Bush strikes back! Finally sets his sights on Kerry.


New Member
Originally posted by Toxick
I sort of agree with your first paragraph to a point. We're giving up (or having taken) way too much away in the name of security.


Let's say - for the sake of argument - that if a terrorist left a bomb in a DC Metro trashcan and it went off. I find it horribly difficult to believe that you (and just about any democrat I can think of) would not be at the front of the torch-weilding mob, calling for "dumbya's" head on a platter.

So, he step us security - he's infringing on every single amendment in the US Constitution.

He does anything less - he's lax, and doesn't care how many americans die as long as he gets money for his oil-buddies and gives taxcutsfortherich.

Democrats are very adept at creating these damned if you do-damned if you don't scenarios.

And what's really funny is that you also seem to be implying that democrats don't use fear tactics. And all I can say to that is :lmao:

yes, yes, yes.....


Super Genius
Originally posted by jlabsher
We are the great satan because we represent something different, no family values, free sex, violence trivialized, etc.
Isn't that the platform of the Democratic party :wink:


Sorry about that chief.
It is a different kind of fear tactic. Fear that the republicans will ship your $10.72 an hour job to India, fear that the republicans will take away your freedom to bare breasts on TV, worship any god other than the southern baptist approved version, etc.

Yes it is all crap, I was just pointing out the fact that the crap has already begun, even though you republicans will swear he is taking the high road.

Thank you for affiliating me with a political party just because I don't agree with your version of the world.


Sorry about that chief.
Woo hoo, I've been ignored. Makes me proud. Just like the deficit.

head hurt, think too much, cannot face challenge, must ignore...


Not dead yet.
These forums have made alot more sense since I put a few people on iggy! Every so often you can open one of their rants up and see if they have started to make any sense yet, only to be reassured that they are way off the deep end still. :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
It is a different kind of fear tactic. Fear that the republicans will ship your $10.72 an hour job to India, fear that the republicans will take away your freedom to bare breasts on TV, worship any god other than the southern baptist approved version, etc.

Yes it is all crap, I was just pointing out the fact that the crap has already begun, even though you republicans will swear he is taking the high road.

I don't. But there's little question in my mind, that if 9/11 hits again - and it will - I don't want some wimp in the White House who wants to wait for the *French* to say it's ok to fight back. He strikes me as one more willing to capitulate, than to stand and fight.

I know you see it as scare tactics. I don't know how to explain otherwise. When people hate Bush enough, they come up with their own interpretations. When Kerry says he'll win in November, a Democrat will call that optimism. When Bush tells Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" "I'm not gonna lose", Bush haters immediate presume swindling and cheating. Same words, but a presumption of guilt. When Bush went to war in Iraq without the sanction of the UN (although it DID pass a resolution for it) it was reckless to move so quickly and unilaterally (even though 39 nations joined us). When we DIDN'T help Aristide, he is to blame for NOT moving in quickly and unilaterally.

They're NOT separate issues. We want a prescription drug plan. He delivers one. "It doesn't go far ENOUGH", complain the Democrats who wish it spent MORE - but complain that Bush spends too much. On and on. He can't win. He spends obscene amounts of federal dollars for education, and it still ain't enough.

So you know what? Dems have an uphill battle for my vote. They have to persuade me, because they've not shown a scintilla of bi-partisanship this term.


New Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
These forums have made alot more sense since I put a few people on iggy! Every so often you can open one of their rants up and see if they have started to make any sense yet, only to be reassured that they are way off the deep end still. :biggrin:

You know. It's ok to have opinions on things like national security, but when you make off-the-wall comments, that are stupid and blantantly wrong, it's time for ignore...

But I do feel their are things that you just cannot have an opinion on. Like right/wrong. Something is either right or wrong and that's when you begin to see the reason why morals are degrading in our society... Have a great day, I have got to go and earn my keep.


New Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
I don't. But there's little question in my mind, that if 9/11 hits again - and it will - I don't want some wimp in the White House who wants to wait for the *French* to say it's ok to fight back. He strikes me as one more willing to capitulate, than to stand and fight.

