Black Folks Camp Too (BFCT)


PREMO Member
Indiana entered into the $17,500 contract with BFCT in April of this year. BFCT has partnered with the state parks of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Oregon to offer diversity expertise as well. North Carolina paid BFCT $26,800. Oregon paid BFCT $2,000 for a keynote speech in October.

The training will review a history of outdoor recreational barriers that prevented communities of color from participation, as well as exploring and identifying biases regarding outdoors access for communities of color.

BFCT was founded in 2019 by Earl B. Hunter, Jr., who currently serves as president over the business. In a 2021 feature on BFCT, Hunter told ABC11 that he started BFCT because Black people have a historical fear of the outdoors due to lynchings.

“We’re talking about historical fears. You’re talking about some of the things that have happened in the woods, some of the lynchings and things of that nature,” said Hunter. “And when you have that generational fear, that’s being really driven down to you, as a young person you don’t even think about wanting to go in the outdoors.”

On its website, BFCT claims that Black individuals will continue to be afraid of all things related to the outdoors — camping, the woods, and even nature — until they have a positive experience with it.

“Many folks, specifically Black folks, have generational fears of camping, the woods, and the outdoors. This comes from the fact that the woods were an unsafe place for many Black folks for hundreds of years in America,” stated BFCT. “Many Black folks are and will continue to feel this way UNTIL they have a positive experience that changes their thoughts.”


Sounds like another race hustling scam
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Sounds like another race hustling scam

now now… Consider all those serial killers and settings in the movies, Mike Myers, Jason… cabin in the woods, evil, dead, Texas chainsaw massacre.…

… all those white debbles


Well-Known Member
All the latest TV ads have blacks traveling to the great outdoors. Are they dropping hints that its safe to go.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is what happens when you major in Black Studies - you have to make up a job because there aren't any in your field.

Liberals don't go camping. Democrats don't go camping. They just don't. They could, but I'm guessing all that wholesome family time makes them break out in hives. It has nothing to do with race, and I'll bet if someone ran a demographic they'd find that the percentage of Black people who do go camping is pretty close to the percentage of them who vote Republican.

Also it's interesting how Democrats always want to force Black people to do things they don't want to do. "We, your white superiors, think you darkies should go camping, so get your asses out there." They never got over that plantation massa thing from their Party ancestors.


Well-Known Member
africans camp outdoor quite frequently. isnt that the muthaland?

maybe some of dat moneys can be used to make mud huts.
SOME - actually just a few - of the mud huts I saw in Ethiopia actually looked a LOT different on the INSIDE, just as a log cabin might look to anyone.

I suspect there's also a LOT more to this than is mentioned. For one thing, in general blacks are far more likely to be urban dwellers - not likely to be anywhere near a campsite or have friends who have any knowledge, equipment or experience with camping. A rural person - or near rural person - is almost certain to be white, in this country. One power outage, and they're camping already.


Well-Known Member
Oh. I need a power outage? That's no fun....
Well I wasn't going to link RV'ing to Democrats - but my gut tells me that if Dems camp at all, they're bringing so many amenities they may as WELL be home.

When we have a total outage down here - we HAVE the wherewithal to function nominally, because if you live away from the city, you've probably BOUGHT stuff to manage.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
if Dems camp at all, they're bringing so many amenities they may as WELL be home.
As a veteran of many a campground stay, I can assure you that in the better commercial campgrounds you will find all sorts of amenities brought by the campers. Grills, griddles, smokers, golf carts, e bikes and a whole lot more.

You will find a very small percentage of blacks among campers, no matter the location. It could be a state park, blm land or a prime location, high end campground. I'd say maybe 2-3% of the people we encountered in our travels were black Americans. You are more likely to find a hispanic family camping. Especially in Texas.

It seems blacks don't like to get too far away from cement and asphalt. Not sure why. But there are no restrictions, nothing preventing them from going anywhere they want in this country.

I bet you will find more foreign born folks in campgrounds than you will home grown blacks. Out west you can find caravans full of Europeans that criss cross the southwest US visiting national parks and monuments.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I bet you will find more foreign born folks in campgrounds than you will home grown blacks.

This is true of our resort. We have more Canadians here right now than Black people. That said, there is almost always at least one Black family in the park, and we have a Black rally group that comes in a couple times a year.

It also might just simply be a cultural thing. If you grow up RVing with your folks or whoever, you're more likely to do it yourself as an adult. I have a sense that RVing or camping isn't important to Black people, so why harangue them about doing it? If Black people don't want to go camping they don't have to.

Black people don't go skiing, either. Even if you gave them free equipment and free lift tickets, they still wouldn't go skiing. Because they don't want to.

Notice you see a good number of lesbian couples at campgrounds/resorts, but almost never a gay male couple. Maybe we should start hectoring gay men to go camping.....

Or - hear me out now - we could just leave people alone and let them pursue entertainment as they wish and stop trying to bully people into doing things they aren't interested in because you spent a piss ton of money on a worthless college degree and now you have to try and earn a living.



Well-Known Member
Indiana entered into the $17,500 contract with BFCT in April of this year. BFCT has partnered with the state parks of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Oregon to offer diversity expertise as well. North Carolina paid BFCT $26,800. Oregon paid BFCT $2,000 for a keynote speech in October.

The training will review a history of outdoor recreational barriers that prevented communities of color from participation, as well as exploring and identifying biases regarding outdoors access for communities of color.

BFCT was founded in 2019 by Earl B. Hunter, Jr., who currently serves as president over the business. In a 2021 feature on BFCT, Hunter told ABC11 that he started BFCT because Black people have a historical fear of the outdoors due to lynchings.

“We’re talking about historical fears. You’re talking about some of the things that have happened in the woods, some of the lynchings and things of that nature,” said Hunter. “And when you have that generational fear, that’s being really driven down to you, as a young person you don’t even think about wanting to go in the outdoors.”

On its website, BFCT claims that Black individuals will continue to be afraid of all things related to the outdoors — camping, the woods, and even nature — until they have a positive experience with it.

“Many folks, specifically Black folks, have generational fears of camping, the woods, and the outdoors. This comes from the fact that the woods were an unsafe place for many Black folks for hundreds of years in America,” stated BFCT. “Many Black folks are and will continue to feel this way UNTIL they have a positive experience that changes their thoughts.”


Sounds like another race hustling scam
Golly gee whiz, I thought they were afraid of the lions outside.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And I'll tell you something else:

The resort where I work is one of a multinational corporation where all the uppers are progbot bitches with their pronouns in their profile. Once a year we all have to take a course in diversity/inclusion/blah blah.

Democrats think that because they have to be formally taught how not to be shitty to non-whites and be reminded periodically, everyone does.


Oh I hate those kind of classes. I attended so many, but we, me, would have to sit and listen to non-whites talk about how horribly they are treated. It makes for a rough environment. If some non-white errors and gets in trouble, they would immediately feel targeted for their skin color.


Well-Known Member
This is true of our resort. We have more Canadians here right now than Black people. That said, there is almost always at least one Black family in the park, and we have a Black rally group that comes in a couple times a year.

It also might just simply be a cultural thing. If you grow up RVing with your folks or whoever, you're more likely to do it yourself as an adult. I have a sense that RVing or camping isn't important to Black people, so why harangue them about doing it? If Black people don't want to go camping they don't have to.

Black people don't go skiing, either. Even if you gave them free equipment and free lift tickets, they still wouldn't go skiing. Because they don't want to.

Notice you see a good number of lesbian couples at campgrounds/resorts, but almost never a gay male couple. Maybe we should start hectoring gay men to go camping.....

Or - hear me out now - we could just leave people alone and let them pursue entertainment as they wish and stop trying to bully people into doing things they aren't interested in because you spent a piss ton of money on a worthless college degree and now you have to try and earn a living.

Or - hear me out now - we could just leave people alone and let them pursue entertainment as they wish and stop trying to bully people into doing things they aren't interested in because you spent a piss ton of money on a worthless college degree and now you have to try and earn a living. 👍

IOW WGAF one way or the other?


Well-Known Member
///Power outages are tough for me, I have to go out and start the generator and get it going/.
Black people appear to have a different problem every day.
Black people cannot do this, they cannot do that, they are picked on, they have trouble at the McDonalds ,every day there is some sort of problem they have because they are black. They are constantly offended by something.

IMO white people have the same or almost the same problems , but they deal with it, they don;t cry "It's happening to me because I am white' every time they get screwed over. It gets tiresome the continued whining every time some black dipsht comes up with something else to cry over. There is no effort to keep black people out of the parks, there is no effort by whites to stop them from going swimming , No effort to deliberately screw up their order at McDonalds.

Please please, stop the crying , act like adults , when something bad happens to you it isn't always some white person,s fault it;s life. It happens to us all. Face it and stop the constant whining.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oh I hate those kind of classes. I attended so many, but we, me, would have to sit and listen to non-whites talk about how horribly they are treated. It makes for a rough environment. If some non-white errors and gets in trouble, they would immediately feel targeted for their skin color.

The super-prog corp I work for is white as a Klan hood.

In the course they have these scenarios like, Black woman calls to book a winter vacation for her family. Do you A: say "I would love to help you plan your stay"; B: tell them you have no vacancies even if you do; or C: tell them "Hell no (racial slur), we don't rent to your kind"


Democrats think that because they need to be constantly reminded not to be racist assh0les, everyone does.