the state law says, the front tag must be visible on the front. it's visible in the windshield, whats the big deal? i don't see any besides cops would rather bust people for not having front tags, rather then people actually breaking the law.
huntr1-which the cop did so. i've recieved 3 tickets from him, 1 for speeding, and 2 for front tag.
willie, i did say that, which i really don;t care if you believe me or not, i am a smart ass and i have a tendency of telling cops the wrong thing. i guess im not one of those people who will kiss your ass so you don't give me a ticket..
i did end up taing the tag and sticking it behind the mesh insert after a few months, but then i ended up getting a new bumper and making my own bracket for the liscense plate to avoid drilling in the bumper, which will decrease the look of my truck, and since this is a truck i enter into car shows, you gotta look good.