Blue City State Schadenfreude - Elections have Consequences


PREMO Member
The 10 fastest-shrinking US cities and towns

Though the Midwest is experiencing a "doom loop" in many of its cities, in which remote work has slowed the economies of Midwestern cities, only one Midwestern city made the top ten cities and towns shrinking at the fastest rate between 2021 and 2022.

In an analysis of nearly 20,000 cities, towns, villages, and boroughs across the US, the Census Bureau found that places in Utah and Louisiana saw especially sharp declines. That's a change from the previous year, which included San Francisco, New York City, Washington, D.C., and Boston in the top 15 declining cities between July 2020 and 2021.


Jackson, Mississippi, topped the list with a year-over-year decline of 2.5%, amounting to a net loss of about 4,000 residents. Some residents left following the city's water crisis, sparked by poor infrastructure and climate change. Jackson's population has slowly declined since 1980, as many white and middle-class Black families moved out.

"The legacy of racial zoning, segregation, legalized redlining have ultimately led to the isolation, separation and sequestration of racial minorities into communities (with) diminished tax bases, which has had consequences for the built environment, including infrastructure," Marccus Hendricks, an associate professor of urban studies and planning at the University of Maryland, told PBS last year in a story about Jackson's water crisis.


PREMO Member

Scared Jurors, Intimidation: Reporter Andy Ngo's Case Against Antifa Shows How Desperately Lost Portland Is

On Tuesday, a Portland jury decided that two key alleged Antifa conspirators whose cases went to trial were not civilly liable for Ngo’s injuries, both physical and otherwise. The trial was marred by intimidation tactics — not just from the attackers but from their attorney who declared to the unidentified jury members, “I am Antifa” and “I will remember each one of your faces.” We’re talking Godfather stuff here.

Before you dismiss this as “Hey, you signed up for this, Portland, you voted in these knuckleheads who gave Antifa a wide berth,” let’s consider what this case means.

I sat in a Multnomah County courtroom in the trial of another journalist who was beaten by Antifa members and who pulled a pistol to fend off a second attack in 2016. Not a shot was fired, the second attack was thwarted, and instead of prosecuting his attackers, woke politicians went after Mike Strickland for showing his gun. He went to jail. His attackers were never pursued. In fact, they were never identified in court or by any of the undercover cops that had infiltrated the protest crowd that day.

The cops didn’t bother to help Strickland, either. While in the courtroom at his trial, I was threatened by Antifa allies. I also later received death threats that the Portland Police dismissed as no big deal.

After Antifa took Strickland off the board — probation rules halted this now-convicted felon’s ability to continue plying his then-booming YouTube and other video work about the left in Portland and Seattle — Antifa started going after other right-leaning independent reporters, including a fledgling reporter named Andy Ngo. Ngo was a witness in Strickland’s trial. He took what Strickland started and continued highlighting Antifa violence and intimidation on Portland streets and the group’s corrosive effect on the psyche of the once-peaceful Rose City.


PREMO Member

Massachusetts Governor Calls On Residents to Open Homes to Illegal Immigrants

Earlier this week, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey declared a state of emergency over the influx of illegal immigrants to the commonwealth. Now, she is asking residents to take illegals into their homes.

WBUR has more details:

The state did not immediately respond to requests for information about the vetting process for hosts, and whether there are site visits to assess the safety of host’s home. The state also did not provide information about how many families have been paired with hosts since the Family Welcome Center opened in late June. Local aid groups tell WBUR that several families have gone to host homes.
Advocates briefed on the program said host families are not compensated financially, but they are provided with things like gift cards, groceries and baby formula to help support the family that’s being hosted.

Massachusetts is already short on affordable housing and this is just making the situation worse.


PREMO Member

Ohio GOP sounds alarm as progressives submit state constitutional amendment stripping police protections

Ending qualified immunity, a vocal goal of progressives and police abolitionists across the country, would end protections that state employees currently have from most civil lawsuits.

"Qualified immunity is a legal loophole that protects people like politicians and rogue officers from being sued for violating a person’s rights," the group's website states.

Ohio Republicans immediately sounded the alarm in response to the petition.

"I told you they're trying to turn Ohio into California," Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose, arguably the most prominent supporter of State Issue 1, which was voted down earlier this week, posted on X. "Now they're coming after our police."


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday ABC 7 Washington ran an unfortunately all too common story headlined, “Shoplifting threatens closure of SE DC grocery store, creating potential food desert.”

