bush needs to keep money on earth



Restricted by record budget deficits that blossomed during his administration and approach $500 billion, Bush has little room to propose costly initiatives

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by libragirl
Restricted by record budget deficits that blossomed during his administration and approach $500 billion, Bush has little room to propose costly initiatives

Where did you cut-and-paste this from? :confused:

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by TWL
<button onclick="location.href=unescape('http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/cwm/big/Duhard.gif');" style="font: 8pt verdana, sans-serif;">
Click Me!

This to funny dear.:biggrin:


New Member
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 — The Bush administration is proposing deep reductions in Medicare payments for a wide range of drugs and medical devices used to treat people who are elderly or disabled.

The proposed cuts are part of a new system of paying hospitals for outpatient services. With advances in medical technology, hospitals report explosive growth in the number and kinds of procedures that can be performed in outpatient clinics, without the need for an overnight stay. Outpatient care accounts for nearly half the revenue at some hospitals.

The cuts would affect many drugs, devices and high-technology procedures, including cancer drugs and cardiac defibrillators like the one implanted in the chest of Vice President Dick Cheney to prevent an irregular heartbeat.

Medicare would also pay less for blood products given to people who receive transfusions but do not need overnight hospitalization. The Medicare payment for a unit of red blood cells — about a pint — would be cut 39 percent, to $83 next year, from $137 this year.

Federal health officials said Medicare had been overcharged for many outpatient services. But patients have joined health care providers in protesting the proposed cuts, saying that at the new prices hospitals will be unable to provide treatment to patients who need it.

"We were shocked when we saw the payment rates," said Christopher T. Mancill, director of reimbursement policy at the American Red Cross.

The payment for inserting a battery-operated pacemaker and defibrillator would be cut 59 percent, to $12,102, from $29,360.

Doctors and patients' advocates expressed concern that hospitals would stop providing services on which they consistently lose money. This could make it more difficult for Medicare patients to obtain life-saving drugs, devices and treatments.

The government itself, in a preamble to the proposed rules, acknowledges that many of the proposed payments are "far lower" than the 2002 amounts, and it says these cuts are "of concern to us because of the potential impact on access to care." But it contends that the new rates accurately reflect hospital costs.

The Medicare payment for a breast biopsy would be cut 27.5 percent, to $290 from $400. For injection of cisplatin, a commonly used cancer drug, the payment would be reduced 43 percent, to $24 from $42.

For Remicade, a drug given intravenously to people with rheumatoid arthritis, the payment would be cut 39 percent, to $38.50 from $63. For Avonex, an injectable, genetically engineered drug used by people with multiple sclerosis, the payment would be reduced 36 percent, to $144 from $225.

Hospitals would get 67 percent less for implanting an infusion pump, used to deliver medication for severe intractable pain. The payment would be cut to $1,346 from $4,079.

Dr. Edward L. Braud of Springfield, Ill., president of the Association of Community Cancer Centers, whose members treat more than half the nation's cancer patients, said: "Hospitals will not be able to continue providing chemotherapy at the proposed rates. Patients will have less access to care."

The new rates illustrate the problems the government has in setting payments for an industry in which goods and services are continually changing because of new technology.

Thomas A. Ault, an expert on Medicare who worked at the Department of Health and Human Services from 1984 to 1997, said: "The new outpatient rates are pretty messed up. The relationship between what Medicare pays and what a service will cost varies erratically."

After considering public comments on the proposal, the government will issue final rules setting payment rates, effective Jan. 1.

Medicare received more than 110 million claims last year for hospital outpatient services, including chest X-rays, breast cancer surgery and emergency room visits for heart attacks and broken bones.

Under Medicare, a hospital normally receives a fixed amount of money, set in advance, for each outpatient service. Similar services are grouped together in more than 500 categories. The government sets a standard payment for each category and pays the same amount for each service in that group.

Teaching hospitals, which pioneer the use of new technology, said the proposed cuts would hit them particularly hard. "Our biggest concern is the underpayment for new technology, especially cancer therapy drugs," said William D. Petasnick, president of Froedtert Hospital, affiliated with the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.

Mark W. Skinner, a former president of the National Hemophilia Foundation, said hospitals could not afford to provide proper care at the new rates.

For the blood-clotting factor most widely used by people with hemophilia, the payment would be cut 54 percent, to 52 cents a unit from $1.12. This would reduce to $1,300, from $2,800, the payment for a typical infusion provided to a hemophiliac in a hospital outpatient department.

The formulas used by Medicare to pay doctors, hospitals and other health care providers are set by statute and regulations and are notoriously complex. The Bush administration said the new system of paying for hospital outpatient services was "arguably the most complex and difficult in the history of the Medicare program."

Federal officials said the outpatient rates for 2003 were the first ones based on actual data from claims submitted by hospitals under the new payment system. In the past, the government often relied on data supplied by drug and device manufacturers. The government said the new numbers were more accurate, but health care lobbyists disagreed.

Stephen J. Ubl, executive vice president of the Advanced Medical Technology Association, which represents more than 1,000 companies, said: "Hospitals tend to underreport the costs of high-tech items, and the government compounds the problem by reducing charges for all items by a standard percentage. Hospitals mark up aspirin and bandages more than a $20,000 defibrillator, so when you apply a uniform reduction, it's biased against high-tech, high-cost items."


Originally posted by lfquade
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 — The Bush administration is proposing deep reductions in Medicare payments for a wide range of drugs and medical devices used to treat people who are elderly or disabled.

