Bush overtime plan: A slap in the in the face to Americans Veterans


Originally posted by dems4me
Hey Pete, while we are talking about Dean, did you catch Face the Nation (or was it Meet the Press) on Sunday? Pat Buchannon was laughing at Dean and of course they kept playing the "I Have A Scream" speech that Dean did. Pat B. said after the last EEEEE IIIIAAAAHHHH scream viewing - "is this really someone we want to have control of our nuclear weapons???!!!" :killingme

"EEEEE IIIII AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" sputter, sputter, spit.

Then I could all but vision Dean giving the speech the same way except saying "now its off to China!!! North Korea!!! Iraq!!! Iran!!!! Canada!!! Russia -- they will be nuked!!!!! EEEE IIIIAAAAHHHHHH"!!!!

:killingme :killingme
I missed it. I actually feel sorry for Dean now. Not sorry enough to ever vote for him, but sorry in the regard he will be lampooned for months. One silly azzed speach and his entire political career will fall to tatters. Oh well.

I am just not liberal at all. Many years ago I noticed that the Dems never looked at anything positive. They only used "scare" tactics and proclaimed that they would protect us. Well I believe in the good old American way. Work hard, take care of yourself and help out those who really need it, keep the government out of my business. Kerry is doing just that, scare, scare, scare. Look at what Bush has done, blah blah.

What one thing has he offered up as a policy, not a dream, but a policy that is adoptable? Nothing......just the same old "take back the white house.....fear the republicans.......big business is evil.......the rich get everything........hooooooooooiiiiiiiiieeeeeee.

See I am a meamie. I do not want to rescue the "underprivledged". I want them to suffer until they hate it and then get off their buts and fix it with a little help.I do not feel that the government is the fix for all that is bad.


well pete, I think we will have to agree to disagree on democrat versus republican theories. I thought I heard on one of those shows that Bush's campaign will be primarily based on national security issues and bringing up 9/11 fear.
That I think is a scare tactic - correct?? What else does he have to run on?

environemental issues? - no
energy bills and fuel economy or fuel substitutes? - no
health care? - no
medicare and social security? - no
Leave no billionaire behind (oops my bad, leave no child behind)? -- no
foreign DIPLOMACY? -- no
economy? -- no
improving unemployment rate? --- no
tax breaks that the US can't afford to give??? -- no

what else is there other than National Security issues and fear for Bush?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Not really related but I found out a few months ago that we do not get double time pay here at work for working the holidays. I've always gotten double time for holidays and thought it was a mandatory law or something. Can y'all shed some light on this? Needless to say I was very disappointed as I was always the one volunteering for the past 7 years to work holidays if needed thinking it was double time.:burning:
Holiday pay - if the employer regularly pays employees for said holiday (without them actually showing up and doing any work) and then the employee works on that holiday (during regularly scheduled hours), the employee should receive the holiday pay and the regular hours that they worked on that day.


so that means I should be receiving holiday pay??? Say that I have off on February 19th. Its a paid holiday. I volunteer to come to work from 9-5:30 - should my rate be double time??:confused:

Don't get me wrong forumees, I know I should just be grateful to have a job, and one that pays for holidays, etc... and I am. I was just wondering why some places do or don't pay double time on holidays. I wasnt aware it was a benefit, I was under the impression it was a law or something.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If the 19th is a paid day off and then you are required to work on that day you should receive your regular rate for that day as well as the holiday pay.

Do you receive any form of earnings statement with your pay check? If it is broken down into regular hours, overtime hours, leave hours, and holiday hours you should see that you got both a 40 hour week and 8 hours of holiday pay.


Originally posted by dems4me
well pete, I think we will have to agree to disagree on democrat versus republican theories. I thought I heard on one of those shows that Bush's campaign will be primarily based on national security issues and bringing up 9/11 fear.
That I think is a scare tactic - correct??

Uh no :bonk: When you intentionally incite someone to fear something without any basis to fear it, that is a scare tactic. When you protect your country from a reoccurance ofsomething that has already happened it is called duty.

Originally posted by dems4me
What else does he have to run on?

environemental issues? - no
energy bills and fuel economy or fuel substitutes? - no
health care? - no
Yes ! Did he not pass prescription drug coverage for medicare?

Originally posted by dems4me
medicare and social security? - no
Leave no billionaire :loser:gbehind (oops my bad, leave no child behind)? -- no
Passed it.
Originally posted by dems4me
foreign DIPLOMACY? -- no
Yes ! I think many of the foriegn countries who used to play the exstortion game have decided that it is a risky thing.
economy? -- no[/B][/QUOTE]
2nd highest quarter of growth in 12 years, nah, I wouldn't point that out.
Originally posted by dems4me
improving unemployment rate? --- no
Cyclic, the numbers lad at least 2 quarters. But it is imporoving from 2000.

Originally posted by dems4me
tax breaks that the US can't afford to give??? -- no
1. If you read my expaination regarding taxes/tax rates/ and improved revenue you would know that cutting taxes increases tax revenue. 2. We could afford it if we were not forced to fund social engineering projects.

