Big age gap between children/siblings?


Free to Fly
There is six of us....all girls. Poor dad. Even the dog was a female. We had a major testosterone imbalance in our house.

Sounds like my family only there were only 5 girls and no boys with ten years between the first and the last child. Our dog was a girl too.


Well-Known Member
No, I am not pregnant.

However, SoMDgirl is partially responsible for planting the seed that has stirred the desire for another child.

That is great! good luck to you both :love:

I have the 3 older boys who are very close in age... and while they do get along I will tell you 75 % of the time they are arguing and fighting w/ each other :lol: Maybe it is a phase and they will grow out of it... they all adore their younger brother though and are really good helpers w/ him! The age difference there is 9 yrs, 8yrs, and 7 yrs


Well-Known Member
Mine are 5,3, and almost 2. They fight every day about everything. I wish they were a little more spaced apart. And I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally hope they grow out of this soon. :jameo:
Mine are 5,3, and almost 2. They fight every day about everything. I wish they were a little more spaced apart. And I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally hope they grow out of this soon. :jameo:

I don't believe kids "grow out of it". I believe that changes in parenting correct the behavior. :shrug:


New Member
For those of you who have big age gaps between your children how did you & your older children adjust to having a baby?

In our case we would have at the least a 7 year age difference. I wanted to have children fairly close in age so they could grow up together but God had other plans for us.

My two boys are 11 years apart - My oldest is 24 years old and my young one is 13 years old. Its great - they both got the individual attention as if they were only children.


New Member
Islandgirl you cant do that... post something as important as this and then leave :cds:

Where are you !!!!! :cds:

Sorry to make you wait!! I needed to make a sandwich, my breakfast was not holding me over any longer....

Just think that 10 minutes that it took for me to respond you were on the edge of your seat with anticipation...LOL!


Well-Known Member
No, I am not pregnant.

However, SoMDgirl is partially responsible for planting the seed that has stirred the desire for another child.

I can't help but laugh at the way you worded that. For some reason I thought of the old days when the men planted their seed. I deny I planted in seed in you, however I may have put the bug in your ear. :killingme

Check your pm'er soon. :buddies:


My brother is 8 years younger than I am.
we dont talk, never have, dont really expect we ever will, tried it once, didnt turn out well.

My sister and I who are 2 years apart have always got along.

About the same thing with me and my sister expect she is 10 yrs older than me. We've never had a close relationship and never will.
works on my cats when they squabble:shrug:

It worked on our mother whenever she started to talk about sex with her boyfriend. The point is to use a method that signifies displeasure and non-acceptance of bad behavior...:yay:


Loving My Life...
My oldest son will be 14 this Dec. My daughter is 1 1/2 and my other son is 6 weeks.. Talk about an age gap!! He wasn't happy at first because he was the only kid for a long time.. But he loves his brother and sister and is VERY protective..
Aside from Pete's suggestion I've tried every form of correction with them. Nothing works for more than a few hours.

Consistency. Consistency works... it just takes time, effort and energy on your part, but it works and is worth it in the long run.
For those of you who have big age gaps between your children how did you & your older children adjust to having a baby?

In our case we would have at the least a 7 year age difference. I wanted to have children fairly close in age so they could grow up together but God had other plans for us.
Oldest is 11, youngest is 1. Missed being 10 years apart by 28 days (assuming my math is right). Other 2 are 6 & 8. No issues with the baby, other than that they can be TOO loving sometimes. They honestly are big helps with her.


Well-Known Member
Aside from Pete's suggestion I've tried every form of correction with them. Nothing works for more than a few hours.

Hours??? Seriously. I'm lucky it lasts a minute and a half. If you're getting hours of no squabbling, don't complain too much.