Black Folks Camp Too (BFCT)


Power with Control
You know...It sounds to me like those Bullchit degrees we all said were pretty worthless....seem to be pretty lucrative...
Who knew they were teaching blackmail & extortion techniques in "African American Transexuals created EVERYTHING in Colonial Times" class??
Once the Rainbow Coalition laid down the blueprint, it's been a money faucet ever since


Just sneakin' around....
I have found that people with a high school diploma and a couple years experience are better employees than anybody who just graduate college.


Well-Known Member
I have found that people with a high school diploma and a couple years experience are better employees than anybody who just graduate college.
not for nothin, but unless the people you are working with go to college specifically to achieve the same job that someone else could get with just a high school degree and a couple of years experience, you are probably getting the bottom tier college grads.

Believe it or not, damn near every new grad with a structural engineering degree that I worked with was better than a high school grad with a couple of years experience at determining the load bearing capacity of a column and the shear capacity necessary for the walls.

Or an even clearer example, would you rather take medical advice from a new grad doctor or some kid with a HS diploma and a couple of years EMT experience under their belt?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Or an even clearer example, would you rather take medical advice from a new grad doctor or some kid with a HS diploma and a couple of years EMT experience under their belt?
It would depend upon whether the Doctor going to tell you your tumor is the result of Global Climate Change or 400 years of oppression and white supremacy.


Well-Known Member
not for nothin, but unless the people you are working with go to college specifically to achieve the same job that someone else could get with just a high school degree and a couple of years experience, you are probably getting the bottom tier college grads.

Believe it or not, damn near every new grad with a structural engineering degree that I worked with was better than a high school grad with a couple of years experience at determining the load bearing capacity of a column and the shear capacity necessary for the walls.

Or an even clearer example, would you rather take medical advice from a new grad doctor or some kid with a HS diploma and a couple of years EMT experience under their belt?
Many people are choosing Nurse Practitioners over Doctors.
Maybe because they seem to care, or that they can get an appointment in a day rather than 2 weeks.
Todays Doctors are 9 to 5 employees.
I don't know of one who isn't working for some group of Doctors. They pass you from one to another.
Not one of them will be your Doctor if you go to the hospital. IF you go to the hospital they will assign you a Doctor who works there and has never seen you before, Does not know your history and works from 9 to 5. Boy do I miss Dr. Roache.

The Doctors of yesteryear worked for themselves, paid for their office, their nurse would see you the same day or the next day, not in two weeks. They knew you, sometimes they were your friend .If you went to the hospital they would be there to see you. They seldom sent you to a specialist unless you really needed one.

Call your Primary. You won't speak to someone in his/her office, you speak to some appointment agency, but first you will hear a recording.
"If this is an Emergency go to the Emergency Room ,if not go to Urgent care" , the message here is "If you really need care don't bother me I just do your yearly physical, but I will see you in 2 or 3 weeks if I get around to it."


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My wife tried to contact our Primary two weeks ago when Covid had her blood sugar running very high. Never heard from her or her nurse.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
But let me tell you what I *am* in favor of:

All that money our government launders through foreign dictators that takes the scenic route into politicians' pockets, let's take that money and offer city kids - regardless of color but focusing on at-risk - the opportunity to go to summer camp. Not some indoctrination bullshit thing where some progbot will fill their head with how much they suck and can only be saved by voting Democrat, but a real camp where they experience a new environment and learn some skills besides holding up gas stations and selling drugs.

You know how the government offers schools money for every kid they leave behind academically who drops out at 13 to work the corner? Let's offer them money for every kid they sign up for summer camp. There are groups who do this but you've never heard of them because they get NO support from the state or federal government. Government spends a lot of effort keeping violent criminals out of prison and on the streets but precisely nothing on diverting them from crime in the first place, despite all their talktalk.

This group in OP is just a race hustle scam. "Black people don't go outside because they're afraid they'll be lynched!!" :lmao: What a freaking racket.

If these groups really cared instead of just pretending to care for profit, they could really make some societal changes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Or an even clearer example, would you rather take medical advice from a new grad doctor or some kid with a HS diploma and a couple of years EMT experience under their belt?

The EMT. New grad doctor doesn't know sh*t - all they have them is some book larnin', not practical hands on experience.


Well-Known Member
The EMT. New grad doctor doesn't know sh*t - all they have them is some book larnin', not practical hands on experience.
Psst. I know several EMTs very well. You don't want to take anything but the most basic medical advice from damn near any of them regardless of the years of experience. Emergency wound care, CPR, how to help someone who is choking or identify a possible stroke or heart attack is about the limit of what I would ask an EMT.

Also, new grad doctor was a bad example because they would be shadowed by a regular doctor (residency) for several years before they can do anything on their own, and newly licensed would already have that 3-5 years under their belt.


Well-Known Member
I like my Primary, she seems like a nice lady, and appears competent, but she see's me when she feels like it, not when I need to be seen.
I went to the Emergency room was treated and told to see my Primary, I called and made an appointment ,guess what 2 weeks. OK so I had this appointment in 2 weeks. My appointment was coming up, I get a text on my phone. You have a virtual appointment. and the date.
Now I don't do virtual appointments I want to see the Doctor Face to face. But i can't tell the Computer that, so I get in the car and go to the Doctors office. I explain that i am 80 years old and not especially adept on smart phone Doctors visits and want to see the Doctor on my appointment date. NOPE can't do it, need a new appointment. When?? Another 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Psst. I know several EMTs very well. You don't want to take anything but the most basic medical advice from damn near any of them regardless of the years of experience. Emergency wound care, CPR, how to help someone who is choking or identify a possible stroke or heart attack is about the limit of what I would ask an EMT.
You are right. EMT's are not trained for anything other than Emergency treatment, taking vitals, and advising you to see a professional.
But they show up. They do the best they can, they don't tell you to wait for 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
"Black people don't go outside because they're afraid they'll be lynched!!" :lmao: What a freaking racket.
Tried to change the name of a mountain in WMd because some Frostburg college student got scared and a social justice historian said the name was because of lynching's performed in the 1800's. MDOT even removed the highway signs.

After research the signs, including adding the accepted history, were put back. No history, either written or oral, found of lynching's being performed in the area.


Well-Known Member
Tried to change the name of a mountain in WMd because some Frostburg college student got scared and a social justice historian said the name was because of lynching's performed in the 1800's. MDOT even removed the highway signs.

After research the signs, including adding the accepted history, were put back. No history, either written or oral, found of lynching's being performed in the area.
Was that Negro Mountain?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tried to change the name of a mountain in WMd because some Frostburg college student got scared and a social justice historian said the name was because of lynching's performed in the 1800's. MDOT even removed the highway signs.

After research the signs, including adding the accepted history, were put back. No history, either written or oral, found of lynching's being performed in the area.

Around that time I was on a FB group that was predominantly black people, with the stated goal of having honest conversations about race. I asked a simple question: "Why do black people hate the term 'Negro'?"


You'd think I'd called them all n-words the way they started attacking me. I left the group because they made it clear they weren't interested in having any conversation about race that wasn't some ignorant hate-whitey grievance screed. It occurred to me that they all lashed out because they have no idea why Negro is offensive, they're just mindlessly doing what they're told to do and it freaks them out when anyone questions their programming.

But it did answer my question. Ignorant black people hate the term 'Negro" because their Democrat massas told them to. Just like why they vote Democrat - because their Democrat massas told them to. And if they give any thought regarding who to vote for, they ain't black.....