Shoplifting threatens to close the store. Remember that line.

I could’ve used any of the many stories from San Francisco, where retailers are fleeing faster than Joe Biden sprinting out of a French Laundry dinner with some Ukrainian oligarchs when a reporter shows up. Walgreens, for one example, has closed half a dozen stores in San Fran, leaving only one highly-abused retail location.

But this DC story gave me everything I needed to expose the media’s latest shell game.

ABC reported on the Giant Food grocery store on Alabama Avenue, which is experiencing 20% inventory shrinkage due to shoplifting, and says it has lost over $500,000 in product this year. If that weren’t enough, Giant Food was recently forced to hire its own security, for some reason, at an annual cost of $300,000. So its DC location is costing over a million dollars more than other locations every year.

It’s pretty hard to raise prices enough to overcome those kinds of additional costs.

Local officials expressed fake concern. Diverse D.C. Councilman Trayon White spoke to Giant’s management after the grocery announced it was considering closing the location, and Councilman White told ABC, “enough is enough.”

Is it though?

ABC followed up by asking DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, hey, what is the plan? The Mayor’s office responded with a stiff, formal statement of word salad with ranch dressing:

"Mayor Bowser continues to lead conversations with a variety of stakeholders across our city to discuss public safety, and more specifically to ask the question of how we can partner to reduce crime and increase conditions so that everyone in our city can thrive,” the mayor’s office told 7News in a statement. “The District is committed to ensuring every resident has safe access to fresh, healthy and affordable food.”
But it’s unclear what precise actions are being taken by the city to ensure grocery stores in Ward 8 will stay in business.

In other words, Mayor Bowser claims she doesn’t know what to do, and is asking “a variety of stakeholders” for advice. So … if Bowser is baffled, maybe the stakeholders should be the mayor? Just asking.

ABC, which ultimately was too cowardly to actually name the real problem, still gets partial credit for including some pretty strong hints in its story. For example, the affiliate reported that it asked the District Attorney about shoplifting prosecutions:

7News also asked Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano what is he doing to hold shoplifters accountable for stealing merchandise and what is he doing to address this crime trend. More than a month later, Descano still hasn’t answered 7News’ questions.

The District Attorney’s non-answer was the answer: Descano is doing nothing about shoplifting prosecution, that’s what. In other words, he’s not prosecuting them, at all.

So let’s go back to our analysis of the media narrative. Look at the headline again:

image 2.png

What causes store closures? Shoplifting does! This is the same way they word all the recent headlines about leftist cities hemorrhaging small businesses because of crime: as though “shoplifting” itself were the problem.

But shoplifting isn’t the root problem. Shoplifting is only a symptom of the problem.

The obvious root problem, hinted at but not named by ABC’s DC affiliate, is that the cops aren’t arresting shoplifters. And why should they, when one man, woke District Attorney Descano, won’t prosecute the ne’er-do-wells. Here’s what the headline should have said:

Non-Enforcement of Shoplifting threatens closure of SE DC grocery store, creating potential food desert

That honest headline would’ve given away the game, so don’t expect to see anything like that anytime soon. But the loss of retailers is getting a little too obvious, so corporate media is testing out a new narrative: that armies of cunning shoplifters are driving away the hapless, defenseless small businesses.

But … who is supposed to defend them?

This odious trend began with the “defund police” movement. According to woke theory, black folks are disproportionately arrested for so-called “property crimes,” like shoplifting, and that isn’t fair. So a raft of woke criminal justice reforms were trotted out, like reducing police budgets and eliminating bail. That destructive experiment has now devolved into phase two, where in leftist-controlled areas they simply don’t arrest the criminals anymore. Easy peasy.

For social justice.

But, “food deserts” hurt the whole inner-city neighborhood, which is mostly black folks. So the woke criminal justice policies are now hurting the people they was supposed to help, just like they always do. And that harm to inner city residents is becoming so undeniable, the media has to shift back to blaming the criminals instead of the the woke officials preventing prosecution of these types of crimes.

This might move them closer towards the real problem, but don’t get your hopes up. Recognizing “shoplifters” doesn’t mean they have any plans to fix the system they broke. There won’t be more arrests. The retailers are on their own, forced to hire private security. And you’d better believe the District Attorney will vigorously prosecute Giant Food if a shoplifter ever gets hurt when security tries to stop them.

