Bridge Jumper


Brenda you are missed!!!
cdsulhoff said:
Hey April,
Which uncle??? was it someone on your mothers side???

Yes my uncle Donnie W.

He had that to deal with and the passing of my aunt.. Hasnt been a good week for the family at all... The funeral for my aunt was yesterday it was a LONGGGGG DAY!!!! My mom leaves tomm. to fly back to AZ.


New Member
twobit said:
Why doesn't anyone jump off the Rt 231 bridge in Benedict?

If you grew up in Calvert County or Benedict, you would know that a certain family used to jump off the bridge for entertainment. They would even put a pony (or was it a donkey? help me out with this one Speedy) in the water and jump from the bridge onto the ponies back. They were an interesting bunch.

oh one more....

Bridge Jumper 02-20-2007 12:59 PM youre so eff'n stoopid you didn't relize they said "the people you know jump from bridges"

:dork: and your point is......
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greyhound said:
If you grew up in Calvert County or Benedict, you would know that a certain family used to jump off the bridge for entertainment. They would even put a pony (or was it a donkey? help me out with this one Speedy) in the water and jump from the bridge onto the ponies back. They were an interesting bunch.

oh one more....

Bridge Jumper 02-20-2007 12:59 PM youre so eff'n stoopid you didn't relize they said "the people you know jump from bridges"

:dork: and your point is......
You beleived this? :killingme
greyhound said:
If you grew up in Calvert County or Benedict, you would know that a certain family used to jump off the bridge for entertainment. They would even put a pony (or was it a donkey? help me out with this one Speedy) in the water and jump from the bridge onto the ponies back. They were an interesting bunch.

I'm thinking it was a pony. I guess you forgot this family is distantly related to us. :killingme