Originally posted by dems4me
what else is there other than National Security issues and fear for Bush?
Exactly, things are humming right along.


we still have to agree to disagree and we'd never agree on whose source of info is correct. A twelve year old could have gotten us out of the hole were were in economically. Bush is the one that put us sooo far in it that of course it looks like he's doing great. I would like it to be the way it was BEFORE he took office.

I don't see much of a line drawn in national security issues on things that are immediate threats and things that have happened. Saddam was not an immediate threat Osama Been Forgotten is. Therefore, we will here all the rhetoric about national security, etc... Rehash of 9/11 and how much a color codded system helps???? get real!!

I think it is wrong to have a US doesn't need permission slips crap. No we don't need permission slips, but we need to do this diplomatically. If we #### off the rest of the countries, we can and will get our arses kicked in the future when they all join up against us for the way we are snubbing them. We will get clobbered if we keep treating the rest of the world they way we currently are. It's like Hitler or something, he didn't care what other countries thought and didn't require "permission slips". We all need to work together to get along.

Pete - we have to learn to agree to disagree.

not to mention we are :offtopic:

Ken, this is what I am pointing out. I discussed this with admin last week and they said -- no we do not get overtime, just overtime if we come in. Maybe if its a paid holiday we get our reg. time and then reg time plus ot if we come in is where I'm thinking doubletime.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
we still have to agree to disagree and we'd never agree on whose source of info is correct. A twelve year old could have gotten us out of the hole were were in economically. Bush is the one that put us sooo far in it that of course it looks like he's doing great. I would like it to be the way it was BEFORE he took office.

I don't see much of a line drawn in national security issues on things that are immediate threats and things that have happened. Saddam was not an immediate threat Osama Been Forgotten is. Therefore, we will here all the rhetoric about national security, etc... Rehash of 9/11 and how much a color codded system helps???? get real!!

I think it is wrong to have a US doesn't need permission slips crap. No we don't need permission slips, but we need to do this diplomatically. If we #### off the rest of the countries, we can and will get our arses kicked in the future when they all join up against us for the way we are snubbing them. We will get clobbered if we keep treating the rest of the world they way we currently are. It's like Hitler or something, he didn't care what other countries thought and didn't require "permission slips". We all need to work together to get along.

Pete - we have to learn to agree to disagree.

not to mention we are :offtopic:

Ken, this is what I am pointing out. I discussed this with admin last week and they said -- no we do not get overtime, just overtime if we come in. Maybe if its a paid holiday we get our reg. time and then reg time plus ot if we come in is where I'm thinking doubletime.
Okay, one more time real slow, you should be receiving holiday pay plus regular pay, no overtime in this instance unless your hours are outside of those regularly scheduled.

Now on to the rest of this post. No, a twelve year old couldn’t get us out of this mess or we would have never gotten into it in the first place due to inaction by the previous administration. The deficit grew not solely due to the Bush tax reductions but due to the popping of the dot com bubble, the illegal adventures of many corporations which resulted in the tanking of the stock market, the attacks of 9/11, the war against terrorism and the war in Iraq. The only thing you can blame on Bush is doing his duty. So you liked it when we had a President servicing young interns instead of being a President? Are you sure about that?

Whether you care to believe that Saddam was a threat or not doesn’t matter as it was those elected to safeguard us that passed, not one but two, laws indicating that he was indeed a threat. If you think that we have forgotten about Bin Laden you are equally mistaken. We just haven’t found the hole that this rat is hiding in, but rest assured that the hunt still goes on. Hell, it took over five years to find one man in North Carolina hiding without help yet you expect us to find a man with a network of help hiding in any of two or more countries.

As to the “no permission slip crap” as you so eloquently put it, you are the one that is wrong. International law and the UN charter allow a nation to take the steps it deems necessary for self-protection and preservation. Why would any other nation react harshly against what we have a right to do? Of course we are working together, always have and always will. But now the evidence is breaking as to why some of those opposed to the war were opposed to it, because they were actively assisting our enemy. Why should we have to work with those that refuse to support actions they declare and then work against those that are trying to make the world better for all?

I firmly believe that if we had kept screwing around, as the UN Security Counsel would have liked us to, we would have found the missing weapons right here in America being used against us. Many of those weapons are still out there and I believe we know where some of them are, we just haven't crossed that border yet.


Ken, I disagree with all your points except for the holiday pay. If Clinton's only fault was the intern - people need to get over that he is not nearly as detrimental to Americans as Bush. Also on a side note, I don't think it was anyone's business what sexual acts he was doing in the whitehouse. Schwarznegar can go around grouping women all over the place but that is quickly forgotten in a few weeks, Clinton unfortunately will always be remembered as the Lewinsky incident. Did American tax payers really need to waste all that money forming he Ken Starr report on something that is none of our business?

According to UN Charter, how does our invading Iraq be justified? It wasn't an act of protecting our country no more than Hitler thought he was protecting his country via extermination.


Well-Known Member
"Did American tax payers really need to waste all that money forming he Ken Starr report on something that is none of our business? "

Two things which have been repeated endlessly but apparently NEVER seem to sink in.

