I thought you drove on the beltway, and had a better clue about "traffic physics" than this.
better than what? I hang in the second from the left and keep the cruise at 55
Not all the way to the left, but I dont like the farthest right and ass holes tend to hang in the second from the right and race up to the front of the off ramp past the waiting traffic to force themselves in. This causes the second from the right lane to constantly stop.
I dont shift over to the right until I get past RT1, then I have to deal with the idiots that think they can shoot up the off ramp to 95 but at the last minute they try to force back in front. I dont let them in, I force them to run the shoulder, that way they get to meet the nice officer that sits at the bottom waiting to talk to them.
He must be very friendly because he is always chatting with a commuter.