bush needs to keep money on earth


Well-Known Member
OK...if we are going to give NASA a free pass on the budget debate....what do we cut?

*I've already seen the debate over foreign aid....
*I've heard that we have successfully have moved millions away from welfare....
*I've heard that the Military is finally getting a decent wage...so that can't be trimmed.
*Social Security is being paid to "the Greatest Generation." and the AARP is the #1 lobby voice in DC...can't trim there.
*We just created the largest entitlement program in years with perscription drug support...
*National Parks are having record attendence despite budget freezes & staff cuts.

so: what gets cut?...give me some numbers too!


Originally posted by Hessian
OK...if we are going to give NASA a free pass on the budget debate....what do we cut?

If I were Czar, here's what I would do. I would get a copy of every phonebook in the United States, and I would pick two names from each one. Just average, everyday, Joes and Janes, and bring them to Washington for a year... one as an alternate and one as a primary. The primary people would get together over a seven-month period and spend 40 hours a week listening to proposals from people wanting government money. Each proposal would last one hour, and could be in any format. After each proposal, the group would vote. If the group voted for the program, it would be in the budget. If they turned it down, the proposers would need to get their funding from their local state or other source. I bet I could cut the budget by at least 50% and since the states wouldn't want to pay for all those hairbrained programs, they would be done away with.

I would also require jurors sitting on murder trials to take a second vote if the first one was guilty. If nine of the twelve jurors voted that the victim had it coming to them, the killer would be released... but that's for another topic. :biggrin:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by lfquade
You wanna know what he has cut out of medicad why don't you call and ask my 81 yr old grandma whom I hear complain everyday about cutting back on so much stuff. Example a lifeline program she was on, when she had an emergency she could push a button, that was dropped because medicad couldnt afford to pay for it.

More handouts to lazy and useless people, Well I'm not one of those, but It's funny how people have jobs but seem to be on the forums all day, thats lazy and useless...:rolleyes:
Why don't you pay for your Grandmas lifeline, or bring her into your home and take care of her? Also what did Bush cut? Not what programs are no longer being supported by Medicare. Simply because your grandma is griping doesn't mean the President caused her grief.

And who is on the forums all day, I hit the forums for a few minutes here and there but I still get my work done and my boss doesn't have a problem so why do you?


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Why don't you pay for your Grandmas lifeline, or bring her into your home and take care of her? Also what did Bush cut? Not what programs are no longer being supported by Medicare. Simply because your grandma is griping doesn't mean the President caused her grief.

And who is on the forums all day, I hit the forums for a few minutes here and there but I still get my work done and my boss doesn't have a problem so why do you?

Well first my grandma lives 1200 miles away. I'm not gonna sit here and debate with you what Bush has cut, no use.

Oh and by the way :razz:.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by lfquade
I'm not gonna sit here and debate with you what Bush has cut, no use.
Of course it is no use, because you can't name one single item that he has cut, because he hasn't cut a damn thing other than taxes.

Oh and by the way :moon:


Originally posted by Ken King
Of course it is no use, because you can't name one single item that he has cut, because he hasn't cut a damn thing other than taxes.

Oh and by the way :moon:
Ken you really have to be nicer to the Libs. This thing you have about them providing proof is way cruel. :killingme


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Of course it is no use, because you can't name one single item that he has cut, because he hasn't cut a damn thing other than taxes.

Oh and by the way :moon:

Sure I can, but I'm gonna. Why give you that benefit?

Oh by the way.......:bonk:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Well I never stood for my kids lying to me or making up stories and I won't take it form some of these other people's kids either.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by lfquade
Sure I can, but I'm gonna. Why give you that benefit?

Oh by the way.......:bonk:
What benefit, I already know that you don't know sh!t. :biteme:


Originally posted by libragirl
first of all no im not on welfare i work
bush didnt cut my taxes i dont hardly anything back
if i was on welfare like so many are i wouldnt be asking for a little help here and there im not asking for a hand out just a way to have health and dental insurance that wont cost an arm and a leg. if the outerspace program works great i hope they send a few ppl there to stay. and bush did hurt the old people by cutting medicare and such things. any more smart remarks ?:confused: :confused:

1. If he cut taxes you pay a lower percentage of your income. If your withholding is lower because of it that is why you don't get much back. :rolleyes: You have to look at what you paid percentage wise this time versus last year. You cannot judge based on your tax return.

2. Medical and dental insurance cost as well as perscription drug coverage has been an issue for 15 years or longer. It has no easy solution.

3. Since you will not point out 1 specific instance that President Bush cut something I will counter your statement and say President Bush INCREASED medicare spending. Since I do not have to prove it it's my word against yours.

Lastly, I am sad your 81 year old grandmother has to cut back. But is that "I have fallen and cannot get up" button thingy absolutly necessary? Perhaps the cost the government was paying for that was causing someone elses 82 year old grandmother to go without medicine.


Go Braves!
Originally posted by Pete
1. If he cut taxes you pay a lower percentage of your income. If your withholding is lower because of it that is why you don't get much back. :rolleyes: You have to look at what you paid percentage wise this time versus last year. You cannot judge based on your tax return.

2. Medical and dental insurance cost as well as perscription drug coverage has been an issue for 15 years or longer. It has no easy solution.

3. Since you will not point out 1 specific instance that President Bush cut something I will counter your statement and say President Bush INCREASED medicare spending. Since I do not have to prove it it's my word against yours.

Lastly, I am sad your 81 year old grandmother has to cut back. But is that "I have fallen and cannot get up" button thingy absolutly necessary? Perhaps the cost the government was paying for that was causing someone elses 82 year old grandmother to go without medicine.



ive fallen and cant get up button do you have any respect for anyone i think not. thats just all out rude :spank: :bonk:


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by libragirl
ive fallen and cant get up button do you have any respect for anyone i think not. thats just all out rude :spank: :bonk:
Why is it rude when that is what the button is for? :confused: Pete is actually quite a gentleman....

I almost got that last part out with a straight face....but not quite.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
A little irony

Many folk want the funds for NASA diverted to Medicare, Medicade, insurance, etc.. But I bet that they aren't even aware that medicare/Medicade fraud, and waste estimates exceed the NASA budget and they want them controlling more of our funds (I say this because you never hear their outrage about this).

Isn't this a lot like giving a drunk another beer as he heads out the door to get into his car?


Here is, what I thought was, a well written article on the subject out of Forbes Magazine.

Is it perfect? No, but it is a start, and if anyone depends on social security & medicare to support them in their retirement years, they didn't plan very well. The space program is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of medicare and the long term cost of this new prescription coverage. I, for one, am intrigued by the space program, and I would only hope that it would continue.


New Member
Originally posted by Pete
Lastly, I am sad your 81 year old grandmother has to cut back. But is that "I have fallen and cannot get up" button thingy absolutly necessary? Perhaps the cost the government was paying for that was causing someone elses 82 year old grandmother to go without medicine.

WHOA, WTF, You don't know when to shut your pie hole do you? Is the button thing necessary, are u stupid or what? That button is a life or death situation. That lifeline was causing ppls 82 yr olds grandmas to suffer, NOt its all the people on the system now who need to get off their lazy azzes and work, ever thouht of that.



New Member
Originally posted by Ehesef
Why is it rude when that is what the button is for? :confused: Pete is actually quite a gentleman....

I almost got that last part out with a straight face....but not quite.

Are u under a rock? The button is not "A fallen and I can't get up button" It's a I'm having an heart attack or cant breathe button. Grow up and respect the older people.