The proposed cuts are part of a new system of paying hospitals for outpatient services. With advances in medical technology, hospitals report explosive growth in the number and kinds of procedures that can be performed in outpatient clinics, without the need for an overnight stay. Outpatient care accounts for nearly half the revenue at some hospitals.

The cuts would affect many drugs, devices and high-technology procedures, including cancer drugs and cardiac defibrillators like the one implanted in the chest of Vice President Dick Cheney to prevent an irregular heartbeat.

Medicare would also pay less for blood products given to people who receive transfusions but do not need overnight hospitalization. The Medicare payment for a unit of red blood cells — about a pint — would be cut 39 percent, to $83 next year, from $137 this year.

Federal health officials said Medicare had been overcharged for many outpatient services. But patients have joined health care providers in protesting the proposed cuts, saying that at the new prices hospitals will be unable to provide treatment to patients who need it.

"We were shocked when we saw the payment rates," said Christopher T. Mancill, director of reimbursement policy at the American Red Cross.

The payment for inserting a battery-operated pacemaker and defibrillator would be cut 59 percent, to $12,102, from $29,360.

Doctors and patients' advocates expressed concern that hospitals would stop providing services on which they consistently lose money. This could make it more difficult for Medicare patients to obtain life-saving drugs, devices and treatments.

The government itself, in a preamble to the proposed rules, acknowledges that many of the proposed payments are "far lower" than the 2002 amounts, and it says these cuts are "of concern to us because of the potential impact on access to care." But it contends that the new rates accurately reflect hospital costs.

The Medicare payment for a breast biopsy would be cut 27.5 percent, to $290 from $400. For injection of cisplatin, a commonly used cancer drug, the payment would be reduced 43 percent, to $24 from $42.

For Remicade, a drug given intravenously to people with rheumatoid arthritis, the payment would be cut 39 percent, to $38.50 from $63. For Avonex, an injectable, genetically engineered drug used by people with multiple sclerosis, the payment would be reduced 36 percent, to $144 from $225.

Hospitals would get 67 percent less for implanting an infusion pump, used to deliver medication for severe intractable pain. The payment would be cut to $1,346 from $4,079.

Dr. Edward L. Braud of Springfield, Ill., president of the Association of Community Cancer Centers, whose members treat more than half the nation's cancer patients, said: "Hospitals will not be able to continue providing chemotherapy at the proposed rates. Patients will have less access to care."

The new rates illustrate the problems the government has in setting payments for an industry in which goods and services are continually changing because of new technology.

Thomas A. Ault, an expert on Medicare who worked at the Department of Health and Human Services from 1984 to 1997, said: "The new outpatient rates are pretty messed up. The relationship between what Medicare pays and what a service will cost varies erratically."

After considering public comments on the proposal, the government will issue final rules setting payment rates, effective Jan. 1.

Medicare received more than 110 million claims last year for hospital outpatient services, including chest X-rays, breast cancer surgery and emergency room visits for heart attacks and broken bones.

Under Medicare, a hospital normally receives a fixed amount of money, set in advance, for each outpatient service. Similar services are grouped together in more than 500 categories. The government sets a standard payment for each category and pays the same amount for each service in that group.

Teaching hospitals, which pioneer the use of new technology, said the proposed cuts would hit them particularly hard. "Our biggest concern is the underpayment for new technology, especially cancer therapy drugs," said William D. Petasnick, president of Froedtert Hospital, affiliated with the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.

Mark W. Skinner, a former president of the National Hemophilia Foundation, said hospitals could not afford to provide proper care at the new rates.

For the blood-clotting factor most widely used by people with hemophilia, the payment would be cut 54 percent, to 52 cents a unit from $1.12. This would reduce to $1,300, from $2,800, the payment for a typical infusion provided to a hemophiliac in a hospital outpatient department.

The formulas used by Medicare to pay doctors, hospitals and other health care providers are set by statute and regulations and are notoriously complex. The Bush administration said the new system of paying for hospital outpatient services was "arguably the most complex and difficult in the history of the Medicare program."

Federal officials said the outpatient rates for 2003 were the first ones based on actual data from claims submitted by hospitals under the new payment system. In the past, the government often relied on data supplied by drug and device manufacturers. The government said the new numbers were more accurate, but health care lobbyists disagreed.

Stephen J. Ubl, executive vice president of the Advanced Medical Technology Association, which represents more than 1,000 companies, said: "Hospitals tend to underreport the costs of high-tech items, and the government compounds the problem by reducing charges for all items by a standard percentage. Hospitals mark up aspirin and bandages more than a $20,000 defibrillator, so when you apply a uniform reduction, it's biased against high-tech, high-cost items."
i never doubted you i knew there was evidence of all this and the cuts

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
What I just read sayed that these were "proposed" not implemented. To my knowledge the only enactment passed and being implemented with reagrd to Social Security/Medicade/Medicare is HR1, which became PL 108-173.


Originally posted by Ken King
What I just read sayed that these were "proposed" not implemented. To my knowledge the only enactment passed and being implemented with reagrd to Social Security/Medicade/Medicare is HR1, which became PL 108-173.


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
What I just read sayed that these were "proposed" not implemented. To my knowledge the only enactment passed and being implemented with reagrd to Social Security/Medicade/Medicare is HR1, which became PL 108-173.

See no matter what PROOF I have its never good enough. It was implemented becasue it happened to my grandmother. What other proof do you need?


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
That's all the proof I need. You win.

Thanks cariblue, but it wasn't about winning. Someone asked me what Bush was doing/did to medicare and i stated what I knew but then showed some kind of proof, but even that wasn't enough for some.