bush needs to keep money on earth


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
I’ve got no problem with someone erring in the wording of his or her postings. But for me there is a big difference between thinking about doing something and actually doing it.

Doing a quick search of the Kansas Elderly Law Network it seems many of the impacting changes upon Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid came about due to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, the Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999, and the Medicare Relief Bill of 2000. All of which were before Mr. Bush took office.

Yes this problem has been going on for years, but has gotten worse with Bush. And I hope he tries to fix the cuts so the eldery and people with disabilites who need this coverage can have it.

The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
Originally posted by lfquade
Yes this problem has been going on for years, but has gotten worse with Bush. And I hope he tries to fix the cuts so the eldery and people with disabilites who need this coverage can have it.

Guh. :banghead: HOW has hit gotten worse with Bush? :confused:

Oh hell's Bells it's painful trying to rationalize with group of people who base their opinions on "feelings" rather than "fact". :duh:


Originally posted by lfquade
Yes this problem has been going on for years, but has gotten worse with Bush. And I hope he tries to fix the cuts so the eldery and people with disabilites who need this coverage can have it.
ok ken so what has bush done to fix that problem?


Originally posted by Pete
I am impressed, you went and found proof :clap: I would propose that this proposed lowering of allowable costs in medicare is an economic one. Allow me to explain.

In the free market system of economics the price a good or service is set by supply Vs. demand. Short supply=higher price. High demand=higher price. This works with almost every good or service with the exception of services provided by the "medical industrial complex". By it's nature they experience very little competition, thus having a monopoly. When is the last time you saw an add in the paper for a sale on MRI's? Do you bargain shop for transfusions? No, it is the one industry that gives very little or no control to the consumer. Your doctor orders it, you go do it whereever he schedules it to be done no questions.

Now Nanny Pam has in her signature line that 47.2% of statistics are made up on the spot. I have no clue what percentage of medical proceedures are paid for by medicare but I would wager it is a significant percentage. The "medical industrial complex" has been setting it's prices unchallenged for years. The only pressure that it has had is from insurance companies looking to control costs. Because there has been no substatial effors to control costs the prices for proceedures has risen astronomically.

Now if you gave me $20 and sent me to buy you some stuff, lets say shrimp for a party of 10 people. I took your money and instead of making a good choice and buying the right size shrimp to make have enough for the 10 people, I spent your $20 on the most expensive shrimp I saw and end up not having nearly enough for everyone. You would be mad that I didn't respect you enough to spend your $20 wisely.

This is the same situation we have with the government and medicare. They are analyzing the market place and instead of just paying whatever inflated price the hospital decides to charge they try to lower the costs by forcing the hospitals to take what is fair. The government does this by reducing what is an allowable charge. Since there is NO competition the only way to influence the market thus reducing the price for medical service. Any economist will tell you if you are trying to sell a $100 gizmo in a $20 market you will fold up and go broke.

Another point is this; If you take accounting in college you will learn that EVERY company estimates a percentage of sales that will never be collected. One of the reasons that hospitals charge higher prices is because they know that 3 out of 10 will never pay their bills. They take the losses that they project and add it to the bills of others, namely medicare because the government ALWAYS pays.

I am not saying that the proposed changes are the greatest, BUT I expect the government as the steward of my taxes to make wise informed choices on how it is spent and not just go willy nilly writing checks for whatever some hospital charges. This is what they are doing. They are looking into what it costs the hospitals, and offering a reasonable charge allowance.

There will be people who don't get everything they want or need but it is better to cover "most" of the needs of "most" of the people, than "all" of the needs of "some" of the people. It makes me sad when I hear people b!tching about the $360 per year lifeline that was not covered and not show any thankfullness about the $10,000 in medicines and proceedures that were covered.
ok thanks for your info the lifeline was covered then taken away due to costs which with no income its hard to get by with what you are. im sure alot more will and can be done to fixed these problems and i know it wont be over night. we all have to vote in the next president that will hopfully fix some of these problems im willing to lose something to gain something but only if it right and doesnt hurt others in the long run. ill keep looking and try to do more better research to help and i hope you all do the same thanks

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by libragirl
ok ken so what has bush done to fix that problem?
Well for a start he has just signed the Prescription Drug Bill, something that no other President has done. Granted it isn't perfect and it might hurt as many as it helps, but it is doing something.

One thing I feel that is worthy to mention in this is that what I am seeing is that you fail to understand that these types of changes must come from within the legislative branch. The President can call for them but they must go through the legislative process. A better question is, what have our elected representatives in Congress done to fix the inequalities created by some of their legislative efforts? Or what has Kansas done to make sure that those that need the emergency response systems get them?

I realize that it is so much easier to blame a President that you don't agree with, but the blame belongs on the shoulders of the many professional politicians serving in the House and Senate that in my mind spend more on pork projects for their states instead of promoting the general welfare of all citizens.


New Member
Originally posted by The Jackoholic
Guh. :banghead: HOW has hit gotten worse with Bush? :confused:

Oh hell's Bells it's painful trying to rationalize with group of people who base their opinions on "feelings" rather than "fact". :duh:

My post wasn't on "FEELINGS" it was on fact. I guess if you'd learn how to read you would see where I alreay posted on the subject. Guess you don't have grandparents who are on medicare or you don't care if it is around when you are older and need it...:rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
lfquade, having this debate with you is like beating your head against a brick wall - the only thing you get out of it is a headache.

Maybe YOU should learn how to read, Miss Insulting. Bush hasn't gutted Medicare. He just signed an enormous prescription drug bill, for God's sake! Bush also doesn't have carte blanche to do whatever he wants. Almost everything he does has to go through Congress and get approved or scrapped. So if you have a problem with Bush's policies, WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN! After all, THEY are the ones that decide these things.

And while we're tossing out the insults, maybe you should think real hard about taking a civics class so you can learn about the three branches of government and exactly how bills get turned into laws. :duh:


Lemme tell ya Rosered! You are NOT kidding! I learned everything from schoolhouse rock! Can't even site the preamble without singing it!

Yes, I am a genius today thanks to Schoolhouse rock!

TY TY! :diva:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by mainman
That would be "do" a deer a female deer...:cheesy: :guitar:
I was aiming at Homer Simpson... :wink:

Okay, I always liked this one:

Figure eight as double four,
Figure four as half of eight.
If you skate, you would be great
If you could make a figure eight.
That's a circle that turns 'round upon itself....


Originally posted by RoseRed
I was aiming at Homer Simpson... :wink:

Okay, I always liked this one:

Figure eight as double four,
Figure four as half of eight.
If you skate, you would be great
If you could make a figure eight.
That's a circle that turns 'round upon itself....

you guys are funny !!:dance: