Bill Would Put Serial Numbers on Bullets

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...make NO mistake, the true goal of the 'gun control' lobby, Chuck Schumer presiding...

Gun registration wouldn't do much to prevent those deaths the ELIMINATION of private firearm ownership.


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
...make NO mistake, the true goal of the 'gun control' lobby, Chuck Schumer presiding... the ELIMINATION of private firearm ownership.
I think that's probably true, probably not for all gun control opponents but for most of them.

Why do they oppose private firearm ownership? The typical answer I usually hear, which is some variation of "Because they want to seize power and turn America into a Communist dictatorship," sounds too much like a paranoid conspiracy theory to me. I've said before that I'm anti-conspiracy-theory. I believe the answer is much simpler than that. I see it as a classic red state-blue state cultural divide. One group grew up with negative experiences with guns, and the other grew up with positive experiences with guns.


Well-Known Member
Bill Would Put Serial Numbers on Bullets

I thought this thread had to be some kind of a joke.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
"Because they want to seize power and turn America into a Communist dictatorship,"
The thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion but I'm not committed to it. I think it's more that they're a bunch of idiots that don't understand how things work. Plus they work for a bunch of idiots and they're just trying to make it look like they're earning their keep.

But, that said, some of the things these screwballs do smacks very seriously of Socialism and dictatorship, so I'm not willing to put my conspiracy theories aside just yet.


I'm with you Vrai. I don't think that the Liberals would ever want a dictatorship, but I do think they would warmly embrace a Communist government in the US. Their defense is that whenever someone mentions Communist, they point to all the evils of the Soviet Union and ask how someone could dare say they could ever be in favor of something like that. But many of them do see Communism, minus the corruption of the Soviets, as an ideal. You can see that in what the Left supports:

1. Eliminating religion from all aspects of public life.
2. Redistribution of wealth.
3. Confiscation of firearms.
4. Centralized control of government.
5. Government control of industry.

Sounds like a Christmas list for Karl Marx to me.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
I'm with you Vrai. I don't think that the Liberals would ever want a dictatorship, but I do think they would warmly embrace a Communist government in the US. Their defense is that whenever someone mentions Communist, they point to all the evils of the Soviet Union and ask how someone could dare say they could ever be in favor of something like that. But many of them do see Communism, minus the corruption of the Soviets, as an ideal. You can see that in what the Left supports:

1. Eliminating religion from all aspects of public life.
2. Redistribution of wealth.
3. Confiscation of firearms.
4. Centralized control of government.
5. Government control of industry.

Sounds like a Christmas list for Karl Marx to me.
I disagree with item #1.
Item #1 is a mixed bag. A lot of faithful church goers fully support #'s 2,3 4 and 5 and they would like to be the central part of #4 because they know what is best for you.


willie said:
I disagree with item #1.
Item #1 is a mixed bag. A lot of faithful church goers fully support #'s 2,3 4 and 5 and they would like to be the central part of #4 because they know what is best for you.

How many Conservatives do you see supporting:

1. Removal of all religious references from public property?
2. Elimination to all references of God from public schools?
3. Elimination of prayer from public events?
4. Elimination of religious-based morals from public laws?
5. Changing the Easter Bunny to the Spring Garden Mammal?

I'm no big fan of organized religion, but I do understand and appreciate the impact it's had on our development as a society and theimpact it's removal is having on us today. If you don't think Liberals want to eliminate religion from the public sector, and drive it soley into isolated churches (aka the Soviet model), you're not following their arguments.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
How many Conservatives do you see supporting:

1. Removal of all religious references from public property?
2. Elimination to all references of God from public schools?
3. Elimination of prayer from public events?
4. Elimination of religious-based morals from public laws?
5. Changing the Easter Bunny to the Spring Garden Mammal?

I'm no big fan of organized religion, but I do understand and appreciate the impact it's had on our development as a society and theimpact it's removal is having on us today. If you don't think Liberals want to eliminate religion from the public sector, and drive it soley into isolated churches (aka the Soviet model), you're not following their arguments.
I said it was a mixed bag with the liberals, there was no argument about the majority of conservatives. I truly believe it is a small vocal minority that the media spotlights that wants to eliminate religion from all public life. Your paintbrush is a couple of bristles too wide.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
... Why do they oppose private firearm ownership? The typical answer I usually hear, which is some variation of "Because they want to seize power and turn America into a Communist dictatorship," sounds too much like a paranoid conspiracy theory to me. I've said before that I'm anti-conspiracy-theory. ...
Here is something for you to consider.
Something to think about...

