Breaking News - Moussaoui


Football addict
elaine said:
I agree. He was rubbing his hands together gettin' ready for those seventy odd virgins.
Blessed are the meak, for they will get LAID.

That has to be the least moral thing a religion can offer.:lol:


New Member
BuddyLee said:
Good, that isn't what he wanted.

I wonder if the jury decided to make it not unanimous, because they knew keeping him incarcerated would be a fate worse than death.
Personally, I think it is more painful for him to die a slow death, rotting in prison where he will be forgotten by the masses. He was talk the bad talk all he wants, America won when he was convicted.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Executing him would have made him a martyr to many Muslims and I suspect it would have generated unrest in many areas where we need no addition incintive for insurgents is needed. Stick him in the general population and see how well he is received.

JPC, Sr.

Faith Without Works is Dead.

elaine said:
I agree. He was rubbing his hands together gettin' ready for those seventy odd virgins.
:coffee: FYI, the Quran does not say that they will be getting any 70 virgins and there is no credible Islamic text that says it either.

:yay: I really figure that some Muslims made up that non-sence just as a way to pick at and to tease the infidels, and I suspect that they laugh hard at the idea back in the caves of Pakistan.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: FYI, the Quran does not say that they will be getting any 70 virgins and there is no credible Islamic text that says it either.

:yay: I really figure that some Muslims made up that non-sence just as a way to pick at and to tease the infidels, and I suspect that they laugh hard at the idea back in the caves of Pakistan.
It isn't the Koran but one of the many hadith which are traditional sayings traced to Muhammad. The Hadith collection known as Sunan al-Tirmidhi says in part, "The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby." And this is what they are refering to when they talk of the virgins for martyrs.


New Member
Pandora said:

This is pretty much death! My guess is, he will be killed in prison. Do you think they will offer him "protection" in prison? God I hope not! We should start a Moussaoui Death Pool around here and everyone make their guess on how long he will survive in prison and see who comes closest.

Although I would have rather seen him be executed, it does show how the american justice system and the jury in particular can be unbiased and can make a decision based on facts and not their personal feelings. I am anxious to see what the jury has to say once its all over.


New Member
My concern is that some extremist group will hold Americans as hostages to trade for his release.


New Member
ms_mj said:
My concern is that some extremist group will hold Americans as hostages to trade for his release.

hmmmm....never thought about that! You are right though, not like it hasn't happened before!


Super Genius
He's going to the Supermax in Colorado...
In Supermax prisons, prisoners are often allowed out of their cells for only an hour a day; often they are kept in solitary confinement. They receive their meals through "food ports" in the doors of their cells. Often they are given nothing to do, no work or assigned activities, except in many Supermax prisons, including the Federal Supermax in Florence, Colorado, the prisoners are allowed to have a television. When Supermax inmates are allowed access to an exercise area, often this is just a small cage, not much different from their cells, in which they are taken to "exercise" alone. Prisoners are under constant surveillance, usually with video cameras. Cell doors are often automated and often opaque, designed to prevent prisoners from seeing outside their cells. Conditions are extremely spartan, with poured concrete furniture the norm. Cell walls, and sometimes plumbing as well, are often soundproofed to prevent communication between the inmates.

So, no being somebody's beotch and no shivs.


ylexot said:
More info on the CO Supermax...ADX Florence:

Rooms may also be fitted with polished steel mirrors bolted to the wall, an electric light, a 13-inch black and white television, and a cigarette lighter.

Do the taxpayers provide cigarettes as well? Cable? Ugh.

Many homeless people would be so lucky to have this kind of shelter.

I don't care if he wanted death, and some think this is torture for him.

Disembowel the bastard and hang him for the buzzards to pluck away at his innards as he dies a very slow death.
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Well-Known Member

will he get the special Moslem preferencial diet?
Have a cell that faces east for daily prayers?
Allow an Imam to visit for Holy days?

If nothing else: his sneer is absolutely correct.
We will go broke in the next decade in the attempt to try & convict all the putrid moslem filth that are seaping in ready for the next 9/11--
and our solution is long drawn out trials that last 5-6 years!!!!
Delayed justice is injustice.
If you are going to detain & charge: Justice must be administered in 60 days.
If you do not wish to detain...the cost is 22 cents.
Look at the conspirators who took down Lincoln: Trial-to-Execution in less than 3 months.