Birth Control Options



crabcake said:
A girlfriend of mine is thinking about going on birth control. Hubby isn't a believer in birth control ... it's that whole religion-you were put on earth to procreate and bear children hoopla. She doesn't want to have any more though, and wasn't really "wanting" the 4th she's pregnant with now. She's great mom, loves her kids, yada yada ... just doesn't want to have more after this one.

She doesn't want to betray him, but at the same time, it's her body. I'm not getting in the middle, and I'm reserving judgement/advice in the situation because I'm friends with them both. Apparently, when she's on something with hormones, he can tell because of her moods and whatnot. So she's looking for something non-hormonal, no pills, and tying tubes is not an option she wants to pursue at this time. But she doesn't want him to know. The only thing I can think of is the IUD, but even that is detectable with enough "inspection" due to the strings. What are her options? :shrug:

And please, save me the "she shouldn't betray her husband" :bs: ... like I said, I'm not judging; I'm just trying to help her find options. She doesn't want to search for them on her computer because she doesn't want him to know.

TIA for any suggestions.
I have the Mirena IUD. Yes, there are strings, however... I've had enough "inspection" and no one has said "Oh, so you got strings up there." Literally, her hubby would have to (pardon the crude image) pry her open with a speculum in order to see the strings.

The only downside (I guess in her situation it's a downside) is that she'd stop getting her period and her hubby may notice that unless she tricked him in to thinking she had gotten her period.