Birth Control Options


Lem Putt
She should spike his food with iron supplements and other things that cause constipation like percocet. Then, while he's trying to push out a watermelon, she can tell him that's a small taste of what she went through four times. Then she can wave a box of ex-lax in front of him and tell him that he can have the ex-lax when he lets her take the pill.

Problem solved.


Little ol' Me
I don't agree with everyone being against Depo, I've been on it for 8 years now and I love it. No mood swings, No cramps, No period and best of all I don't have to take it everyday (a shot once every 3 months). I think to each there own but I would consider looking into it.


Go Braves!
sanchezf said:
I don't agree with everyone being against Depo, I've been on it for 8 years now and I love it. No mood swings, No cramps, No period and best of all I don't have to take it everyday (a shot once every 3 months). I think to each there own but I would consider looking into it.
I worked in an GYN's office and used to give the injections, you my dear are one of the rare lucky ones:lol:


New Member
Also, can you give yourself the shots nowadays or do you still have to have the doc do it? I suggested that, but if she has to go to the doc for a shot, that's going to be hard to "hide" because she'd have to get him to watch the kids ... she can't lug 4 chitlins to the doc office every 3 months without one of them saying something about it.

Bribery with ice cream and such... "Don't tell daddy, okay?"


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
IUD - works for me :shrug: and I'm over 35 and smoke, so I have to have one with only progesterone for cramps.

My only other suggestion is to divorce is azz.


New Member
Have a C-Section and have them do a Tubal Ligation while they're in there! or heck, a hysterectomy! Tell the hubby she was bleeding horribly or something.

The doc isn't required to tell HUBBY anything unless she gives the doc permission.

I'm not one for deception in a relationship, but this doesn't sound like there's much of a relationship left there. Sounds like he's just "breeding" her at this point.

They can get into the arguments later. Right now, if she wants no more kids, then she needs to take control. It IS her body.


New Member
Club'nBabySeals said:
There is "Natural Family Planning", which involves charting temperatures and cervical mucous on a daily basis---but in order for it to work (and obviously, it's one of the least effective methods out there)
this is false. it is around the same % effective as the pill if done correctly.
NFP is NOT the same thing as basically guessing with the rhythm method. Do not confuse the two, please.

you can use condoms when youre fertile, but uhh..he would notice that. i refuse to try anything hormonal anyway, and there is only i iud that is non hormonal, you have to pay attention there.


New Member
crabcake said:
Does this one have the strings that hang down like the Mirena IUD?

thats how they make sure it hasn't fallen out, or perforated your uterus, and stuck somewhere in your abdomen (though you'd most likely be in pain..sometimes not.)


Where are my pants?
mindy said:
this is false. it is around the same % effective as the pill if done correctly.
NFP is NOT the same thing as basically guessing with the rhythm method. Do not confuse the two, please.

NFP is not the rhythm method. I never said it was. Check your reading comprehension, please.

My husband and I looked into NFP as a form of birth control--specifically the Billings Method, which involves charting temperatures daily, examining cervical mucous daily, and all manner of other irritating rituals. The reason it isn't effective is because no normal person has time or inclination to do that crap every day. They skip a day here or there...and wham, positive pregnancy test.

It's a lot easier to pop a pill in the morning.


Club'nBabySeals said:
NFP is not the rhythm method. I never said it was. Check your reading comprehension, please.

My husband and I looked into NFP as a form of birth control--specifically the Billings Method, which involves charting temperatures daily, examining cervical mucous daily, and all manner of other irritating rituals. The reason it isn't effective is because no normal person has time or inclination to do that crap every day. They skip a day here or there...and wham, positive pregnancy test.

It's a lot easier to pop a pill in the morning.
Pardon me because I am cervically challenged I was wondering how you go about examining cervical mucus daily?


New Member
Ange1icflowers said:
Have a C-Section and have them do a Tubal Ligation while they're in there! or heck, a hysterectomy! Tell the hubby she was bleeding horribly or something.

The doc isn't required to tell HUBBY anything unless she gives the doc permission.

I'm not one for deception in a relationship, but this doesn't sound like there's much of a relationship left there. Sounds like he's just "breeding" her at this point.

They can get into the arguments later. Right now, if she wants no more kids, then she needs to take control. It IS her body.

Did you see that episode of Grey's Anatomy? I love that show...


This Space for Rent
Pete said:
Pardon me because I am cervically challenged I was wondering how you go about examining cervical mucus daily?

Is this a new career in the making? Cervical mucus examiner? Two for one special includes breast examination?



Lem Putt
FromTexas said:
Is this a new career in the making? Cervical mucus examiner? Two for one special includes breast examination?


Go stand in front of Walmart for an hour and watch who comes in. Then tell me if you still want that job.