



Guess what I just did....

I was at walmart and saw someone throw their butt in the parking lot instead of disposing of it in the ashtray provided at walmart. So after I got out of my car i took the big wad of bubble gum that I was chewing and carefully placed it on the ground where they were likely to step on it as they got in their car.



Set Trippin
Re: HA

Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Guess what I just did....

I was at walmart and saw someone throw their butt in the parking lot instead of disposing of it in the ashtray provided at walmart. So after I got out of my car i took the big wad of bubble gum that I was chewing and carefully placed it on the ground where they were likely to step on it as they got in their car.

real trailblazer...


Ill bet if they step in it they start #####ing about how people shouldnt just drop their gum anywhere.....everyone I ever seen step in gum starts #####ing about it.


Re: HA

Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Guess what I just did....

I was at walmart and saw someone throw their butt in the parking lot instead of disposing of it in the ashtray provided at walmart. So after I got out of my car i took the big wad of bubble gum that I was chewing and carefully placed it on the ground where they were likely to step on it as they got in their car.


"No need to be a jackass about it", indeed.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Ill bet if they step in it they start #####ing about how people shouldnt just drop their gum anywhere.....everyone I ever seen step in gum starts #####ing about it.

LMFAO... I am not sure they will get the point, but it is still silly.

(Would be funnier if you colored the gum black or something to match the pavement, hahaha.)

Nitro Witch

New Member
To answer the question of "why smokers dont just use their ash-trays?!!!!".....

Well, my car doesnt HAVE A USABLE ONE!!

My car manufacturer (I wont mention any names here) decided they would line their ash-trays with velvet and place a "Coin Tray" sign on the front of it.

So that leaves me with the option of aiming for the 1/2 inch opening of a soda can or bottle while driving down the road dodging deer, rodents, miatas, drunk drivers, teen-agers beating the snot out of mom's car etc. etc. etc.

It's safer for me to just toss them to the birds (I've seen a robin's nest lined with shredded filters).....and humans think Serta makes the perfect mattress :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Nitro Witch
It's safer for me to just toss them to the birds (I've seen a robin's nest lined with shredded filters).....and humans think Serta makes the perfect mattress
Look everyone! It's my new best friend!



throwing out a cig butt is the same as littering. with that said, i have been known to throw my gum out the window. but gum doesnt have a chance of starting a forest fire or landing in the crotch of my pants while i'm out riding (its happened before).


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by dustin
landing in the crotch of my pants while i'm out riding (its happened before).
So when you said your loins burned for me it was because you had a cigarette in your lap? :bawl:


Rocky Mountain High!!
That Butt tossing habit carries a 250.00 LITTERING fine!!
And he USES it... several of those a week make his paycheck! :cheers:


i solve this whole problem by poking holes in the bottom of my car's floor and letting the exhaust rise up through.

I don't even have to hold the cigarette this way.