If we had a free media in this country, they’d be running stories about the real reasons that marxist DA’s are allowing crime to run rampant in Blue cities. Who benefits? The answer is: billionaires benefit, because they can buy up expensive downtown real estate on the cheap as property values plummet, and big delivery-based corporations like Amazon benefit, because they fill in the gaps when smaller businesses are forced to close up shop.

In other words, it’s the literal, textbook definition of fascism.

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PREMO Member

'San Francisco is dying': Before and after video shows the mass exodus of huge brands like Crate & Barrel, CVS and Office Depot from the crime-ridden city caught in a 'doom loop'

  • The clip made up of Google screen grabs shows just how large of an exodus there has been in the city
  • Big brand names have been frequently leaving the city due to a drop in footfall and widespread crime
  • An employee at a Target location said earlier this year it was being robbed as often as 'every ten minutes.'

Before and after pictures have laid bare the mass exodus of huge brands from the city of San Francisco.

The video, made up of Google Maps screen grabs, shows large chain stores like Target and CVS before and after they moved out of the city.

Hordes of brand names including the likes of Whole Food and Nordstrom have recently moved out of the California city amid widespread crime and plummeting footfall.



PREMO Member

Shoplifting Threatens to Close Washington, DC Grocery Store Creating a Food Desert

The Giant Food store in Ward 8 of Washington, DC is apparently the only supermarket in that area and now it could end up closing due to rampant theft.

People who live in the area are worried that it may end up becoming a food desert.

This is where this issue of unpunished crime has been headed for months. How are stores supposed to stay open and operate if they are victims of constant theft?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Racist rich liberal Democrats: "Defund the police! Decriminalize theft!"
Also racist rich liberal Democrats: "Food deserts! WAAAAAHHHHH!"


But wait! There's more from racist rich liberal Democrats:

"Black people can't help but be thieves, rapists, and killers! It's their culture! Because of systemic racism! And white supremacy!"


These scumbags merrily decimate these communities and don't give one single sh*t - not a turd - not even a fart - about they lives they destroy. They sit on their high horse in their gated communities surrounded by armed guards pretending to care while making these people's lives a living hell.

But honestly, blue city residents deserve it because that's what they voted for. So I can't feel terribly sorry for them. Black people? **** you, this is what you vote for over and over, so stop your whining.

(we need a middle finger emoji)


American Beauty
PREMO Member

Racist rich liberal Democrats: "Defund the police! Decriminalize theft!"
Also racist rich liberal Democrats: "Food deserts! WAAAAAHHHHH!"


But wait! There's more from racist rich liberal Democrats:

"Black people can't help but be thieves, rapists, and killers! It's their culture! Because of systemic racism! And white supremacy!"


These scumbags merrily decimate these communities and don't give one single sh*t - not a turd - not even a fart - about they lives they destroy. They sit on their high horse in their gated communities surrounded by armed guards pretending to care while making these people's lives a living hell.

But honestly, blue city residents deserve it because that's what they voted for. So I can't feel terribly sorry for them. Black people? **** you, this is what you vote for over and over, so stop your whining.

(we need a middle finger emoji)


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Ohio GOP sounds alarm as progressives submit state constitutional amendment stripping police protections

Ending qualified immunity, a vocal goal of progressives and police abolitionists across the country, would end protections that state employees currently have from most civil lawsuits.

"Qualified immunity is a legal loophole that protects people like politicians and rogue officers from being sued for violating a person’s rights," the group's website states.

Ohio Republicans immediately sounded the alarm in response to the petition.

"I told you they're trying to turn Ohio into California," Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose, arguably the most prominent supporter of State Issue 1, which was voted down earlier this week, posted on X. "Now they're coming after our police."
Fallout from trying to change the law regarding the numbers of votes required to amend their Constitution?


PREMO Member

Urban progressives blast the unsafe cities that they created

Oakland is on track to double the number of assaults and triple the number of carjacking cases in the city from 2019.

Its NAACP chapter has minced no words in assigning blame for this sorry state of affairs.

“Failed leadership, including the movement to defund the police, our District Attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life-threatening serious crimes, and the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric have created a heyday for Oakland criminals,” asserted the progressive group in a letter.

“People are moving out of Oakland in droves. They are afraid to venture out of their homes to go to work, shop, or dine.”

This spring, even the Rev. Al Sharpton — he of “No justice, no peace!” fame — ripped his fellow progressives for their reticence to take the crime epidemic seriously.

“Anybody that tells you they’re progressive but don’t care about dealing with violent crimes are not,” declared Sharpton.

“You’re labeled progressive, but your action is regressive.”