What you, or me or anyone else does sexually is none of anyone's business - UNLESS it's in a court of law. Then it becomes the court's business. If you lie about it *there*, it becomes a *crime*. Federal judges have been removed from office for lying under oath about any number of things. If you refuse to tell while under oath, you can still go to jail.

His failure - among MANY - was not that he lied on TV to the American people. It was that he lied under oath and got others to do the same.

Secondly - not only did Starr work for Reno - and consequently, Clinton - and could have been fired at any time by them - but Clinton could have *saved* "the American taxpayer" millions of bucks if he just said what he already *KNEW* to be true. Instead, we went for 8 months between him denying it on TV, to him admitting it, on TV.

Heck, why didn't he 'fess up before the whole stained dress thing? Did he think that the DNA test would *exonerate* him? Why did he let it go that far?


Originally posted by SamSpade
"Did American tax payers really need to waste all that money forming he Ken Starr report on something that is none of our business? "

Two things which have been repeated endlessly but apparently NEVER seem to sink in.

What you, or me or anyone else does sexually is none of anyone's business - UNLESS it's in a court of law. Then it becomes the court's business. If you lie about it *there*, it becomes a *crime*. Federal judges have been removed from office for lying under oath about any number of things. If you refuse to tell while under oath, you can still go to jail. ....

Hate to say it, if it was me, I would have done the same thing. It is noone's business. Why does he have to even have it go to the court level? It was angry republicans trying to find anything they could find on poor Clinton. It was noone's business whether the public, the court or his pets Buddy or socks for that mattter. Ken's report was a meanspirited report meant to demoralize the Clinton's -- is it really our business what he and Monica did with cigars and altoids!!???? It was a waste of money.


Originally posted by dems4me

According to UN Charter, how does our invading Iraq be justified? It wasn't an act of protecting our country no more than Hitler thought he was protecting his country via extermination.
Credibility ALERT.... Credibility ALERT

You have just lost ALL credibility

Your opinion means SQUAT to me now.

Have a nice day loser........VOTE DEAN, oh wait VOTE KERRY, oh wait........


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
It was angry republicans trying to find anything they could find on poor Clinton.
Search the web and find out who appoints a special prosecutor and who authorizes them to do an investigation.

I shall await your return with baited breath.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Ken, I disagree with all your points except for the holiday pay. If Clinton's only fault was the intern - people need to get over that he is not nearly as detrimental to Americans as Bush. Also on a side note, I don't think it was anyone's business what sexual acts he was doing in the whitehouse. Schwarznegar can go around grouping women all over the place but that is quickly forgotten in a few weeks, Clinton unfortunately will always be remembered as the Lewinsky incident. Did American tax payers really need to waste all that money forming he Ken Starr report on something that is none of our business?
You disagree that the budget deficit wasn’t impacted by the busting of the dot com bubble, the lack of confidence in the stock market due to corporate malfeasance, the expenditures caused by the attacks on 9/11, the war on terror in Afghanistan, and the war in Iraq?

And to your side note, I guess you will never understand that it wasn’t about sex, it was about perjury by a person sworn to uphold the laws and Constitution of our nation.

According to UN Charter, how does our invading Iraq be justified? It wasn't an act of protecting our country no more than Hitler thought he was protecting his country via extermination.

Really p!ss poor analogy as Hitler wasn’t around when the UN came into existence (the UN came about because of Hitler). But I’ll humor you, Chapter VII, Article 51 states, “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.” So this verifies that no country needs a permission slip to defend itself. As Iraq was routinely and regularly firing upon US and coalition aircraft operating within UN defined OPAREAS we were within our right to strike at Iraq. And the attack could be further justified by reviewing many of the resolutions against Iraq, most notably the one calling for a cessation of violence and listing the requirements that Iraq was to follow, which they never completely did. Technically, the first Gulf War has never ended.


Pete - I don't believe you have ever thought of me as credible, just a pincushion for your nasty posts. I for one think youare totally not credibility to begin with - I just take your rehtoric rants as that of a :loser: as I have yet to see you post anything that I agree with you on. You have the intelligence of an ant. It appears that you have taken my comments to heart personally and you seriously feel jaded by them - your tempertantrum post you have just wasted 10 minutes in your life on is just that -- jaded infantile rants -- WAHHHYYNNNN. For your information and I know this may shock you but ---

1) I am not the only one in the US that has gone from Dean's camp into Kerry's and if that's the only thing you dislike about me then GFY; and
2) I am not the only American that feels we were wrong for going after Iraq on WMD issues that was a totally bogus pretense. It was for the lucrative oil contracts to give to Halliburton on a non-bid basis - and again and you may want to sit down for this -- again, I'm not the only one in America by far that believes this.

This nation is a nation divided and we are all entitlted to our opinions - that is my God given right. Just because you see things one way does not mean my and other peoples opinoins are incorrect. The USA cannot be a clone of Pete and your views (village idiot - I think they are looking for you). It is our differences that make us the USA - you cannot beat people into submission or try to bully them to think like you.