Bill Would Put Serial Numbers on Bullets


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
True. They threaten to run to Canada when the right wins the presidency. :patriot:
Right again (pardon the pun) :lmao: :patriot:
Tonio, you're on an accurate roll today ma boy!! :killingme :patriot:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
Yes, America was wrong to put the Japanese in internment camps, just like we were wrong to accuse so many of being affiliated with the Communist party. But at the end of the day, those Japanese were still alive. Millions of Poles and Jews ceased to exist after the war. DO NOT compare apples to oranges here. There is a difference between stupidity and genocide.
Absolutely! But it still was not the correct thing to do. We didn't have a bunch of interment camps for Germans. The Japanese were singled out because they looked different.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
We didn't have a bunch of interment camps for Germans. The Japanese were singled out because they looked different.
Well, to be fair, the Germans never directly attacked us. But you do have a good point.

George Bush gets called "Hitler" for the Iraq stuff - notice none of his critics ever call him "FDR" for instituting Homeland Security?


curiouser and curiouser
2ndAmendment said:
Absolutely! But it still was not the correct thing to do. We didn't have a bunch of interment camps for Germans. The Japanese were singled out because they looked different.
Well, it was my understanding that it was in retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbor, and they were put there under the guise of protecting them from society, when in fact it was just pure racism. But for Vrai to say "I always found it ironic that, while railing against Hitler's treatment of Jews, FDR was rounding up Japanese Americans and carting them off to internment camps." would be like me saying "I always found it ironic that while scoffing at Jeffrey Dahmer for eating all those people, coronors continue to perform autopsies.". By comparing what FDR did to what Hitler did, it belittles the impact the Holocaust should have on society.


New Member
Nickel said:
Yes, America was wrong to put the Japanese in internment camps, just like we were wrong to accuse so many of being affiliated with the Communist party. But at the end of the day, those Japanese were still alive. Millions of Poles and Jews ceased to exist after the war. DO NOT compare apples to oranges here. There is a difference between stupidity and genocide.

You're right it's not the same thing but it wasn't just the Japanese that were put into the camps. Most of the people stuck in the camps were Americans who happened to have Japanese ancestors. And no a lot of them died and never regained their freedom. Some were gunned down by machine guns trying to escape. Others were shipped off to Japan in exchange for U.S. POWs. A lot of these people who were deported didn't even speak Japanese. Also many able bodied men were drafted to fight in Europe while their families were still detained. A few years ago I was visiting LA and they just happened to have a reunion of the internment camp residents in Little Tokyo's Japanese-American museum. I learned that not only the U.S. but the Canadians set up similiar camps. The U.S. also told it's Souther American allies to send their citizens of Japanese ancestory to the camps in the U.S. One man he fought the process all the way. While in the camps they drafted him for the fighting in Europe. After he came back they wanted to deport him to Japan, eventhough he was a South American that fought for the U.S. After years of fighting legally he was allowed to stay in the U.S.

By the way people may call them internment or relocation camps but they were a type of concentration camps. Nazi concentration camps were deathc amps alo though.

from wikipedia
A 'concentration camp' is a large detention center created for political opponents, aliens, specific ethnic or religious groups, civilians of a critical war-zone, or other groups of people, often during a war.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
ylexot said:
Yes, a gun will leave unique marks on the casing. However, the "fingerprint" can easily be altered. If you think it's easy to change a semi-auto into full (as you mentioned in the other gun thread), changing the fingerprint would be cake. Also, the "fingerprint" changes naturally with time. Fire a couple hundred rounds through the gun (some people shoot hundreds per month) and the action of the gun will deform the parts that cause the "fingerprint". Thus, they are useless as the system is set up. Bullet and casing fingerprinting can be useful in linking crimes together or linking crimes to a gun afterwards (assuming the gun is not modified after the crime), but having the database with casings from the manufacturer is a waste of time, money, and effort.
Gracias! That makes perfect sense. I should have thought of it myself actually since it's so simple. :lol:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Well, to be fair, the Germans never directly attacked us. But you do have a good point.

George Bush gets called "Hitler" for the Iraq stuff - notice none of his critics ever call him "FDR" for instituting Homeland Security?
Only the extremist like to call him Hitler, but they call every conservative Hitler. It's actually ridiculous because I wouldn't really call Hitler a conservative.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Well, to be fair, the Germans never directly attacked us. But you do have a good point.

If I remember correctly I think the Germans made a small attack on Florida. They actually landed troops. More for propaganda purposes than anything else. Plus a lot more ships were sunk in U.S. waters by Germans than Japanese. U.S. waters are still part of the United States.
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New Member
There was an "Operation Drumbeat" if I remember correctly in 1942. Supposedly it may have been more devastating than Pearl.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
I believe they were attacking US shipping to England.

Submarine war was an attack on not just shipping to the UK but also the Soviet Union since the U.S. was supplying them with airplanes and other weapons.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Triggerfish said:
Submarine war was an attack on not just shipping to the UK but also the Soviet Union since the U.S. was supplying them with airplanes and other weapons.
Well yeah, of course. Never heard of german troops in the US though. I'll have to look that up.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I remember something about Germany being in contact with Mexico trying to convince them to invade the Southwest US to draw us out of Europe. I can't remember if that was WWII or The Great War (WWI).


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
I remember something about Germany being in contact with Mexico trying to convince them to invade the Southwest US to draw us out of Europe. I can't remember if that was WWII or The Great War (WWI).

That was the Zimmerman telegraph. The Germans offered to give Mexico back what it lost in the Mexican War if it entered WWI on the side of the Germans and attacked the U.S. The U.S. was officially neutral at the time. No U.S. forces in Europe at the time, except for perhaps some "volunteers."

This along with the sinking of the Lusitania were the primary reasons that the U.S. entered WWI.
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New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Well yeah, of course. Never heard of german troops in the US though. I'll have to look that up.

I believe it was small group dropped off to sabotage various facilities. I grew up in Florida and I remember something about that being taught to us.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Triggerfish said:
That was the Zimmerman telegraph. The Germans offered to give Mexico back what it lost in the Mexican War if it entered WWI on the side of the Germans and attacked the U.S. The U.S. was officially neutral at the time.

This along with the sinking of the Lusitania were the primary reasons that the U.S. entered WWI.
That's right, it was WWI. Probably would have worked too. For a little while at least.


New Member
Shortly after midnight on the morning of June 13, 1942, four men landed on a beach near Amagansett, Long Island, New York, from a German submarine, clad in German uniforms and bringing ashore enough explosives, primers, and incendiaries to support an expected two-year career in the sabotage of American defense-related production. On June 17, 1942, a similar group landed on Ponte Vedra Beach, near Jacksonville, Florida, equipped for a similar career of industrial disruption.

For the whole story.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Triggerfish said:
Shortly after midnight on the morning of June 13, 1942, four men landed on a beach near Amagansett, Long Island, New York, from a German submarine, clad in German uniforms and bringing ashore enough explosives, primers, and incendiaries to support an expected two-year career in the sabotage of American defense-related production. On June 17, 1942, a similar group landed on Ponte Vedra Beach, near Jacksonville, Florida, equipped for a similar career of industrial disruption.

For the whole story.
An interesting read!


New Member
On the other hand you know of the Japanese attck on the west coast don't you? A Japanese plane bombed Oregon and also Japan sent balloons armed with bombed that used the currents to travel to the west coast.