
Team Biden and its media apologists blame you for supply shortages the White House refuses to fix

The shortages are feeding worries around kitchen tables across the country. But according to the Biden administration and its apologists, the real villains aren’t the people who are supposed to ensure things like this don’t happen in the world’s richest and freest nation; it’s your fault for wanting to give gifts or buy new things.

The crisis isn’t just threatening a new kind of “War on Christmas” (and Hanukkah) that would put a damper on holiday spirits. The shortages are also driving up prices of essential goods, like used cars and food staples — vital issues for poor families. Plus, retail businesses and other industries — and the people that derive their livings from them — depend on the boost in consumer spending from gift giving. So supply shortages could send an already shaky economy, struggling to recover from the pandemic, into a new downturn.

This is the sort of problem we expect leaders to treat with seriousness and urgency that show they’re trying to solve it. But when asked about it last month, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki mocked consumers, calling the crisis “the tragedy of the treadmill delayed.” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg simply shrugged his shoulders and said the problem will continue well into 2022.

Biden himself is complacent, saying just this past weekend that voters aren’t smart enough to understand it.

Meanwhile, rather than sounding the alarms about Team Biden failures to head off a looming economic nightmare (and doom Democrats in 2022), the liberal media is joining in the drive to convince us that the fault lies with the American consumer.


PREMO Member
Biden: ‘Did You Ever Think You’d Be Paying This Much For A Gallon Of Gas?’

What Biden did not mention was that a record number of container ships, 111, were documented floating outside of those two ports, according to Markets Insider.

Biden continued by talking about surging costs and rising fuel prices, asking, “Did you ever think you’d be paying this much for a gallon of gas?”

“In some parts of California, they’re paying $4.50 a gallon,” Biden said, apparently unaware that the highest prices in the state of California are more than $7 per gallon.


Beloved Misanthrope
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PREMO Member
Team Biden Was Wrong All Year on Inflation

Only a fortnight into his term, Biden’s nearly $2 trillion stimulus bill already was rolling through Congress, when Summers, a Democrat, sounded the alarm in the Washington Post about profligate spending:

“While there are enormous uncertainties, there is a chance that macroeconomic stimulus on a scale closer to World War II levels than normal recession levels will set off inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation, with consequences for the value of the dollar and financial stability. This will be manageable if monetary and fiscal policy can be rapidly adjusted to address the problem. But given the commitments the Fed has made, administration officials’ dismissal of even the possibility of inflation, and the difficulties in mobilizing congressional support for tax increases or spending cuts, there is the risk of inflation expectations rising sharply. Stimulus measures of the magnitude contemplated are steps into the unknown.”

The reaction from the White House was as swift as it was fierce. Top staff rushed to say that Summers was “flat-out wrong,” with arrogant economic adviser Jared Bernstein repeating the worst cliché of “the risks of doing too little are far greater than the risks of going big.”

Team Biden continued to downplay or ignore inflation throughout the spring and summer.

“We think the likeliest outlook over the next several months is for inflation to rise modestly and to fade back to a lower pace thereafter,” Bernstein wrote at one point.


Well-Known Member
The inflation tax will soon be joined by other taxes.

This crazy old coot keeps saying the Trillion dollar infrastructure plane is paid for.
Is anyone in this country besides the media really stupid enough to believe that?


PREMO Member
Presidents generally get far too much credit and/or blame for our fortunes, but they can certainly exacerbate existing problems. And our political class has certainly aggravated them with unbridled spending and support for policies that disincentivize work and inhibit energy production.

Wholesale prices rose 8.6% from a year ago in October, another record annual gain and the biggest spike in more than a decade. Inflation hit 6.2%, the highest rate of annualized inflation since the 1990s. Whereas once voters were promised “transitory” inflation, today, economists warn that we’ll be in this for a while.

“Reversing this trend is a top priority for me,” President Joe Biden said Nov. 10, after months of his administration’s dismissing inflation as a “high-class” and short-term predicament. There’s “nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way — no serious economist,” the president promised a few months ago. Biden’s National Economic Council Deputy Director Brian Deese had argued that inflation was actually a good thing, and the entire administration had pushed the notion that the best prescription to alleviate inflation was more big progressive spending — part of a broader trend of Democrats saying utterly absurd things about the economy.

Democrats have seriously underestimated the frustration that voters, unable to get the things they desire nearly instantaneously, are going to feel, as people such as Jen Psaki crack jokes about supply-chain problems, “the tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed.” What about rising prices?



PREMO Member
Federal Appeals Court Blocks Biden’s ‘Staggeringly Overbroad’ Vaccine Mandate

The three-judge panel in New Orleans ruled that Biden’s mandate “grossly exceeds OSHA’s statutory authority,” writing that “rather than a delicately handled scalpel, the Mandate is a one-size fits-all sledgehammer that makes hardly any attempt to account for differences in workplaces (and workers) that have more than a little bearing on workers’ varying degrees of susceptibility to the supposedly ‘grave danger’ the Mandate purports to address.”

Judges Kurt D. Engelhardt, Edith H. Jones, and Stuart Kyle Duncan said that the mandate imposed financial burdens on businesses that could potentially violate the Constitution, writing, “The Mandate imposes a financial burden upon them by deputizing their participation in OSHA’s regulatory scheme, exposes them to severe financial risk if they refuse or fail to comply, and threatens to decimate their workforces (and business prospects) by forcing unwilling employees to take their shots, take their tests, or hit the road.”

The court stayed the mandate in a ruling last Saturday, writing that there were potentially “grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate.”


PREMO Member
‘Build Back Better’ Would Raise Taxes On Up To 30% Of Middle Class

The report found that in the year 2022, when looking at direct taxes only — that is, individual income taxes and payroll taxes — most American families in all income groups except the top 1% would see a tax cut. But when all of the major tax laws are taken into account, TPC reports that “roughly 20 percent to 30 percent of middle-income households would pay more in taxes in 2022.” Those increases would be small, with most low and middle-class families paying about $100 more in taxes.

However, Tax Policy Center notes that, beginning in 2023, things would begin to change.

The bill’s extension of the child tax credit would extend only through 2022. In addition, the corporate minimum tax, which TPC passes on to households by virtue of family members working for and investing in corporations, would not take effect until 2023.


PREMO Member
Biden Makes Energy Wildly Expensive While Trying to Sell ‘Green’ Alternatives

The Biden administration’s energy bait and switch is as devious as it is simple, and American families need to be on guard. It works like this: First, undermine America’s domestic and affordable energy supply, which then drives up prices all across the country. Step two is forcing a total reliance on solar and wind that somehow is magically “less” expensive.

Call it the Biden two-step plan to greener failure.

For years, extreme environmentalists have been peddling falsehoods that their “green” solutions of wind and solar are more affordable. Yet, just like their apocalyptic predictions about the environment, they are constantly proven wrong. California is the poster child for adopting the green agenda, but families there are paying the highest electric rates in the continental United States. In order to pay higher electric rates than the Golden State, you have to live on islands more than 2,000 miles in the Pacific. The plan that produced those prices is a mirror image for what Joe Biden wants for the rest of the country.


PREMO Member
Missouri Utility Warns Of Blackouts As Biden Administration Considers Shutting Pipeline

The natural gas company, which serves 1.7 million homes throughout Missouri, Alabama and Mississippi, emailed customers Wednesday that a federal review of the STL Pipeline could jeopardize their energy supply. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will discuss revoking the pipeline’s permit during a Nov. 18 hearing.

“The STL Pipeline was built to support your energy needs, along with those of more than 650,000 homes and businesses in the St. Louis region,” Spire President Scott Carter wrote in the email. “Since 2019, this safe, fully operational pipeline has been bringing even more reliable and affordable natural gas to our community.”

“Unfortunately, while the STL Pipeline continues to operate today, it is now in jeopardy,” the email continued.


PREMO Member
'Stephanie Antoinette'

"The dirty little secret here, Willie, while nobody likes to pay more, on average, we have the money to do so," she said. "Household savings hit a record high over the pandemic, we didn't really have anywhere to go out and spend."

Ruhle was accused of out-of-touch thinking after she argued that unvaccinated Americans can just work from home or homeschool their children, despite studies showing that it was harder for less well-off Americans to have the ability to work from home.

