I'm gonna try to get the flattie out and make this ....
It's out..it's running...leg is not broke from starting it...we're there!
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I'm gonna try to get the flattie out and make this ....
It's out..it's running...leg is not broke from starting it...we're there!
See you all there I hope. Not doing the ride though. Just showing support.
Same here...riding up to the track..riding back home again. But happy to be on two wheels for a change, so its all good.
You should put your bike in the show.
That's the plan...wiping all the oil off of everything now.
No. That's women.
What?...bored?...run out of small animals to abuse, Sally?
Yes you bore me baldy. How's the wife?
This is a thread for a charity event, why would you even come in here and start your BS?
Who's wife? Me..I don't have one of those and haven't for quite a few years...going on 7, in fact. Yr obviously confused again; you forgetting to take your meds?
Did you make it there? I left before the ride. Damn racetrack announcer was driving me crazy. First time I saw bike drags though awesome!
Nope. I made it to Callaway...whereupon I noticed my oil light was on and stayed on. I changed the oil yesterday and didn't have the Nitro 70..so I used Amsoil 60W and a bunch of Lucas additive. Bad idea..it foamed up like crazy.
Took it back home in the trailer and felt sorry for myself for a while....and then order a case of Rev Tech 70w and worked on my '76 Bronco restoration instead.
Good move. It was a cluster f.