Originally posted by dems4me
see SamSpade -- its not just me... here's the latest poll showing Kerry over Bush. I think the Bush vote will be the more apethetic vote this year and everyone will think everyone else is voting for Bush so why bother.
Yep, seen it. Saw another one a few days ago that suggested otherwise. It said Bush would win 49-42 against Kerry.
First, a couple things about polls. It only matters if it is conducted amongst likely voters. People who don't vote - their opinion has no relevance to poll figures.
Secondly - polls differ for different reasons. I don't trust any poll conducted "overnight". That is not scientific. The only one that comes close are ones done on Thursday nights. Statistically people are more likely to be home those nights. Any other night of the week, you're not going to get a statistically accurate representation of the population.
You need ones done over a period of time. Most, are not, and the samples on many are just bad - that's why you can get such a wide shift from day to day.
And lastly - Bush hasn't even STARTED his campaign yet. His numbers will change once he begins. People are fickle. That's why Howard Dean was considered unstoppable - until Kerry started to win. Exit polls in New Hampshire showed that a large portion of the voting population made up their mind on Election Day.
It doesn't surprise me that a poll, taken right after a big win, shows a lean to Kerry. Give it a few months. It will shift back. These kinds of polls depict a shift in sentiment, but rarely show voting trends.
Over longer stretches of time, Bush keeps winning these matchups. He'll do the same in November.