"If you do not want to get vaccinated, you can work from home," she said in September. "You can home school your children. You can shop online."


Aren't these the same people screaming for $ 25 hr Min Wage ?


Well-Known Member
'Stephanie Antoinette'

"The dirty little secret here, Willie, while nobody likes to pay more, on average, we have the money to do so," she said. "Household savings hit a record high over the pandemic, we didn't really have anywhere to go out and spend."

Ruhle was accused of out-of-touch thinking after she argued that unvaccinated Americans can just work from home or homeschool their children, despite studies showing that it was harder for less well-off Americans to have the ability to work from home.

"If you do not want to get vaccinated, you can work from home," she said in September. "You can home school your children. You can shop online."


Aren't these the same people screaming for $ 25 hr Min Wage ?

The salary she receives allows her to work from home and pay someone to watch, teach and feed her kids.


Well-Known Member
She might have the money to pay more, but many people are on a fixed income, and the social security raise will be eaten up by a raise in the cost of Medicare.
Inflation is a direct cause of having a moron for President and morons in the Congress.
That is a fact that cannot be denied.


Just sneakin' around....
it was harder for less well-off Americans to have the ability to work from home.

"If you do not want to get vaccinated, you can work from home
"Well, I'm off to work. We're putting in a new drainage ditch today, but since I'm working from home, I'll be starting in the kitchen."


Just sneakin' around....
Chip shortage is getting to the point where GM will not put in heated seats as a standard, so the chips can be better used somewhere else. Denali and Sierra models will still have heated seats.

I'm thinking it really doesn't matter because inventory is practically non-existent anyway.


PREMO Member
National Economic Council Director Brian Deese - "well, no, that's not our perspective,"

Tapper even called him out on how the White House has failed to listen to the warnings from economist Larry Summers, a fellow Democrat who held Deese's role in the Obama administration.

"Is it possible that Americans are suffering now from high prices because the Biden administration overstimulated the economy with all of this money going into the economy," Tapper asked, as he brought up Summers' warnings that the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan was a major cause for inflation and "the least responsible macroeconomic policy we have had in the last 40 years."

Deese answered "well, no, that's not our perspective," and claimed inflation will go down next year.


Host Chuck Todd mentioned "we have an economic recovery, but inflation is now outstripping the wage gains. As you can see here, year over year, wages are up nearly 5 percent, but the inflation basically eats all of it, and then some."

While Deese wanted to focus on topics like childcare, and why the spending bill will fix the problems, Todd wasn't having it. "None of that is going to impact inflation right now," Todd pointed out when Deese kept bringing up the supposed benefits of the bill. Todd would have preferred to talk about the labor shortage, such as with truck drivers. It went unmentioned though that a worsening factor for these labor shortages has to do with vaccine mandates the Biden administration is fighting to enforce.


PREMO Member
The Liberal Media Knows Who's to Blame for Biden's Inflation Crisis

You're attacking the American family for…buying milk. And then, there's this insane pivot that the inflation crisis is good, that the economy is actually booming, and that this could be a good thing since Europe doesn't consume as much. That doesn't work for most Americans. In fact, it's a narrative that is classically tailored to the wealthiest and most privileged in America: White college-educated and urban-based liberals.

No one thinks like this outside of the cities. No one. People need to eat. People need food shelves stocked. Americans drink milk. Not everyone (most Americans cannot) afford the vegan, all-organic white woman nonsense that liberal America wants all of us to adapt on a widespread basis. The beyond meat crap—everything is just not feasible. It's also an elitist activity. It's "first-world problems" for sure regarding red meat consumption. It's truly a privilege to be vegetarian when most of the world would die of starvation without eating animals.

So, yes—bash the three-fourths of the country for going to the grocery store. That'll win more votes. That'll save the Democratic majority in Congress. That'll really fix the Democrats' ongoing issue with connecting to people who aren't like them. And I don't know if they notice this, but most of the country isn't like them. They're the minority, and that will always remain because we're not a nation founded by communists. The rigidity of white liberals is beyond absurd, and if you don't agree with them, you're branded as a neo-Nazi.