bush needs to keep money on earth



Re: Re: Re: Re: you go girl

Originally posted by lfquade
If you think I'm a tard, you better jump on the boat....
the boat is now leaving


Well-Known Member
gee, this is why government can't get anything done....

Bicker, sneer, be incoherent...and don't answer the question I posed:

What specifically would you cut?

I have had a very interesting approach to how to address making cuts...but NONE have said:

"We can trim __________________ by 20% in the next two years."



My 80 year old grandmother lives with me. You do not have to preach to me about the cost of health care what-so-ever, believe me I know, I live it everyday. I know how hard her and my grandfather worked and how they have very little to nothing to show for it today. But should the space program be nixed to provide additional money to support social security, medicare, prescription coverage? Absolutely fricken not. I worked every summer at a hotel just outside Cape Canaveral, for 8 years in a row, where several NASA workers stayed, so maybe I just hold the space program a little more near and dear. But just think, some of the satellites sent into space are for television and telephones. You need to know what's up there first before you can send things up and expect them to last.


sorry im an adult

im not playing games im just trying to make a point and ppl step all over me bye


Originally posted by lfquade
Yes, I will. Learn to shut your big mouth once in awhile, and don't talk about something you have NO clue about..

OK, first I would like it noted for the record that I did not cause this to turn ugly. I am without fault, I was simply debating a relevant topic in a civilized manner. Would someone please post a second on that statement so that vrai will have documented proof. TIA


Dear lftard

You amuse me with your rantings and your inability to see past your own self interest. This coupled with your pizz poor grammer, spelling, diction, and rambling style, and selfish ME ME ME attitude points directly at you either being very young and stupid as to the ways of the world or illiterate trash who only wants the check from uncle sugar to take care of your grandma so you don't have to spend your DVD money on her "I have fallen and I cannot get up" button.

First you don't have a clue who I am or what I know about, only that I disagree with you and that is grounds for talking about my "pie hole". I am impressed with your rapier like wit, be it somewhat dim however.

It is a pity that your grandma has fallen on hard times. Many have, thats what family used to do many years ago. They took care of them in their old age. Is your grandmother living with you since your occupation is "Homemaker"? Or is that a burden you don't want personally you want others to pay for it? I do not know your situation however I think you are scum that you think that your grandmothers "nice to have" gizmo is the governments responsibility. OK, wait, It is a life or death situation, I forgot. LET me clue you on something. When you are 81 EVERYTHING is a life or death situation! Blinking, taking a shower, going to sleep, rolling over in bed. How did we survive without these buttons!! Think about how many octarians could have been saved if freaking everyone had one. "But Mr. Director if we pay for the button the cost will not allow us to buy enough insulin and glaucoma medicine or flu shots for the elderly and we will loose many more elderly from that." TOO FREAKING BAD lftard's grandma want the button so she must have it because she knows best and besides she cannot afford to pay for it because the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD is on sale at BJ's !!!"

Perhaps you might want to grow up and face reality. YOU WANT SOCIALISM GO TO CUBA. I am sure you and your family would recieve MUCH better care there. You moron.

Love Pete


Originally posted by IM4Change

My 80 year old grandmother lives with me. You do not have to preach to me about the cost of health care what-so-ever, believe me I know, I live it everyday. I know how hard her and my grandfather worked and how they have very little to nothing to show for it today. But should the space program be nixed to provide additional money to support social security, medicare, prescription coverage? Absolutely fricken not. I worked every summer at a hotel just outside Cape Canaveral, for 8 years in a row, where several NASA workers stayed, so maybe I just hold the space program a little more near and dear. But just think, some of the satellites sent into space are for television and telephones. You need to know what's up there first before you can send things up and expect them to last.
no ones saying drop the program but use the money more wisely maybe on earth more than do what ever in space


New Member
Ok. I don't have a problem with the space program and I thought I made that clear. I hope they goes to Mars and I hope it is a big sucess, but I was just saying that there are other programs out there that might need a little help. That's all folks.



