Bill Maher Speaks


Well-Known Member
We tried it their way
It didn't work.

But instead of dropping the mandates and the masks and trying to bring back a decent economy they are still pushing a failed policy. Why?
They want to show us that they are in charge.
In a Democracy the majority rules.
The majority has had enough of their bullsht. The Canadian government and ours is now dictatorial and it's policies are being run by a little shrimp call Faucci.


PREMO Member

‘Maybe Kids That Young Shouldn’t Be Thinking About Sex At All’

Left-leaning comedian Bill Maher defended the Florida bill that critics have unfairly labeled “Don’t Say Gay,” arguing during the “Overtime” portion of Friday night’s episode of “Real Time With Bill Maher” that it was reasonable to believe kids in early elementary school should not “be thinking about sex at all.”

Maher discussed the issue with New York Times columnist Frank Bruni and Newsweek’s Batya Ungar-Sargon, and he pointed to the fact that the bill does not actually ban saying “gay” at all and clearly addresses only classroom instruction for children — in pre-kindergarten through third grade — regarding gender identity and sexual orientation.


Well-Known Member

‘Maybe Kids That Young Shouldn’t Be Thinking About Sex At All’

Left-leaning comedian Bill Maher defended the Florida bill that critics have unfairly labeled “Don’t Say Gay,” arguing during the “Overtime” portion of Friday night’s episode of “Real Time With Bill Maher” that it was reasonable to believe kids in early elementary school should not “be thinking about sex at all.”

Maher discussed the issue with New York Times columnist Frank Bruni and Newsweek’s Batya Ungar-Sargon, and he pointed to the fact that the bill does not actually ban saying “gay” at all and clearly addresses only classroom instruction for children — in pre-kindergarten through third grade — regarding gender identity and sexual orientation.

I don't understand what the hell is the idea behind pushing this crap on kids this young. Give them a chance to grow up a little.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what the hell is the idea behind pushing this crap on kids this young. Give them a chance to grow up a little.
It isn't hard to understand.
Perverts know that they are not born perverted, they are recruited into the fold.
This is their opportunity to increase the persons into their homosexual and Transgendered movement.
Get 'em while they are young.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what the hell is the idea behind pushing this crap on kids this young. Give them a chance to grow up a little.
The idea is if the sexual spectrum they promote is introduced early enough, it won’t be resisted later in life.


Well-Known Member
The idea is if the sexual spectrum they promote is introduced early enough, it won’t be resisted later in life.

Its already in TV ads. Everyone now includes gay people & couples. Their latest is mixed race couples. There's nothing wrong with it, I just don't think it needs to be in every ad. They forget that black women don't like to see black men with white women.


PREMO Member

Bill Maher slams the left-wing media for 'burying the Hunter Biden laptop scandal because it wasn't part of their narrative' and says it shouldn't have taken more than a year for NYT and WaPo to 'verify' initial report

'It looks like the left-wing media has buried the story because it wasn't part of their narrative and that's why people don't trust the media,' Maher said on his Friday show.

He added that in 'John Adams day,' the country had 'different newspapers for different parties.'

Maher said: 'I remember reading about this a couple of years ago, the New York Post came across… Hunter Biden's computer, which he apparently left at a computer repair store. I didn't even know they existed.'

'And if anyone should not leave his computer with other people, it would be Hunter Biden just for the personal stuff.'

'But it also had stuff about how, you know, c'mon, he's a ne'er-do-well. '

Photos obtained from Hunter Biden's laptop showed him using drugs and other unsavory images, along with financial records which linked him to various international entities.


Well-Known Member
That same media has finally verified some but not all. They are all on the same computer, what's different about some and not others .? I'd bet the really incriminating ones they won't verify.


PREMO Member

Bill Maher, Piers Morgan blast 'pathetic' 'victim culture': 'You f***ing babies!'

During Monday's "Club Random with Bill Maher," Maher spoke with Morgan and discussed what the two believe is the condition of today's society.

Approximately 30 minutes into the discussion, the legendary film "Gone with the Wind" came up during the conversation, prompting Maher to say, "By the way, that movie — entertaining as f***. And the people who need a disclaimer, this is the problem. You f***ing babies. It's 1939. Can't you just see by the film stock that things were very different?"

He continued, “Humans are like history in general, we evolve. Just celebrate we’re not racist any more and just be a grown-up.”

Morgan interjected, adding that constant disclaimers — including on comedy projects — are preposterous and noted that it's apparent when jokes are clearly nothing more than jokes and "not intended to be remotely offensive to anybody."

“And even that now needs a warning at the front in case anybody’s offended,” he continued. “What do they think is going to happen when you watch it? What happens to people? I mean do they sit there shaking?”

Maher added, “The fact this generation needs a trigger warning and a Klonopin to get through an episode of ‘Friends' [is] pathetic."

Morgan continued, noting that he believes the world places a "premium" on those who consider themselves victims.

"It is celebrated to be weak," he reasoned.

Maher later added, “Well, it’s the end of the empire.”


PREMO Member

Bill Maher Blows up Some of the Dem Lies About the SCOTUS Draft Opinion

Maher then took on two points that the left has been harping on — the concept that Roe v. Wade was “settled law.” The case has been questioned since it was passed on multiple grounds, chiefly that the Court shouldn’t have been legislating from the bench on it, that it should have been left up to the states to decide — and even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had concerns about how it was decided, as Tafoya pointed out.