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control.
From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend
themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control.
From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend
themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938.
From 1939 to 1945, 13 million people who were unable to defend
themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935.
From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to
defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964.
From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend
themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970.
From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend
themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956.
From 1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to
defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated
in the Century because of gun control: 56

The next time someone talks in favor of gun
control, ask them Who do YOU want to round up and

With guns, we are citizens with God-given rights, including the
right to own a gun. Without them, we are subjects who live at the
whim of government. Who would you rather be?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
The thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion but I'm not committed to it. I think it's more that they're a bunch of idiots that don't understand how things work. Plus they work for a bunch of idiots and they're just trying to make it look like they're earning their keep.

But, that said, some of the things these screwballs do smacks very seriously of Socialism and dictatorship, so I'm not willing to put my conspiracy theories aside just yet.
I am of the opinion that the Democrat's poster boy, F.D.R., was far more influenced by Stalin that Stalin was influenced by Roosevelt.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
I am of the opinion that the Democrat's poster boy, F.D.R., was far more influenced by Stalin that Stalin was influenced by Roosevelt.
I always found it ironic that, while railing against Hitler's treatment of Jews, FDR was rounding up Japanese Americans and carting them off to internment camps.


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
I always found it ironic that, while railing against Hitler's treatment of Jews, FDR was rounding up Japanese Americans and carting them off to internment camps.
Yeah, but the Japanese Americans weren't stripped, shaved, gassed, and burned in mass furnaces. :ohwell:


curiouser and curiouser
2ndAmendment said:
This is an ammunition ban in disguise. Got to love the left coast - NOT.
This is how I look at it...putting a serial number on a bullet would be like putting a VIN number on your brake pads.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
Yeah, but the Japanese Americans weren't stripped, shaved, gassed, and burned in mass furnaces. :ohwell:
Yeah. They only lost their businesses, homes, and other property and investments. Some did manage to sell them at pennies on the dollar. Families were separated; some never to be reunited again. [sarcasm]We did well.[/sarcasm]


curiouser and curiouser
2ndAmendment said:
Yeah. They only lost their businesses, homes, and other property and investments. Some did manage to sell them at pennies on the dollar. Families were separated; some never to be reunited again. [sarcasm]We did well.[/sarcasm]
Yes, America was wrong to put the Japanese in internment camps, just like we were wrong to accuse so many of being affiliated with the Communist party. But at the end of the day, those Japanese were still alive. Millions of Poles and Jews ceased to exist after the war. DO NOT compare apples to oranges here. There is a difference between stupidity and genocide.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
But, that said, some of the things these screwballs do smacks very seriously of Socialism and dictatorship, so I'm not willing to put my conspiracy theories aside just yet.

I can't imagine American lefties seizing power by force, but not for political reasons. They seem too weak and wimpish to do anything that requires strength and force, even if they wanted to. They've seemed that way to me since George McGovern. American righties have always had a reputation for strength and aggressiveness, as far as I can tell.

No, I'm not saying that the righties want to seize power by force. I'm saying that if both sides wanted to, the righties would do it in a heartbeat, while the lefties would probably collapse in a corner and cry at the mere sight of a gun.


Asperger's Poster Child
Nickel said:
Yes, America was wrong to put the Japanese in internment camps, just like we were wrong to accuse so many of being affiliated with the Communist party. But at the end of the day, those Japanese were still alive. Millions of Poles and Jews ceased to exist after the war. DO NOT compare apples to oranges here. There is a difference between stupidity and genocide.

:yeahthat: My sentiments exactly.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
Yes, America was wrong to put the Japanese in internment camps, just like we were wrong to accuse so many of being affiliated with the Communist party.
Actually, it came out a few years ago that most of those accused of Communist ties did, in fact, have Communist ties. McCarthy has been vindicated.
DO NOT compare apples to oranges here.
I don't think it's apples and oranges. It's merely a matter of degree.


New Member
Tonio said:
I can't imagine American lefties seizing power by force, but not for political reasons. They seem too weak and wimpish to do anything that requires strength and force, even if they wanted to. They've seemed that way to me since George McGovern. American righties have always had a reputation for strength and aggressiveness, as far as I can tell.
No, I'm not saying that the righties want to seize power by force. I'm saying that if both sides wanted to, the righties would do it in a heartbeat, while the lefties would probably collapse in a corner and cry at the mere sight of a gun.
True. They threaten to run to Canada when the right wins the presidency. :patriot:
Right again (pardon the pun) :lmao: :patriot:
Tonio, you're on an accurate roll today ma boy!! :killingme :patriot: