Breaking News!! Bush Claiming Responsibility 4 Katrina!!!


24/7 Single Dad
Sudan actually offered us Osama and the Clinton justice Dept. turned down the offer because there wasn't enough evidence against him at the time.


Why, why, why do some of you constantly allow yourself to get drug into arguments with fools? Have you never heard of the sage old adage that you should never wrestle with a pig because you both end up covered in $hit, but the pig likes it? That's some good advice!

Morons like Qpid have no interest in how well defined your arguments are, nor how sound your (see... I know when to use "your" properly) reasoning is, so why bother arguing with them???


Enjoying life!
bresamil said:
to the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility

That is what he said "to the extent". And failure at ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT which includes local and state. He wants to look at this to see how the federal government could have saved lives without breaking the laws that are in effect. The feds followed the rules - local and state balked. So yes, he takes responsibility for following the rules and in doing so, not saving as many lives as could have been saved if the feds had taken control from the state.
Exactly, Bresamil! The report will be in by mid-February. To the extent that report finds faults in the Federal government's involvement in the Katrina relief delays, Bush takes full responsibility. We already know that the (Democratic-run) State and Local governments failed miserably.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm starting to wish Katrina would have destroyed the whole state of Louisiana:

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco lashed out at FEMA on Tuesday, complaining the agency is moving too slowly in recovering the bodies of those killed by Hurricane Katrina.

Can this state do ANYTHING for itself???

They can't provide evacuation assistance for their citizens.

They can't recover bodies of the dead.

They can't absorb one city's students and residents - must send them out of state.

What the hell good are they??? No wonder the residents of NO are such a bunch of federal-tit-sucking good-for-nothings - they get it from their leadership!



vraiblonde said:
Because it's fun :jet:

Naw... arguing is fun when it's with someone like Rr or Dems who at least do civil things like use reason, admit if they're wrong, offer sound arguments against your points, etc. Arguing with someone who is just arguing for the sake of arguing is pointless.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I'm starting to wish Katrina would have destroyed the whole state of Louisiana:

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco lashed out at FEMA on Tuesday, complaining the agency is moving too slowly in recovering the bodies of those killed by Hurricane Katrina.

Can this state do ANYTHING for itself???

They can't provide evacuation assistance for their citizens.

They can't recover bodies of the dead.

They can't absorb one city's students and residents - must send them out of state.

What the hell good are they??? No wonder the residents of NO are such a bunch of federal-tit-sucking good-for-nothings - they get it from their leadership!


Don't hate V! I'll get back to you!
Roberts just made Dianne Feinstein look stupid!...Not that it was hard...he had the answers!


New Member
tomchamp said:
Don't hate V! I'll get back to you!
Roberts just made Dianne Feinstein look stupid!...Not that it was hard...he had the answers!
These people can't hold a candle to him when it comes to the law! :popcorn:


The Smart Hooker
I wonder when Mayor Nagin and Gov. Blanco are going to apologize to the people of New Orleans? :whistle:


New Member
meme said:
I wonder when Mayor Nagin and Gov. Blanco are going to apologize to the people of New Orleans? :whistle:
Never...just like the people affected. "Can't be are fault" got to blame someone....that's how they got that way! Gov is why they are so effed up!


Lem Putt
Qdip, follow this link and then tell me what the feds didn't do.

I don't really expect an answer, since you can never substantiate anything with facts.

I suspect that you are really a 40 year old guy, wearing a white conehead, happy that you are working hard to drive a wedge between the races.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I just wandered over to DU to see how this news is being taken. Well, lemme tell ya it scares me that these people are registered to vote, are allowed to drive cars, AND own firearms. I really did try to see logic in the points they were trying to make, but I came away with a headache. The koolaideers on the left want everything from resignation to jail time on charges of "negligent homicide".



New Member
Qpid said:
President Bush says he takes responsibility for the federal government's failures in responding to Hurricane Katrina. Details soon. on CNN.

Oh boy...

For all the stoopid crap the Bushies have done since they rolled into the District with a wrecking ball, I've always admired their discipline - extreme loyalty, stick to the script, stay on message, polls be damned (at least on the record), leadership, leadership, leadership, zig heil...

But whoever came up with the bright idea that Bush should apologize for the sinking mess that is N.O. ought to be sacked, dragged out into the street and shot...with BB point blank range...for as long as it takes.

Ari Fleischer would have never put up with this kowtow crap.

N.O. screwed up, bad. The Coast Guard was there as fast as possible. The FEMA chief was a rockhead, but he didn't stop the National Guard from getting there. Why the pres is taking the heat for this, deserved or not, is beyond me. Yes, the public doesn't like the TV images and wants heads to roll, but this will come back to haunt the GOP. Bush's supposed strong suit has been his ability to act from his gut and ride out the storm. This smells of fear - polling fear.

Is the bubble finally bursting? Have the handlers lost control? Is Bush acting without inertial guidance?


Lovin' being Texican
soul4sale said:
Oh boy...

For all the stoopid crap the Bushies have done since they rolled into the District with a wrecking ball, I've always admired their discipline - extreme loyalty, stick to the script, stay on message, polls be damned (at least on the record), leadership, leadership, leadership, zig heil...

But whoever came up with the bright idea that Bush should apologize for the sinking mess that is N.O. ought to be sacked, dragged out into the street and shot...with BB point blank range...for as long as it takes.

Ari Fleischer would have never put up with this kowtow crap.

N.O. screwed up, bad. The Coast Guard was there as fast as possible. The FEMA chief was a rockhead, but he didn't stop the National Guard from getting there. Why the pres is taking the heat for this, deserved or not, is beyond me. Yes, the public doesn't like the TV images and wants heads to roll, but this will come back to haunt the GOP. Bush's supposed strong suit has been his ability to act from his gut and ride out the storm. This smells of fear - polling fear.

Is the bubble finally bursting? Have the handlers lost control? Is Bush acting without inertial guidance?

You've obviously never been a leader nor worked for one.


New Member
Lenny said:
You've obviously never been a leader nor worked for one.

Coming from a person who uses a Final Fantasy character for an avatar, that really hurts. Please, Lenny, use your psychic powers for good, not evil. You really know how to hurt a guy...

But seriously, I post multiple graphs of droll commentary, and I get this genius response and the anon one in my Karma monitor call me an "@sshat." Makes it feel like a waste. If you're going to hate on me, do it with style. Ask vrai, she has a few choice burns she employs now and then on those of us who don't tow the GOP line.