Bridge Jumper


New Member
protectmd said:
Apparently if this isn't the first person who has jumped over the side of that bridge, you would think that the state would implement some sort of fence or whatever to make it more difficult to jump over the side of that bridge. It seems to me that the high point on that bridge is very attractive to the crazies out there to make their statement using the past history of jumping as case and point here. I think they need to redo that bridge anyway so you know perhaps that would be a good time to put some sort of jumper prevention up there.

Jumper prevention?? As if the state doesn't already waste enough of my tax dollars on stupid stuff. If the (insert choice bad word here) wants to kill himself, let him. I think the state better intercept all knives and pills as well, so that no one can kill themselves that way either. :jameo:
LovingMother said:
It involved a domestic dispute, the couple had an ex parte against each other. The guy decides he is gonna kill himself and wants the girl to watch so she knows she is responisible for it. So he kidnaps her, ties her up and takes her up on the bridge to watch him jump off.

This is true... It was my uncle's good friends cousin whom jump... He wanted his EX to watch... All I can say is this whole story is crazy....


I feel bad for his family... I also feel bad for the girl.

We already knew all that information. It was posted earlier in the thread.


New Member
Bridge Jumper 02-18-2007 10:02 PM people you know jump from bridges

Chicken Karma giver...If you paid attention to the thread:duh: ....Speedy and I knew the guy that jumped.


smoothmarine187 said:
:yikes: Hopefully it wasn't Dougster......he was supposed to come back and meet us last night but he never did!

One half of my group was not feeling well after dinner so we stayed home. Was looking foward to partying with ya'll.
migtig said:
If I had known...always a day late. I just made chocolate dipped cookies and chocolate marshmellow sandwich cookies. :sad:
I hope the female is okay and his family as well.
Well dammit woman, BRING 'EM OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wench: