Black man White girl

Do you agree with interracial marriage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 79 47.3%
  • No

    Votes: 72 43.1%
  • Yes, but not in my family.

    Votes: 16 9.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Relax, it's fedex
its crazy down here in va beach....some black dudes have the fat white chicks, and other black dudes have very attractive beach bunnies on their arms. sometimes the guy is good looking, other times not. I always have to take two glances sometimes when a really cute girl has this ugly butt dude holding her hand. I don't get that, but hell people probably have said the same about me.

You should know its not always on the outside that counts. Right ?

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
For me ones culture of choice trumps all other considerations. For example if a young black man came to my door to take my white daughter on a date dressed in a manner that can best be described a "neutral" them I would say to him "have her back at 11 pm sharp". But if the same man came to my door dressed as a "Gangsta" well then we have a problem.


63% voted no?! Is this a joke? That is one of the most ignorant things that I have ever heard. 63%? I am stunned, really.


63% voted no?! Is this a joke? That is one of the most ignorant things that I have ever heard. 63%? I am stunned, really.

its not an honest poll. People get on here with their mpd's and vote multiple times.


Curly locks!
Black guys are attractive when they don't act or dress "gangsta" (i.e. wear clothes that fit their bodies and speak proper english). Gangsta isn't attractive at all.


Black guys are attractive when they don't act or dress "gangsta" (i.e. wear clothes that fit their bodies and speak proper english). Gangsta isn't attractive at all.

Amen to that. I agree 110% !


Does this poll have to be about black men and white girls....

or does it also include hot asian chicks.

They'll do what you want.
You better believe it, buddy boy! They will do what you want.
Cause they know what you want...
Oh - no.. don't be afraid... me big american man.


The one and only Princess
63% voted no?! Is this a joke? That is one of the most ignorant things that I have ever heard. 63%? I am stunned, really.

People are going to be interested in who they like because of who they are. Noone should be in here telling others what is right or wrong. People do not have to think like you. Right or wrong it is up to them


Well-Known Member
My brother married a Japanese girl. We weren't sure how our family (g-parents) were going to react since they are older, but they all were fine with it (to our faces).
My Mom is full-blooded Japanese (from California) and my Dad is a Scott-Iris-English caucasian. My Brother and I are, naturally, 1/2 and 1/2. My Brother and I are both olive complected but I am a tad darker and I have dark brown eyes and black hair. My Brother more closely resembles my Dad; Lighter skin tone, light brown hair and lighter shade of brown eyes.

Then there is my oldest Nephew. He looks more like [me] than he does my Brother. Everyone who sees his picture asks if he is [my] son. My younger Nephew; who is just over a year old; when he was born; had dark hair which has turned to a light brown like my Brother's. [He] is almost the spitting image of my Brother although many say he looks alot like his older sister or his Mother. Makes no difference, we're all pretty good lookin'.

Back to the point of this thread.....
My parents were married in 1966. My paternal Grandfather; rest his soul; liked [everybody]. He didn't have a problem with the fact that Mom is not white/caucasian; however you wish to say it. My Grand[mother] on the other hand, didn't come right out and [say] it, but the writing was on the wall. Mom wasn't the one Grandma would have chosen for her son. [To this day] there is still a bit of underlying resentment or disdain on Grandma's part.

Poor Dad is in the middle; his wife on one side and his Mother on the other, which is amplified by the fact that Grandma; who is 86 and has developed Alzheimer's; now lives with them. I could go on and on but I may have already said too much.

I'm sorry. Again, back to the point of the thread.....
My Brother and I are not prejudiced against [anybody]. We don't judge people based on their skin tone. I mean, both he and I are of mixed race so we have no room to cast dispersions upon anybody else. Besides that, Mom and Dad would go up one side of us and down the other if they even heard a rumor that we harassed someone else because of what their race(s) is/are.