bush needs to keep money on earth


Originally posted by IM4Change
Here is, what I thought was, a well written article on the subject out of Forbes Magazine.

Is it perfect? No, but it is a start, and if anyone depends on social security & medicare to support them in their retirement years, they didn't plan very well. The space program is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of medicare and the long term cost of this new prescription coverage. I, for one, am intrigued by the space program, and I would only hope that it would continue.
The simple fact is that there are many benificial things that come from the space program beside the info we collect on space. Teflon, improved battery life, lighter alloys, navigation systems and TANG. What do you think they do with this 15 billion, shoot it up into space and scatter it in orbit? It pays many salaries, which in turn adds to the economy, it pays suppliers, scientists, janitors, truck drivers, rents, mortgages and so on. If we shut NASA down and gave the whole bundle to the social programs the only thing different is that we would be a dumber welfare state. I am willing to bet that 100 years ago someone was whining about Salk wasting money that could buy bread on some silly vaccine research.


New Member
Originally posted by IM4Change
Here is, what I thought was, a well written article on the subject out of Forbes Magazine.

Is it perfect? No, but it is a start, and if anyone depends on social security & medicare to support them in their retirement years, they didn't plan very well. The space program is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of medicare and the long term cost of this new prescription coverage. I, for one, am intrigued by the space program, and I would only hope that it would continue.

My grandma worked harder and longer then you ever probably have or will. You when your husband dies from a massive heart attack your supposed to know that, and have a plan.. Whatever...:rolleyes:


Originally posted by lfquade
WHOA, WTF, You don't know when to shut your pie hole do you? Is the button thing necessary, are u stupid or what? That button is a life or death situation. That lifeline was causing ppls 82 yr olds grandmas to suffer, NOt its all the people on the system now who need to get off their lazy azzes and work, ever thouht of that.

I am sorry, my gibberish to english translator is on the fritz. You lost me at "pie hole" could you try again?


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by lfquade
Are u under a rock? The button is not "A fallen and I can't get up button" It's a I'm having an heart attack or cant breathe button. Grow up and respect the older people.
Excuse me...you don't know me or my situation either. It just so happens that I have and 75 yr old grandfather with one lung, an opening in his chest cavity who is paralyzed on one side and bedridden, with heart problems. He doesn't have a button. Do you hear me biatchin and whinin? No. I think you are the one that needs to grow up. I have the utmost respect for older people. They are truely the heros in this country. Know whoTF you are talking to and what you are talking about before you start spewing ignorance next time.


New Member
Originally posted by Pete
I am sorry, my gibberish to english translator is on the fritz. You lost me at "pie hole" could you try again?

Yes, I will. Learn to shut your big mouth once in awhile, and don't talk about something you have NO clue about..


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by cariblue
:roflmao: That's different. But, she probably is 23...or less.
I'm under 23, I'm not even 21 yet, I'm not gonna slam her about her age. Her ignorance, maybe, but not her age.


what does her age have to do with it

i dont care if shes 50 15 or 100 shes making a point:clap:



this is for adults right???? make a point and stop the bs:boo: