Black Folks Camp Too (BFCT)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
///Power outages are tough for me, I have to go out and start the generator and get it going/.
Black people appear to have a different problem every day.
Black people cannot do this, they cannot do that, they are picked on, they have trouble at the McDonalds ,every day there is some sort of problem they have because they are black. They are constantly offended by something.

See, but that's ignorant ghetto bullshit or paid theatrics. The black people I interact with regularly aren't these grievance knobs. We had one incident a couple years ago with the Birmingham ghetto squad trying to make a problem, and they learned right quick not to do it again. So I'm not inclined to paint all black people with that brush because that's not my reality, it's something I see on TV and the internet.


As a veteran of many a campground stay, I can assure you that in the better commercial campgrounds you will find all sorts of amenities brought by the campers. Grills, griddles, smokers, golf carts, e bikes and a whole lot more.

You will find a very small percentage of blacks among campers, no matter the location. It could be a state park, blm land or a prime location, high end campground. I'd say maybe 2-3% of the people we encountered in our travels were black Americans. You are more likely to find a hispanic family camping. Especially in Texas.

It seems blacks don't like to get too far away from cement and asphalt. Not sure why. But there are no restrictions, nothing preventing them from going anywhere they want in this country.

I bet you will find more foreign born folks in campgrounds than you will home grown blacks. Out west you can find caravans full of Europeans that criss cross the southwest US visiting national parks and monuments.

Exactly, and when you do, most are interracial couples. We have a seasonal camp site and this black guy comes down every year for about 4 -5 days just to escape his corporate job in D.C. He pitches a tent and goes out on his little boat during the day - no phone - no internet - no TV - just him/boat/books. He seems to really enjoy his escape and says he sleeps well escaping the tech world. :yay:


Well-Known Member
The super-prog corp I work for is white as a Klan hood.

In the course they have these scenarios like, Black woman calls to book a winter vacation for her family. Do you A: say "I would love to help you plan your stay"; B: tell them you have no vacancies even if you do; or C: tell them "Hell no (racial slur), we don't rent to your kind"


Democrats think that because they need to be constantly reminded not to be racist assh0les, everyone does.
So what's the correct answer to that scenario? Asking for a friend.


Well-Known Member
We have another course for active shooter situations that's equally hilarious, although not nearly as racially offensive.
I refrained from asking how you can determine a Black woman for that scenario on a phone call. My friend would probably know how.


I refrained from asking how you can determine a Black woman for that scenario on a phone call. My friend would probably know how.
I know right??? Racists in itself to assume but that is how these training classes are designed.

I guess about 10 years ago they started to introduce them into our work places as well and I was floored at the terrible assumptions they made. Things like this really hurt race relations, IMO. What ever happened to treating people the way you wish to be treated yourself?


Just sneakin' around....
I refrained from asking how you can determine a Black woman for that scenario on a phone call. My friend would probably know how.
I was thinking that, didn't want to ask.

Although, I can almost always tell a woman is black by just listening. Not 100% true, but pretty accurate.


Well-Known Member
This is what happens when you major in Black Studies - you have to make up a job because there aren't any in your field.

Liberals don't go camping. Democrats don't go camping. They just don't. They could, but I'm guessing all that wholesome family time makes them break out in hives. It has nothing to do with race, and I'll bet if someone ran a demographic they'd find that the percentage of Black people who do go camping is pretty close to the percentage of them who vote Republican.

Also it's interesting how Democrats always want to force Black people to do things they don't want to do. "We, your white superiors, think you darkies should go camping, so get your asses out there." They never got over that plantation massa thing from their Party ancestors.
I dunno, judging by the images I see of City streets in California and NY, black people already camp. Like full time.


I was thinking that, didn't want to ask.

Although, I can almost always tell a woman is black by just listening. Not 100% true, but pretty accurate.

I talked to a woman for nearly a year on the phone and had no clue she was black. When I finally met her in person,
:lol: she laughed and said "you were expecting a white person, huh?"

She was born and raised in England and had a strong accent.


Well-Known Member
Will you be's shoosting up da school?


Well-Known Member
You know...It sounds to me like those Bullchit degrees we all said were pretty worthless....seem to be pretty lucrative...
Who knew they were teaching blackmail & extortion techniques in "African American Transexuals created EVERYTHING in Colonial Times" class??


You know...It sounds to me like those Bullchit degrees we all said were pretty worthless....seem to be pretty lucrative...
Who knew they were teaching blackmail & extortion techniques in "African American Transexuals created EVERYTHING in Colonial Times" class??

I, often, recommended people for promotions in my previous life. In ordered to get hired, you must have a 4-year degree, but if you got your Masters, you could get promoted to a high level sooner. I would include GPA's in my reports. Later, we were told not to include that anymore, and it wasn't long after that, I noticed we were hiring people who barely passed college. I was looking at transcripts with C's and D's on them. :ohwell:

CRT and DEI have done a great deal of damage and frankly, giving anyone a free pass from the course work or pulling in acceptable grades should not continue. I think it is insulting to lower standards claiming race as the reason they will never meet them.

It is a practice that is racist, and but it won't stop because racism is a profitable business.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Who knew they were teaching blackmail & extortion techniques in "African American Transexuals created EVERYTHING in Colonial Times" class??
Stood to reason.

They already taught it in Law and Medicine.


Well-Known Member
I, often, recommended people for promotions in my previous life. In ordered to get hired, you must have a 4-year degree, but if you got your Masters, you could get promoted to a high level sooner. I would include GPA's in my reports. Later, we were told not to include that anymore, and it wasn't long after that, I noticed we were hiring people who barely passed college. I was looking at transcripts with C's and D's on them. :ohwell:

CRT and DEI have done a great deal of damage and frankly, giving anyone a free pass from the course work or pulling in acceptable grades should not continue. I think it is insulting to lower standards claiming race as the reason they will never meet them.

It is a practice that is racist, and but it won't stop because racism is a profitable business.
I have found that people with a high school diploma and a couple years experience are better employees than anybody who just graduate college.