Breast cancer...


New Member
...right and that is the proper perspective. It was just so nice with the chance to not have to go through chemo. Rough week for wishful thinking.

My dad had lung cancer, he had the first tumor removed and they said that they got it all and he was great!! No chemo, No radiation.....2 years later, they find more, and he was eaten up with it. We often say that had they just done the chemo and radiation at first he very well may still be here with us today. The chemo and radiation will be hard, (all of us kids took turns riding up with dad to sit with him for the hours it took) but it will also allow you to keep your sister here with you. :huggy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

My dad had lung cancer, he had the first tumor removed and they said that they got it all and he was great!! No chemo, No radiation.....2 years later, they find more, and he was eaten up with it. We often say that had they just done the chemo and radiation at first he very well may still be here with us today. The chemo and radiation will be hard, (all of us kids took turns riding up with dad to sit with him for the hours it took) but it will also allow you to keep your sister here with you. :huggy:

...that's a great point and that's what everyone is focusing on. I know two people, an aunt and our plumber, who went through it and it beat the crap out of them, just miserable and they both say, with no hesitation, they'd do it again.



Prayers to both of y'all and your families and others that are affected by breast cancer :huggy: :flowers:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...she got her 'port' installed 10 days ago or so, drove her crazy, wanted to rip it out. Got used to it.

Last Thursday was first chemo and the reason I'm posting is it sounds like cancer treatment is getting a lot more human friendly!!! She says she feels like the flu without the fever; weird, not happy, but not near as bad as she thought. 1 down and three to go :yahoo:


My grandmother's breast cancer came back after 20+ years in remission. And they also found a tumor on her lung, they are waiting to do anything, due to her age and her being sick.


Grandma went back into the hosp last weekend very sick again and now they found a spot on the right side of her lung, last spot was on the left. :huggy:


New Member
My mom had breast cancer 7-8 years ago and HAD been cancer free until about a 1 1/2 year ago.

Her hip had been bothering her, so she went to see a orthopedic doctor, he said it was arthritis. She went to him for about 6 months. Found out this past October that her cancer had mastesized(sp?) and is now in her vertibrae and hip bone full blown out.

They say breast cancer is part of the 3 b's...First comes breast, then bone, then brain. She has been in and out of the hospital now for the past few months and the doctor's can't seem to help her.

I pray for all of you that have to go through this as well with a family/friend.


Genetic Testing

For those of you who have had multiple cases of breast cancer in the family (or who have a family member who got it at a young age: < 50), you might want to consider genetic testing. That way you can determine for sure whether or not you are at risk for getting breast cancer (or if you're a male, passing it onto your children).

The test is very easy to do--all you need to do is to submit a blood sample.

If you do test positive for the gene, it's not hopeless. There are preventative things you can do (worst case would be to get preventative surgery, which I would want to do if I knew I had a 90 % chance of getting breast cancer).

For more information, google BRCA gene.


...she got her 'port' installed 10 days ago or so, drove her crazy, wanted to rip it out. Got used to it.

Last Thursday was first chemo and the reason I'm posting is it sounds like cancer treatment is getting a lot more human friendly!!! She says she feels like the flu without the fever; weird, not happy, but not near as bad as she thought. 1 down and three to go :yahoo:

Chemo really has come a long way. It's not as horrible as it used to be, where everyone gets sick from it and has all those horrible side effects. Of course, everyone is affected differently and most seem to be pretty exhausted after a few treatments. I'm very happy that your sister was diagnosed before it spread too far.

Both of my parents are going through cancer and my mil is a breast cancer survivor. My Mom's doing better, Dad isn't. Mom recently finished her 6th chemo session and is officially "cancer free for now" - those were the doctor's words. As for my Dad, well....let's just say he should have been more proactive with a mole on his back and should have gone to the dermatologist a lot sooner. He's trying everything he can do at this point and we're just hoping something works. He's been going through various treatments for 2 years now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Chemo really has come a long way. It's not as horrible as it used to be, where everyone gets sick from it and has all those horrible side effects. Of course, everyone is affected differently and most seem to be pretty exhausted after a few treatments. I'm very happy that your sister was diagnosed before it spread too far.

...that's what we're learning, happily! Her worst time, so far, was the other night and she couldn't sleep. Agonizing pain. Turns out it was her white cells kicking back into gear, which is a very good thing. It just hurts. :lmao:

She's not enjoying this, at all, but, so far, it is just sooo much better than expected.



...that's what we're learning, happily! Her worst time, so far, was the other night and she couldn't sleep. Agonizing pain. Turns out it was her white cells kicking back into gear, which is a very good thing. It just hurts. :lmao:

She's not enjoying this, at all, but, so far, it is just sooo much better than expected.


Glad to hear that Larry..:yay:


Active Member
...that's what we're learning, happily! Her worst time, so far, was the other night and she couldn't sleep. Agonizing pain. Turns out it was her white cells kicking back into gear, which is a very good thing. It just hurts. :lmao:

She's not enjoying this, at all, but, so far, it is just sooo much better than expected.

