Originally posted by Ken King
Nope, not quite yet anyway. I could repeat what most have said about the real fear, a do nothing President in office. That is how I see Kerry, more geared to debating an issue than taking action to prevent or respond. I also see it appropriate to gently remind folk of what took place on 9/11. Ignoring it would be a disservice to an issue that must be considered when selecting the next CINC. When attacked we must respond and thankfully we had a team in there that understood this. I'll be voting to extend their stay.
Just a dem shooting for the last word - which never seems to happen unless you are watching the democratic national debate.
Well now that thats out of the way I feel obligated to make a point. I think we need to get rid of the head of the CIA Mr. Tenant -- what good has he done?
1) There was 9/11 and still no Osama Bin Forgotten;
2) The anthrax mailer is still not caught;
3) We had snippers and they had us looking for a white guy in a white van;
4) He said we'd catch Saddam with WMDs they were all over the place (a whopping 4 stock piles from satelite images);
5) He told shrub Saddam was getting weapons from Nigeria; and
6) We still have no clue about the whole ricin scare.
Its freightening that he still maintains his position -- these are not just little mistakes folks. A few months ago it was mentioned on one of the political shows that he was still in office because he had "something" over the White House -- that was the only thing the political pundants could think of. Could it had been some 9/11 warnings that were ignored so they could continue their quest for oil in Iraq? Quite frankly I wasn't losing sleep over Saddam - it was Osama Bin Forgotten.
Then, only after catching Saddam, they send their speciality team that found Saddam to go look for Bin Forgotten. Why wasn't it the other way around.
In conclusion, I can name more where Tennet has not been up to speed on issues, but these are just the big issues that come to mind. Who would have appointed such a screw up?