I know you see it as scare tactics. I don't know how to explain otherwise. When people hate Bush enough, they come up with their own interpretations. When Kerry says he'll win in November, a Democrat will call that optimism. When Bush tells Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" "I'm not gonna lose", Bush haters immediate presume swindling and cheating. Same words, but a presumption of guilt. When Bush went to war in Iraq without the sanction of the UN (although it DID pass a resolution for it) it was reckless to move so quickly and unilaterally (even though 39 nations joined us). When we DIDN'T help Aristide, he is to blame for NOT moving in quickly and unilaterally.

They're NOT separate issues. We want a prescription drug plan. He delivers one. "It doesn't go far ENOUGH", complain the Democrats who wish it spent MORE - but complain that Bush spends too much. On and on. He can't win. He spends obscene amounts of federal dollars for education, and it still ain't enough.

So you know what? Dems have an uphill battle for my vote. They have to persuade me, because they've not shown a scintilla of bi-partisanship this term.

Thank you.. I didn't feel like typing all that out.


Originally posted by jlabsher
It is a different kind of fear tactic. Fear that the republicans will ship your $10.72 an hour job to India, fear that the republicans will take away your freedom to bare breasts on TV, worship any god other than the southern baptist approved version, etc.

... to name a few of the mild ones.

Different kind of fear tactic? I suppose that the Democrats' fear tactic is ok - because their fear tactics focus on real dangers. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by jlabsher
Yes it is all crap, I was just pointing out the fact that the crap has already begun, even though you republicans will swear he is taking the high road.

Well, I'm not one of 'you republicans' - because I'm not a republican. (I don't like the word 'moderate' because it implies that I'm not opinionated, when I most definitely am.) I may be right of center on a lot of issues, but I am not an idealogue, and I have no illusions that Bush has ever taken the high road, much less is going to in this election year.

It just kills me when someone on one side of the aisle and points at the other side decrying their tactics, when they are just as guilty (or more so) of the same damned thing.

Originally posted by jlabsher
Thank you for affiliating me with a political party just because I don't agree with your version of the world.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Yes, of course. Might makes Right. How silly of me to forget.

Bush has never been a leader, nothing in his history can convince me of that. Kerry has, whether it was in the military or protesting government policy during nam. Whether you agree with him or not, he fought for something, Bush is the proverbial silver spoon trust fund baby. Heck, even his advisors were inherited from daddy.

There is nobody on this planet who despises our FREEDOM. Reading too much right wing crap again. We are despised for exporting our views and values and supplanting the ones that exist in 3rd world and developing nations. We are the great satan because we represent something different, no family values, free sex, violence trivialized, etc.

Go to any 3rd world jerkwater country and they will know America by it's music and movies, not by anything else. When a little kid in Uzbekistan turns on the TV and sees Baywatch and then looks at his dreary future problems are created.

He is using 9/11 images in the ads to scare you into voting for him. By saying we dealt with the problem, you can trust this administration, he is subliminally throwing the gauntlet of fear on his opponent. Remember Willie Horton, worked good. Of course, he doesn't say that we haven't caught the terrorists or stopped the problems that created such hatred against this nation in the first place.

Why don't you use pic of Hanoi Jane as your avatar?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
the republicans will take away your freedom to bare breasts on TV.
Yes, by all means, let's elect a Democrat so we can have bare breasts on TV. :killingme

When you talked about Bush using "fear" as a campaign tactic, the first thing I thought of was the DNC commercials showing Bush shoving an old lady in a wheelchair down a graph spike to her certain doom. :lol:

cannot face challenge, must ignore
You're not a challenge. You're just another silly Bush-basher with nothing intelligent to say. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by jlabsher
Yes, of course. Might makes Right. How silly of me to forget.

Bush has never been a leader, nothing in his history can convince me of that. Kerry has, whether it was in the military or protesting government policy during nam. Whether you agree with him or not, he fought for something, Bush is the proverbial silver spoon trust fund baby. Heck, even his advisors were inherited from daddy.
What a hypocritical view. Kerry is no less a silver spoon trust fund baby than Bush. Daddy was a career diplomat, Mommy was from a wealthy family. Daddy graduated from Yale in 37, Kerry went on a legacy admittance. Kerry tried to avoid Vietnam on a school deferment and failed, Bush tried to avoid Vietnam got strings pulled and got into the National Guard. Big woop. Bush used daddies money, Kerry used wifes money. Bush got some good investments and made cash, so did Kerry. Bush had a wild period, so did Kerry. I am not going to say the GW is rightious, and totally stand up in everything but it galls me to see people tout Kerry as the angel. He is just as bad or worse.