you such an *******

Originally posted by Pete
OK, first I would like it noted for the record that I did not cause this to turn ugly. I am without fault, I was simply debating a relevant topic in a civilized manner. Would someone please post a second on that statement so that vrai will have documented proof. TIA


Dear lftard

You amuse me with your rantings and your inability to see past your own self interest. This coupled with your pizz poor grammer, spelling, diction, and rambling style, and selfish ME ME ME attitude points directly at you either being very young and stupid as to the ways of the world or illiterate trash who only wants the check from uncle sugar to take care of your grandma so you don't have to spend your DVD money on her "I have fallen and I cannot get up" button.

First you don't have a clue who I am or what I know about, only that I disagree with you and that is grounds for talking about my "pie hole". I am impressed with your rapier like wit, be it somewhat dim however.

It is a pity that your grandma has fallen on hard times. Many have, thats what family used to do many years ago. They took care of them in their old age. Is your grandmother living with you since your occupation is "Homemaker"? Or is that a burden you don't want personally you want others to pay for it? I do not know your situation however I think you are scum that you think that your grandmothers "nice to have" gizmo is the governments responsibility. OK, wait, It is a life or death situation, I forgot. LET me clue you on something. When you are 81 EVERYTHING is a life or death situation! Blinking, taking a shower, going to sleep, rolling over in bed. How did we survive without these buttons!! Think about how many octarians could have been saved if freaking everyone had one. "But Mr. Director if we pay for the button the cost will not allow us to buy enough insulin and glaucoma medicine or flu shots for the elderly and we will loose many more elderly from that." TOO FREAKING BAD lftard's grandma want the button so she must have it because she knows best and besides she cannot afford to pay for it because the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD is on sale at BJ's !!!"

Perhaps you might want to grow up and face reality. YOU WANT SOCIALISM GO TO CUBA. I am sure you and your family would recieve MUCH better care there. You moron.

Love Pete
how dare you speak to someone like that you have no clue of her home situation and your going off like that you need to grow up and maybe you need some


Yo Gabba Gabba
Re: you such an *******

I just wanted to point out the Post Subject to Pete ^

Thought you would get a kick outta that buddy... :biggrin:


New Member

Like I said before you don't know how to shut your mouth. My grandma lives 1200 miles away not with me, if you'd shut your mouth and read for a minute you'd know that. I'm white trash, but I dont live of the system. My boyfriend has a good with a good company so there for I can stay home and raise the kids.


I get a check for my grandma you are so ignorant, that's all you are.

Oh, and I'm a moron, go to themirror and look in it, you are beyond a moron. you talk about stuff you have no clue about or nothing. People like you make me sick. :barf:
Last edited:


Re: you such an *******

Originally posted by libragirl
how dare you speak to someone like that you have no clue of her home situation and your going off like that you need to grow up and maybe you need some
I typed it :shrug: the same way you told me to shut my "pie hole" because I "didn't know what I was talking about" :shrug: It was easy, I even used more than 2 fingers. :biggrin:


Originally posted by lfquade

Like I said before you don't know how to shut your mouth. My grandma lives 1200 miles away not with me, if you'd shut your mouth and read for a minute you'd know that. I'm white trash, but I dont live of the system. My boyfriend has a good with a good company so there for I can stay home and raise the kids.


I get a check for my grandma you are so ignorant, that's all you are.


Originally posted by lfquade

Like I said before you don't know how to shut your mouth. My grandma lives 1200 miles away not with me, if you'd shut your mouth and read for a minute you'd know that. I'm white trash, but I dont live of the system. My boyfriend has a good with a good company so there for I can stay home and raise the kids.


I get a check for my grandma you are so ignorant, that's all you are.
Bucky or Ray?


Re: Re: you such an *******

Originally posted by Pete
I typed it :shrug: the same way you told me to shut my "pie hole" because I "didn't know what I was talking about" :shrug: It was easy, I even used more than 2 fingers. :biggrin:
OH WOW YOU AMAZE ME SO MUCH :clap: :barf: :barf: