Black man White girl

Do you agree with interracial marriage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 79 47.3%
  • No

    Votes: 72 43.1%
  • Yes, but not in my family.

    Votes: 16 9.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Many of you have kids that are at the age when they are allowed to date. How do you feel about them dating outside of their race? What race would you not want them to date? Do you agree with interracial relationships?


I bowl overhand
Many of you have kids that are at the age when they are allowed to date. How do you feel about them dating outside of their race? What race would you not want them to date? Do you agree with interracial relationships?

My daughter is a sprinter.. and I don't want her dating any of those nasty long distance racers..

So i'd like her to stay in her race and find another sprinter..

Maybe a high jumper.. but NOT a skanky nasty uneducated marathoner..


Many of you have kids that are at the age when they are allowed to date. How do you feel about them dating outside of their race? What race would you not want them to date? Do you agree with interracial relationships?

My brother married a Japanese girl. We weren't sure how our family (g-parents) were going to react since they are older, but they all were fine with it (to our faces). My brother and his wife have 4 kids together and they are so beautiful.


professional daydreamer
As long as he's an upstanding citizen, gainfully employed, not a mooch, and treats her with respect and appreciation, I don't care if he's purple.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My grandmother...

What you got against purple? all about the purple. Wears it all the time. I used to like purple. Now, when I see purple, I wretch. I arm myself. I shoot back.

Purple is inhuman, therefore not of this race therefore verboten. all about the purple. Wears it all the time. I used to like purple. Now, when I see purple, I wretch. I arm myself. I shoot back.

Purple is inhuman, therefore not of this race therefore verboten.

But what if he insist on using artificial flowers at their wedding, what then... hmmmmm....:tap:


Nothing to see here
I always wonder what race to you put down for a child born with one black and one white parent. I think the race question should be eliminated on lots of forms.


I just pray that my children marry the person God has planned for them...and then they give me Grand babies!!!



I think if a green and a purple dated it would be fine with me. But their kids will be brown if they were have them. That would be hard to explain at family reunions.