Breast cancer...


Larry, sorry to hear about your sister. Know how you feel. I lost my mother to breast cancer a few years ago. She fought it for a long time. Best wishes to your sister.


Larry, it will not be easy..for anyone...but more women and men are beating breast cancer!!!
Better testing, early detection, better treatment...all add up to living a very long life!!
My mom had her breast removed in 1975 and is now 89..and the cancer never came back!! It runs in the family.

It was hard on my mom because she felt she was less of a woman with one breast and that dad would not love her becasue she looked like a freak.
Never happened...Dad's love never lessened. :huggy:

But women fear that...

Let your sis know she is still beautiful, no matter what happens.

It is OK to be pissed off and angry...all part of the "cancer"..

Just be there for your sis, and be supportive...and let her know it is OK.
Come here and shout, yell, moan, groan, and be pissed....

We will be here to support you so you can be there for her...:huggy:

Hang in there Larry!!!!

Keeping you and your sister in my prayers!!!!

...Inkpen: Ovarian cancer survivor 1991.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Larry, sorry to hear about your sister. Know how you feel. I lost my mother to breast cancer a few years ago. She fought it for a long time. Best wishes to your sister. hear that, Vince.

Everything for sis sounds real good. The MRI, as these things are explained to me, are as good as it gets considering. So, thank you. :buddies:

I'm just nervous. She's getting scared.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Larry, it will not be easy..for anyone...but more women and men are beating breast cancer!!!
Better testing, early detection, better treatment...all add up to living a very long life!!
My mom had her breast removed in 1975 and is now 89..and the cancer never came back!! It runs in the family.

It was hard on my mom because she felt she was less of a woman with one breast and that dad would not love her becasue she looked like a freak.
Never happened...Dad's love never lessened. :huggy:

But women fear that...

Let your sis know she is still beautiful, no matter what happens.

It is OK to be pissed off and angry...all part of the "cancer"..

Just be there for your sis, and be supportive...and let her know it is OK.
Come here and shout, yell, moan, groan, and be pissed....

We will be here to support you so you can be there for her...:huggy:

Hang in there Larry!!!!

Keeping you and your sister in my prayers!!!!

...Inkpen: Ovarian cancer survivor 1991.



New Member
Man, that sucks. I have a good news story from work, though. A really nice lady in the office was diagnosed with breast cancer about 1.5-2 years ago. She went through surgery and chemo and it was definitely hard on her, but her husband and family were very supportive and she kept her spirits up. She is now cancer-free and going great. Best of luck to your sister and your family.


Walking for a cure!!
The good thing is that they are learning more and more about this dreadful disease every day. In the past several years they have been able to determine different types of breast cancer and learned better ways to treat the individual type. The survival rate is better than it was even 10 years ago.

Larry & Jameo, your familys are in my prayers. To all of you who have friends or family who are battling this disease or to those who have lost someone, please pm me with their names. I would be honored to add them to my shirt while walking this weekend.


My grandmother's breast cancer came back after 20+ years in remission. And they also found a tumor on her lung, they are waiting to do anything, due to her age and her being sick.


Larry Gude

Strung Out


Looks like my aunt will be having surgery soon also. No mention of chemo or anything yet, but I guess we will find out more once they get in there. :frown: I understand it, tehy take it out, biopsy the lymph nodes and take blood and a week or two later you get to find out if you're going to be 1/2 killed with chemo or not.



I hope everything works out.My mom and nana had it and My other grandmother and two aunts had it. I am just counting down the days when i get.I am so sorry for your family. I wish you all the best.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That sounds...

I hope everything works out.My mom and nana had it and My other grandmother and two aunts had it. I am just counting down the days when i get.I am so sorry for your family. I wish you all the best. not a fun way to be thinking.



Guest not a fun way to be thinking.


I know. I hope I didn't upset you. If I did I am sorry. I wasn't trying to. Heres something positive from my statement. If all they had it and they are ok now, maybe your sister will be too.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I know. I hope I didn't upset you. If I did I am sorry. I wasn't trying to. Heres something positive from my statement. If all they had it and they are ok now, maybe your sister will be too.

...not at all. I would just think it would suck living with a sense of inevitability in getting cancer. This is odd for my family and my sister. I can't imagine if EVERYONE in my family pretty much had it or was gonna get it.