bush needs to keep money on earth



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wouldn't be good spo

Originally posted by libragirl
get over it


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wouldn't be good spo

Originally posted by libragirl
get over it
:shrug: I am not the one bleeding from the eyes over it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Archi, remind me to edited as it may constitute a threat if I ever see you. If Tigger ever gets on here and starts calling you all names and screaming her fingers off, you can flame her til the cows come home. Heck, you can even flame her if she swings back at you!

That you would even put her in the same category as these two makes me want to call you the "R" word.

LF, you jumped on here running your mouth about things you obviously know nothing about. You made a statement and someone challenged you to back it up. You blatantly refused with, "Why should I?" You've also been giving as good (if not better) than you got so take your lumps.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde

Archi, remind me to edited as it may constitute a threat if I ever see you. If Tigger ever gets on here and starts calling you all names and screaming her fingers off, you can flame her til the cows come home. Heck, you can even flame her if she swings back at you!

That you would even put her in the same category as these two makes me want to call you the "R" word.

LF, you jumped on here running your mouth about things you obviously know nothing about. You made a statement and someone challenged you to back it up. You blatantly refused with, "Why should I?" You've also been giving as good (if not better) than you got so take your lumps.

Do you care to show me where I said "why shoud I"? As far as the medicad thing I just know what my grandma has told me. So why in the he!! are you jumping my azz??


Originally posted by lfquade
Do you care to show me where I said "why shoud I"? As far as the medicad thing I just know what my grandma has told me. So why in the he!! are you jumping my azz??
:popcorn: TAG.......it's your turn vrai


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wouldn't be good

Originally posted by Pete
:shrug: I am not the one bleeding from the eyes over it.
and neither am i :barf:


Originally posted by lfquade
I think thats the nicest thing I've heard come out your mouth so far today....:wink:
lets all make up and move ON


Originally posted by lfquade
I think thats the nicest thing I've heard come out your mouth so far today....:wink:

here is where you said it BTW

Originally posted by lfquade
Sure I can, but I'm gonna. Why give you that benefit?

Oh by the way.......:bonk:


Originally posted by lfquade
I think thats the nicest thing I've heard come out your mouth so far today....:wink:
No, it's just the nicest thing you have rated so far today


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sorry - too worn out from yesterday. I met my future daughter-in-law this afternoon and she is so kyoooote! Her sister is a doll baby too! Nice, nice girls, which tells me I'm going to love my son's future MIL, too!

LF, it isn't our responsibility to keep your grandmother in beeper thingies. Which leads to a history lesson on said beeper thingies:

Those Medic-Alert things use a satellite to transmit information to rescue personnel. Those satellites were developed for use with (you guessed it) the space program. How much is NASA worth to you now?

TA DAH!!!! :diva:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by *archimedes*
p.s. Tigger said F-YOU to me, so does that give me license to flame like you said?
You deserved that so don't come crying.

I'm going to find some food and beer. I have to go to the store to find said food and beer. Don't take my silence to mean that I give up or am speechless in anyway.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Boy did this thread ever go to hell and a hand basket. It has gotten long, drawn out and redundant, but it certainly was amusing and managed to take the emphasis of supposed acts by Bush and NASA to steal/waste money that some think should only take care of many of those that would rather suck the teat then get off their arses and become productive.

It did manage to reaffirm the fact that some people on here have no clue whatsoever as to how the government works and what this administration has actually done with regard to the budget.

And BTW, to the person that was griping that some of us do nothing all day but post on this forum, you can readily see that I didn’t have much time this afternoon to play (I miss most of the fun, as usual). I did notice that it didn’t stop that person from posting during what I would presume to be working hours for them (if they actually have a job).

Whether the subjects of this post will ever realize it or not, some of us take the functioning of our nation seriously and pay close enough attention to what is going on to form and voice informed opinions. None of us claim to be experts or know it all (though we do get accused of that every now and then), but we aren’t ignorant either. When we don’t know something we research the matter and find the information. At times it has led to a change of our position. I recommend that they do the same or they will continue to sound like the fledgling incoherent fools that they so amazingly displayed during today’s session.

Oh yeah, what spending cuts has Bush implemented?


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Those Medic-Alert things use a satellite to transmit information to rescue personnel. Those satellites were developed for use with (you guessed it) the space program. How much is NASA worth to you now?

TA DAH!!!! :diva:

She shoots!!!! She SCORES!!!! :thewave: :killingme