Originally posted by jlabsher
There is nobody on this planet who despises our FREEDOM. Reading too much right wing crap again. We are despised for exporting our views and values and supplanting the ones that exist in 3rd world and developing nations. We are the great satan because we represent something different, no family values, free sex, violence trivialized, etc.
And we have been the great satan for decades. We sit back and take sucker punches over and over, whine ass around the UN getting resolutions condemning the action, make "measured responses" and what did it get us? 9/11 thats what it got us. I am glad we stopped just sending checks over to these pizzwater 3rd world nations so they could wait til we were not looking and kick us in the balls. The best defense is a good offense. Since we have started taking action these crazed idiots are thinking twice. Just like any coward the minute they know there are reppercussions to attacking us they stopped. Not to say they won't wait until the coast is clear to try again, but that is why we need to ensure the coast is never clear. Lybia is a good example.
Originally posted by jlabsher
Go to any 3rd world jerkwater country and they will know America by it's music and movies, not by anything else. When a little kid in Uzbekistan turns on the TV and sees Baywatch and then looks at his dreary future problems are created.
EEnvy is all they see. who puts Baywatch on over there anyway? I don't think that WBAL's signal reaches that far. So we are supposed to "curb our lifestyles" so we do not offend the goobers in a 3rd world jerkwater country?

Originally posted by jlabsher
He is using 9/11 images in the ads to scare you into voting for him. By saying we dealt with the problem, you can trust this administration, he is subliminally throwing the gauntlet of fear on his opponent. Remember Willie Horton, worked good. Of course, he doesn't say that we haven't caught the terrorists or stopped the problems that created such hatred against this nation in the first place.
9/11 is an Historical Event! Just like WWII was for Roosevelt. Big woop. Fear mongering has been the Dem tactic for eons so it is hypocritical for them to start this now. Kerry has already through his actions that he does not believe in "fighting". He would wait for the UN and our "allies"to reach diplomatic solutions. The only diplomacy these thugs understand is a laser designator and a smart bomb. "Stopped the problems that created such hatred against this nation"??? So we are supposed to "curb our lifestyles" so we do not offend the goobers in a 3rd world jerkwater country and make them hate us? I suppose you would recommen that we send out "re-education teams" to teach those loving reasonable people over there that hating makes baby allah cry.
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Originally posted by sleuth14
Psst... Pete... :gossip: you made the goobers comment twice...
pssst...I know, it worked both place and I didn't feel like thinking up something new.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by Pete
pssst...I know, it worked both place and I didn't feel like thinking up something new.

Pssst... ok... just didn't want any of these liberals bashing you for it ... instead of making logical arguments on the real issues... :wink:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Time out...

Dude, you are just what the Bush regime wants, people who are skeered and will vote for him because of it.

Name the President who did the first and most most visual 'chicken little' act?

Bill Clinton


He closed Pennsylvania Ave. in front of the White House long before 9/11 and long before he was taking international terrorism seriously.

Bottom line, most people know instinctively it is right to hunt terrorists down and kill them and their friends and families and every living thing within miles of them. They know deposing animals like Hussien sends a message to the rest. They know negotiations and trying to make friends with people who use murder as campaign speech is useless.

I read somewhere that if it was up to the rest of the world, Kerry would win in a landslide.

International terrorism has one chance this fall to survive:

JFK becoming President.

Call it fear.

I call it FACT.


Sorry about that chief.
Do you really think that killing a few terrorists will end international terrorism? If so, I have some great property for sale in Israel. Also a bus line for sale.


Originally posted by Pete
pssst...I know, it worked both place and I didn't feel like thinking up something new.

Y'all are all alike!!:roflmao: :roflmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Do you really think that killing a few terrorists will end international terrorism?
No - killing a few terrorists will accomplish very little. Killing A LOT of terrorists will work better. And it'll sure give wanna-be terrorists something to think about, won't it?