“This whole bulls— argument about, ‘Well, it’s settled law.’ So was segregation. Plessy vs. Ferguson was ‘settled law’ in 1896 and thank God somebody said let’s unsettle it. So that’s a bulls— argument. It’s what you think,” Maher said.

Democratic operative Paul Begala went the Joe Biden route and pushed the claim that this would affect other things such as contraception and marriage rights, such as interracial marriage. But Tafoya and Maher took apart that argument.

Tafoya pointed out how Alito, in his draft opinion, specifically distinguishes abortion from those rights because it involves a third party — the baby.

Maher also pushed back against Begala noting the difference is the third party and the belief that it is murder — even if he doesn’t believe that.

“But Clarence Thomas is — it’s an interracial marriage,” Maher pushed back. “I guess what I’m saying is I really feel like abortion is unique. It is because either — you just have this view that it’s murder. I could put the argument on a hat when people talk about a woman’s right. ‘Murder isn’t a right.’ If you think it’s murder — I don’t, again, crazy me… “

Maher’s thought keeps showing how far left the left has gone. Maher is a liberal but he’s a liberal who still has some sense. He isn’t willing to throw all logic and reality under the bus for agenda like Begala. He’s also willing to call out the narratives when they’re false, even if blowing up the narrative doesn’t help the Democratic Party.

black dog

Free America
It isn't hard to understand.
Perverts know that they are not born perverted, they are recruited into the fold.
This is their opportunity to increase the persons into their homosexual and Transgendered movement.
Get 'em while they are young.
Where do you read this sillyness,
The Christian Monitor?


PREMO Member

‘All The Babies Are In The Wrong Bodies?’: Bill Maher Questions Trans Explosion In Epic Rant

While praising tolerance for adults who reject their biological gender, Maher questioned why so many children seem to be getting encouraged to become trans and said it should be okay to ask questions about the relatively new social phenomenon.

“If something about the human race is changing at a previously unprecedented rate, we have to at least discuss it,” Maher said. “Broken down over time, the LGBT population of America seems to be roughly doubling every generation.”

Citing a recent Gallup poll, Maher noted that less than 1% of Americans born before 1946 identified as LGBT. Now, according to the poll, 2.6% of Baby Boomers consider themselves LGBT; 4.2% of Gen Xers do; 10.5% of Millennials do, and 20.8% of Gen Zers do.

“Which means if we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054,” Maher said. “When things change this much, this fast, people are allowed to ask, ‘What’s up with that?’ All the babies are in the wrong bodies?”

LGBT activists and hard leftists consider any questions about transgenderism and children to be hateful, even when parents object to chemical and surgical castration of children. Maher insisted that people have a right to wonder what is going on and should not be silenced by accusations from LGBT activists.

“Someone needs to say it: Not everything’s about you,” Maher said. “And it’s okay to ask questions about something that’s very new and involves children. The answer can’t always be that anyone from a marginalized community is automatically right, trump card, mic drop, end of discussion. Because we’re literally experimenting on children.”


PREMO Member

Bill Maher: Kids Coming Out As Gay Because It's 'Trendy,' Blames Dems

Comedian and talk show host Bill Maher blasts democrats for taking aim at children with their “transgender agenda.”

During an episode of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, he said “kids are coming out as trans because it's 'trendy' and because being gay 'is not hip enough.”

Finally someone is saying it.

Maher cited a Gallup poll that found an increase of 2.6 percent of Baby Boomers identifying as LGBTQ compared to Generation Z at 20.8 percent.

According to the polls, Americans who consider themselves as part of the LGBTQ community, has almost doubled in each generation.

Laughing, Maher said “If we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054,” adding “it wasn't that long ago that when adults asked children what they wanted to be when they grew up, 'They meant what profession.’”


Well-Known Member
Lots of people follow trends. They do as their peers do instead of thinking for themselves.
If we teach children that Trannies and Homosexuals are just people that are looking for an orgasm any way they can get it, it's only natural for them to follow those instructions.
That is why the Homosexuals and the Trannies are pushing for such instructions in our schools.
Yes: It's called Grooming, and that is exactly what it is and any teacher that follows the instructions to Groom our kids in this manner are no longer teachers they are Groomers.


PREMO Member

LGBT Network Head Says Bill Maher Should Be Canceled Following His Latest Remarks Questioning Increase In Children Identifying As Transgender

The head of the LGBT network, David Kilmnick, said Bill Maher should be canceled following his latest remarks on his show questioning the increase in young people identifying as transgender, calling his comments “harmful, homophobic” and more.

In an article featured in Advocate magazine under the headline, “Bill Maher Has Gone Too Far With Anti-LGBTQ+ Comments,” Kilmnick said Maher’s HBO show, “Real Time With Bill Maher,” needs to be canceled after his “vitriolic commentary.”

Kilmick wrote that he “has spent over three decades fighting for the rights of our LGBTQ+ communities, particularly safe spaces for our youth,” and said what they “don’t need are the rants on a platform like Bill Maher’s show, which pose the greatest risk to LGBTQ+ youth’s safety and well-being.”